My cat ate my SR325's!
Sep 23, 2005 at 3:14 AM Post #61 of 78

Originally Posted by BillyC
Why anyone would have a cat is beyond me though. I'm a dog person. All cats do is tolerate you, and I alway get the feeling that all they are doing is humouring me and waiting to do something evil.

They probably sense you don't like them. Cats can be as affectionate as dogs, it's just expressed in much more subtle ways. But of course, it's fair enough to like dogs and dislike cats (I like both, but prefer cats).

Originally Posted by Jon.
There you go, an eye for an eye, cat chews on your stuff, you chew on the cat.

Nope... an eye for an eye would mean: Cat chews on your stuff, you chew on the cat's stuff. BTW, could you post the video of you eating cat food, now THAT could be amusing...
Sep 23, 2005 at 3:52 AM Post #62 of 78

Originally Posted by Beagle
You sound like the type of sick individual who tortured animals when you were young (or maybe you are still young?). This must be the case as you see nothing wrong or offensive in what you posted.


The average person can make the difference between humor and reality. Perhaps you are one of those who believe that violent entertainment (be in movies, music etc.) would turn a non deranged person into a psycho-killer

If thats the case, we stand on the opposite side of an issue. This is actually one of my area of interest - I did a MSc dissertation on it. And though no study is truely "conclusive" thie study is one of many to suggest that violent entertainment, and by association humor, does not influence a person's social behaviour in a significant manner - of course, politicians, censor bodies, certain individual, and, to be fair, certain other studies may believe or suggest otherwise but we'll just have to agree to disagree here.

Plus, your reply suggests that you have not fully read what I previously posted. I said that jokes are fair play. Acting on it is quite another matter. I've already used the term "sick" to describe the act of animal cruelty so its kinda ironic that you'd try to label me with that (look it up, people who commits animal cruelty would -not- normally describe their actions and by association other people commiting those actions as "sick"). I believe in "Its funny until someone (people/animal) gets hurt", and I do leave out the "...then its funnier" bit of the phrase... except as a joke.

PS: If anyone still has issue on this.. Well, we can discuss it privately via PM. If you really must and want to put forth your arguments in public, well, I can do that too. I am just considering that the creator of this thread did not intend for his thread to be used in this manner.
Sep 23, 2005 at 4:28 AM Post #63 of 78

Originally Posted by gpalmer
Or have a sense of humor, ehh?

That's a heck of a jump from telling a rather harmless joke that would get by any TV or movie censor in the country without raising an eyebrow to accusations of torture. Personally I think the folks in this thread espousing censorship are more offensive...

I reread this thread and don't see any "folks in this thread espousing censorship."

Pointing out something is offensive is not the same as saying it should be censored.

You may not have been offended by the "joke" but I was. I pointed that out. Others did so too. No espousing of censorship occurred.
Sep 23, 2005 at 4:58 AM Post #64 of 78

Originally Posted by Elephas
You knew the "joke" would be offensive to some people yet you still posted.

Correct me if I misread this. But isn't that quote suggesting that I should effectively censor my comment? If not, then I will have to ask its purpose.
Sep 23, 2005 at 5:05 AM Post #65 of 78
people here should relax... I found his comments funny

On a side note, Dogs actually taste good where cats don't ( yes, I've tried them at a Chinese restaurant which served them ), so microwaving them for food might not be a good idea.

For another reason, the parts of an animals body that is most susceptible to microwave radiation are the stomach, intestines and bladder. These organs are sensitive to thermal damage from high levels of microwaves. So it'll be a mess you see.

On a seperate note, the testes are very sensitive to changes in temperature, since sperm can be formed only at temperatures lower than that of the body itself. Exposing them to thermal shock might halt reproductive functions. ermm.. cats. neuter.. microwave..ermm. nvm, I didn't type that
Sep 23, 2005 at 5:11 AM Post #66 of 78
That actually grossed me out a lil

I didn't go into half the description you did (even though there -is- a news that describes it =/ in a word "splash") and look at how some folks took it. I guess you won't be escaping retaliation with your post ^^;

I've heard some chinese eating dogs, I didn't know they also ate cat

You learn something everyday.
Sep 23, 2005 at 5:28 AM Post #68 of 78

Originally Posted by TooNice
That actually grossed me out a lil

I didn't go into half the description you did (even though there -is- a news that describes it =/ in a word "splash") and look at how some folks took it. I guess you won't be escaping retaliation with your post ^^;

I've heard some chinese eating dogs, I didn't know they also ate cat

You learn something everyday.

yeah, Chinese eats everything I think.

When I toured northern China last year, they brought us to this restaurant which had its one little farm of dogs at the back and they even let you chose the dog which you want to eat. The puppies were so cute... its just cruel.
Sep 23, 2005 at 5:41 AM Post #69 of 78

Originally Posted by exkgb
people here should relax... I found his comments funny

You found "cat... microwave" funny? For one thing, the old "joke" about putting (insert animal here) into a microwave is as old as the microwave oven... read 1970's. For another, it is definitely offensive in the mental image it conjures up, should somebody happen to think about it for a second. Anyone who might find that sort of image funny is probably extremely desensitized to violence, and (IMO) has a preadolescent sense of humor. Ooooh, blood and guts, cool!

P.S. I'm kinda sorry for mentioning it in the first place tho, although there's not too much hard subject matter here to derail it still was off-topic. Next time I'll PM in the first place instead of bringing it up on the thread.

Over & out...
Sep 23, 2005 at 5:56 AM Post #70 of 78
If that was the case I wouldn't go to any length to explain myself. Nor would I bother hinting it was a joke when I posted it with the "I didn't type that". I would simply have said [do not read further if you are easily offended]: [size=xx-small]"I say put the cat in the microwave @ 900W, and leave it in till its organs explode".[/size]

I have -already- watered down my line by putting just those two words. It has multiple purpose (I really dislike explaining those things, it defeats the purpose - and I find them self-explanatory):
1) Yes it is designed to let the person interprete the event without explicitly stating it (one form of humor).
2) I am sure you know what black humor is and what it evolves. Its not about happy-go-lucky things. Regarding the desensitization violence.. I consider there are two type of violence. Comedy violence (think movies, music, games) - yes I am pretty immune to those, no one gets hurt, its okay to laugh about it. Real violence (wars, stuff you find at ogrish). Those are nasty, gruesome and rather sad as it is real: a living being has clearly being hurt/killed in the event (its a line I don't normally cross). I prefer to separate those two entities, but I am starting to think that some people keep them together closer than I do (this is not a critic).

And finally, no I never claimed it was the joke of the century (stated this before). It was a quick joke. If it is as old as you state, then it shouldn't even bother you anymore frankly speaking.

It is a shame that you would rather label me as a "vilain" or "troll" instead of accepting that people have different style/sense of humor, and it does not make them a better or worse person [if anything -thats- offensive since it gets personal]. I judge people by their actions rather than words, personally (and even then I know it is not simple and there are bound to be exceptions).

Edit @ your edit: I never quite got the "I am too mature for this type humor" attitude. Still, I don't find all humor equally funny (although I do find most are), so I guess we will differ in this aspect too.
Sep 23, 2005 at 6:10 AM Post #71 of 78
Whether a humour is funny or disguisting, it is just a humour, probably not a nice one. Why not just laugh it out or blah and forget about it. Why so uptight with humours associating with gore, blood, violence? Folks at ogrish and other forums can take such things easily , why not you guys?
Sep 23, 2005 at 6:15 AM Post #72 of 78
why isn't it funny? sorry in the 70s I wasn't born yet. I find it funny because its not something that any sane person would do , think of doing; neither issit a right thing to do (abuse of animals). Statements like this is obviously not meant to be taken seriously. Therefore I find it even more funny how people take it so seriously and come up with all these reponses.

I also happen to major in biology and actually studied the effect of microwave on organic tissues ( no animals were harmed ) and its fun to see someone post about something that is (very remotely) related.

Edit: Yeah sorry about crapping the thread, if anyone has interests about my research or have issues with me, PM plz.
Sep 23, 2005 at 6:36 AM Post #73 of 78

Originally Posted by wakked1
Its coz the cat was jealous of all the time you were spending with them. Seriously! Hey, you wanted a cat, you got a cat...

My cat chewed up a pair of my Audioquest Lapis interconnects after our youngest son was born. Jealous, I think. The cat was never the same after Alex was born.
Sep 23, 2005 at 6:46 AM Post #74 of 78

Originally Posted by TooNice
I judge people by their actions rather than words, personally (and even then I know it is not simple and there are bound to be exceptions).

This is an Internet discussion forum, if you haven't noticed yet. There isn't much else to do here besides interact with others through words, and thereby judge them.

Regarding my post stating that you knew your "joke" was offensive yet still posted it, the implication was a suggestion that one refrains from posting offensive material.

I did not ask for mods or the forum administrator to step in and take action, whether to delete your "joke" or edit posts. That would be censorship.

Self-censorship always exists, in one form or another. There are many words I'm refraining from posting right now that I know will be offensive to you and others. There are some that are borderline in my view; I might think they are funny, but still refrain from posting them because I know others' have different sensibilities and are likely to be offended.

All I'm hoping for is some courtesy and consideration, although I don't expect it. If you have the right to post your "joke," I have the right to respond with my opinion, and will continue to do so.

This thread is in the Headphones forum. For some reason, I expected a slightly higher standard of dialogue on the Headphones forum as opposed to the Member's Lounge. It seems I was wrong.
Sep 23, 2005 at 6:59 AM Post #75 of 78
This is getting silly - lighten up a bit!
I love Cats (and Dogs - see avatar, passed away last Thursday week in my arms...I miss him) to bits, but the "joke" did raise a wry "gallows humour" sort of smile, as in what would I fantasize about doing to a cat of mine which chewed my cans...which doesn't stop me hating the guts of individuals who actually commit cruelty to animals - or humans for that matter.

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