My cat ate my SR325's!
Sep 22, 2005 at 5:59 AM Post #32 of 78

Originally Posted by TooNice
Anyway, your "tone" earlier left me the impression that you might be a cat/animal lover who did not like my post even though it was a joke. If it is just a matter of you not "getting" this kind of humor, well, I can't really help it, and the post just isn't for you. No problem there

Just because you intended it as a joke doesn't mean it's not offensive.

You knew the "joke" would be offensive to some people yet you still posted.

It's not just a matter of some people not "getting" this kind of humor. They read it, and were offended by it.

I read it, and wish I didn't.
Sep 22, 2005 at 6:01 AM Post #33 of 78

Originally Posted by gpalmer
Neither are you, but you just won't go away...

As far as the cord goes, should be an interesting hairball... Post pictures when you get a chance!

I didn't know members are required to be amusing, funny, or appealing in order to post.
Sep 22, 2005 at 6:04 AM Post #34 of 78

Originally Posted by Jon.
The cord chewed itself?

Stupid cats. At least a dog would only have peed on it.

Dogs also chew things, including cords. Apparently you think dogs only pee.
Sep 22, 2005 at 6:04 AM Post #35 of 78

Originally Posted by wwap
my gf fingernail was stuck in the 325i white net which covering the driver part from hair grattle when she changed the pad

she didn't bother to wait for me and just cut the net for the sake of her nail

I was so depressed at that time

anyone know how/where to get the similar white net?

She could've been in pain.
Sep 22, 2005 at 6:06 AM Post #36 of 78

Originally Posted by fewtch
Yeah, right...

I don't know why you felt the urge to post that, apparently you found some sort of humor in it. I guess I'll always find that sort of "humor" puzzling and a little disturbing. Otherwise, I'm a fairly light sorta guy.

P.S. no I'm not angry, upset, freaking out, whatever... just what I said above.

You don't have to be angry, upset or freaked out to question the offensiveness or inoffensiveness of a post.
Sep 22, 2005 at 6:07 AM Post #37 of 78

Originally Posted by RedLeader
that is grounds for dumping man, did she at least make it up to you?

And you're going to guarantee that he will find another girlfriend?
Sep 22, 2005 at 6:08 AM Post #38 of 78

Originally Posted by Elephas
You don't have to be angry, upset or freaked out to question the offensiveness or inoffensiveness of a post.

True. FWIW, I do find posts about animals & microwaves to be somewhat offensive (positive I'm not alone there).
Sep 22, 2005 at 6:15 AM Post #39 of 78

Originally Posted by fewtch
True. FWIW, I do find posts about animals & microwaves to be somewhat offensive (positive I'm not alone there).

This kind of humour , i often find them at forum
Sep 22, 2005 at 6:56 AM Post #40 of 78

Originally Posted by TooNice
In YOUR opinion

I'd say lighten up, but past experience has shown that it is not possible for some.

And, yes I did type those two words. You are the one to make the connection you did. I could very much have meant this . Of course, there would be no humor in that, but whatever

You knew your post was offensive, yet you posted it, and now tell people to lighten up?

Now you're making the pathetic excuse that it's the reader's fault for making the "connection."
Sep 22, 2005 at 7:28 AM Post #41 of 78

Originally Posted by wwap
my gf fingernail was stuck in the 325i white net which covering the driver part from hair grattle when she changed the pad

she didn't bother to wait for me and just cut the net for the sake of her nail

I was so depressed at that time

anyone know how/where to get the similar white net?


She must have been in a lot of pain to justify THAT!


Originally Posted by Elephas
And you're going to guarantee that he will find another girlfriend?

That's no reason to stay with your girlfriend.
Sep 22, 2005 at 8:34 AM Post #42 of 78
Wow. So many double posts. You even felt the need to quote me twice in two seperate posts. Ye know, the edit button is your friend (unless you are obsessed about post counts).


Originally Posted by Elephas
It's not just a matter of some people not "getting" this kind of humor. They read it, and were offended by it.

Actually, it is exactly the point. Someone who get it may or may not find it funny [I will admit it wasn't the joke of the century - it was a quick comment for cryin' out loud]. But someone who find it offensive and cannot look past that is someone who will not "get" this type of humor by definition. Here's a definition for ye (source: Wikipedia): "Black comedy, also known as black humor, is a subgenre of comedy and satire where topics and events normally treated seriously – death, mass murder, sickness, madness, terror, drug abuse, rape, etc. – are treated in a humorous or satirical manner".


Originally Posted by Elephas
You knew your post was offensive, yet you posted it, and now tell people to lighten up?

Now you're making the pathetic excuse that it's the reader's fault for making the "connection."

This type of humor is potentially be offensive. I do not feel it is. And yes, I do believe that anything goes when it comes to humor, except practical jokes that has the potential to injure people [and I also hope and assume that people here have enough sanity not to "cat + microwave"
and no, I have nothing specifically against cats]. I do feel that people who are offended by *words* explicitly meant to be taken as joke would benefit from lightening up (opinion - notice that in my earlier post I said "could"). Of course, people are free to do as they want (but you'd have one more thing to appreciate in life if you do), just like I feel that I have the right to make those jokes [unless there is an explicit rule against it].

There would be very little posting in forums if everyone worried that their posts would offend someone (hard to please everyone). It would be rather difficult to communicate if a joke and or an opinion can get people all emotional (and it happens anyway - doesn't stop people from posting it right?). There are negative opinions, those could be offend too ("I hate headphones X, they are too harsh to my ears" - guess what, some people like headphone X, and may be offended - is it wrong to post those too?).

Actually, I could be offended by your post and belittling attitude. What I call argument, you call it "pathetic excuse". I, at least will admit that my humor is not of everyone's taste - if you don't like it, well, I am only sorry to hear that, no more, no less. Oh yea, next time I will put a disclaimer [Do not read this if you are easily offended] so that people who do not wish to read this type of thing will skip over. I guess the "I didn't type this" didn't cover all the bases.

IMO, a compromise is the first step for people with differences to get along. You -could- say "Right, well, your style doesn't suit me, but whatever float your boat". But if you are the "I am right and you are wrong" type of person, then I guess all this will fall to deaf ears.
Sep 22, 2005 at 11:23 AM Post #43 of 78
Wow, didn't mean to trigger any bad feelings; I still like my cat (and my other cat, and my dog, too; wife's an animal lover)

I'll pay whatever it costs to get the others fixed. Took me forever to break in the Grado's, and to me they sound marvellous now.
Sep 22, 2005 at 11:48 AM Post #44 of 78
Sorry for this mess ^^;

I'll take future replies on this matter to PMs if necessary. It isn't in my interest or nor my intention to make myself "enemies" here, which is why I tried to put across my views through.
Sep 22, 2005 at 12:53 PM Post #45 of 78
I guess I am lucky - none of my dogs have ever done anything to my audio equipment, and my cat isn't in the least bit interested in any of it, either.


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