My cat ate my SR325's!
Sep 23, 2005 at 7:07 AM Post #76 of 78

This is an Internet discussion forum, if you haven't noticed yet

Funny you'd say that, it is usually my line

I genuinely believe I -was- considerate enough to keep my post in two words rather than going into a lengthy description (and at the same time, I felt it was enough to convey the meaning through - effectively killing two birds in one stone.. this expression is -not- meant to be "offensive"). Thats is as far as I am willing to compromise.

As a general rule, I avoid verbal attack on an poster. I may state the difference, and state that I have a different view. I will suggest to "lighten up" but I will not go "Geez, you are one boring old man, go get yourself a sense of humor".
That's what -I- consider courtesy. Still, I don't even expect that from everyone frankly speaking. If some folks want to flame me to bit, so be it (rather silly, but eh, never know). I won't even ask them to refrain from doing that, but rather ignore them if the comments have no basis.

It may not be my place to say so, but I am rather surprised that my comment had such an impact. As some others have pointed out, I actually consider it "mild" (PG-13 if that). But I guess mild for some is totally inappropriate for others eh?
Sep 23, 2005 at 7:17 AM Post #77 of 78

Guys, below is the original post by the thread starter. Let's see if we can get back on topic (whatever it is), or the thread will be closed. This is a headphone forum!

As Bugs Bunny would say, "what a bunch of maroons"...


Originally Posted by Randy_M
So, I go to put on my aluminum Grado's and one channel keeps cutting out. I look down and am horrified to see one of the 'y' wires hanging by a couple of strands of copper. ARRRGGGHHH! (picture of cat sitting there with a smug look on her face and a shred of insulation hanging from her lip).

Took me a whole day to find a dealer in this stupid area that would even touch headphones. Finally tracked him down and also brought my SR80's that has a short in the 1/8" plug.

Well the 325's have to go back to Brooklyn for a new wire job, and the guy attached a new plug on my 80's so I wouldn't have to use my kid's $13 street phones in the meantime.

One good thing is, I used the opportunity to get a really good deal on a pair of Sennheiser HD595's from Amazon for $169 (temporarily opened an Amazon visa card for a $30 discount). Methinks I'm going to use the Senn's for classical and jazz.

Please don't tell my wife about the new phones....I've got to get home early on Friday to get 'em before she sees.

Cheers and sorry about my wallet (wonder if I can sell the cat?)

Sep 23, 2005 at 7:43 AM Post #78 of 78
Cats love to eat tinsel from Xmas trees, but they don't like it when its hanging out of their bum. I get that mixed feeling, I feel bad for the poor cat and but I can't wipe the smirk off my face when shiny silver xmas tree thread is coming out of their rear end. Anyone wanna sell me a pair of DT770s?

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