MrSpeakers ETHER C Review / Announcement - A New Closed-Back Planar Magnetic Flagship from MrSpeakers

Aug 14, 2015 at 11:43 PM Post #31 of 4,813
mmmm.....oh me soooo horny just by looking  at the The Ether C(losed). Just contacted my dealer (who will soon be a Mr. Speakers dealer, he says). Reserved/pre-order ASAP.  This will make a fine addition to my favorite closed back HPs (TH 900, Denon AH5000/Lawton and the ATH W3000 ANV). I hope it is not hype but the real deal. I badly need a really, really good closed-back.
Aug 15, 2015 at 12:18 AM Post #32 of 4,813
  mmmm.....oh me soooo horny just by looking  at the The Ether C(losed). Just contacted my dealer (who will soon be a Mr. Speakers dealer, he says). Reserved/pre-order ASAP.  This will make a fine addition to my favorite closed back HPs (TH 900, Denon AH5000/Lawton and the ATH W3000 ANV). I hope it is not hype but the real deal. I badly need a really, really good closed-back.

 If you still own the TH 900 you have an excellent closed back already

Aug 15, 2015 at 12:29 AM Post #33 of 4,813
mmm......yes, I still have all of the above-mentiond HPs. But I want to own a TOTL Mr. Speakers . The Ether (Open) is out of the question since I already have the HE 1000 (easily my best headphones to date), so the Ether C seems a much better option for me. The Audeze LCD XC was on my list 2 years ago  but the weight issue is a deal-breaker (although I still have the LCD X for home use) specially for on-the-go listening (my primary focus in this hobby).
Aug 15, 2015 at 1:52 AM Post #35 of 4,813
mmm.....just wondering: will it be as good or better than the Ether (Open)? If so, will the market be flooded with pre-owned The Ether (Open) once the Ether C(losed) reach the retail channels???   
Aug 15, 2015 at 2:02 AM Post #36 of 4,813
  mmm.....just wondering: will it be as good or better than the Ether (Open)? If so, will the market be flooded with pre-owned The Ether (Open) once the Ether C(losed) reach the retail channels???   

From my personal sonic findings on the Ether, I would venture a possible personal yes as a close-back version of the Ether should probably add the exact sonic change I was hoping for! hahah... ymmv of course.
btw, I am willing to trade my basically new Ether (with balanced DUM cables) for the Ether-closed with whatever cable you like. PM me if you would be interested in setting up this type of deal.
edit: if no interest, I guess one lucky head-fier will be getting a discounted Ether with DUM cables soon. hahah
Aug 15, 2015 at 2:05 AM Post #37 of 4,813
im going to the schiiit show tomorrow, and ill bring my th900's for comparison. many photos too.
I hope theres like 8 of these there, because everyone is going to be on these.
Aug 15, 2015 at 2:09 AM Post #39 of 4,813
Can't wait to hear these tomorrow!!!

Aug 15, 2015 at 2:15 AM Post #40 of 4,813
I had a great experience at the SF Meet Up, where I was able to sequentially audition each of the Mr Speakers lineup all the way to the Ether. The sound signature stayed in the same vein all the way thru, till I put the (open back) Ether on. Then it was a whole new experience. I was shocked how light they were. I was expecting more weight, just by the look of them.
Aug 15, 2015 at 2:46 AM Post #41 of 4,813
Uh oh, now I'm going to have to judge between the open and closed. I'll probably go with the open, just cause I like the sound one gets from open cans, but if enough reviews can convince me, I might just order myself up the C. Sounds like Jude is impressed at least, though THAT doesn't take a lot. :p
Aug 15, 2015 at 2:48 AM Post #42 of 4,813
Black metallic Alpha Dogs next to black carbon fiber Ether C? Darth Vader approves! :) thank god I live in San Diego. I'm going to miss the Schiit show in LA but maybe Dan will let me swing by for a listen.
Aug 15, 2015 at 2:51 AM Post #43 of 4,813
Well then my bad, I assumed all his cans were modded T50RP's.

I still won't follow the hype train till I hear one myself. Granted I've not heard the Ether, but from a few people I know who have them, they say they are good.

meh get off your high horse.
Aug 15, 2015 at 3:10 AM Post #45 of 4,813
So I splurged and preordered the Ether C just now. I felt immediate regret for such an impulse buy...but not enough regret to cancel the order.
redface.gif regrets, no surrender. no receipt, no exchange. no i.d., no entry.
  From my personal sonic findings on the Ether, I would venture a possible personal yes as a close-back version of the Ether should probably add the exact sonic change I was hoping for! hahah... ymmv of course.
btw, I am willing to trade my basically new Ether (with balanced DUM cables) for the Ether-closed with whatever cable you like. PM me if you would be interested in setting up this type of deal.
edit: if no interest, I guess one lucky head-fier will be getting a discounted Ether with DUM cables soon. hahah

mmm.....not *just* yet. I hope the Ether C is NOT to the Ether (Open) as the Audeze EL 8 (Closed) is to the EL 8 (Open).  

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