MrSpeakers Electrostatic Prototype Listening Impressions

Mar 15, 2018 at 9:52 PM Post #706 of 937
Impressions on MrSpeakers VOCE

First of all. This is a wonderful electrostatic headphone. PERIOD.

If you don’t have much time to read the entire thing, you can stop right here.

Please forgive me not to post the photos. I will take some on the weekends.

The amp I am using is KG high voltage Grounded Grid. The detailed setup is in my signature.

What does the whole package include?
1) VOCE with the cable on it. (cable is removable.)
2) 3 filters (similar to AEON flow, but different materials. I will go into details later about the filters)
3) A complimentary tool to remove the screw and a soft cloth.
4) It should come with a display box, which will be sent in two weeks.

At first, I was struggling how to give a clear impression of the bass, midrange, and treble like everybody else. But I think it is still a subjective thing. Since different people have different taste and listen to different types of music, I eventually decided to post this impression based on the comparison among VOCE, SR-009, and SR-007MK1. It will be much clearer for those people who own these headphones. It also benefits the people who have listened to these headphones so that they can understand what I am talking about.

If you are searching for the comparison between 009 and 007MK1, please go to Stax thread. I posted something a few months ago.

Okay. Let’s get started.

VOCE vs SR009:

In short, it feels like “concert” vs “studio”.

At the very beginning, when I listened to VOCE, I felt it is an okay headphone which lost some of the details. But I was wrong. After a careful comparison, it is the difference of tonality. VOCE has a larger driver and deeper pads than 009 so the music becomes a bit further from me instead of closer to my face. This feeling will make me think the details are missing. It is like somebody talks to me 10 feet from me and 1 foot from me. Everything is the same, but it gives different feelings. So I am pretty sure I am not losing the details. Based on the same reason, I felt I am actually getting a slightly better imaging and stage. The soundstage of VOCE has similar height and width to 009. But the depth is clearly deeper on VOCE. I have drawn this picture to illustrate the soundstage when I am listening to the same playlist. Hence, I feel VOCE has a concert feeling presentation like I am an audience in the crowd. 009 has a studio feeling presentation like I am an album producer to do an analytical listening.

009 vs VOCE.png

The bass on VOCE has great extension and quantity. The tonality is closer to the planar magnetic headphones. Nothing is exaggerated. Normally, I like the video of launching the SpaceX to test the bass on the headphone. The video is attached. It looks cool and, more importantly, sounds awesome. After 45s the rocket launched, the rocket should reach the supersonic speed. On 009, I can feel the rocket is almost exploding. Some oxidation sparks can be heard from 009. But VOCE gives a more accurate sound. I personally feel more realistic since I have watched the launch of a rocket in person a few years ago. In conclusion, compared to 009, the upper bass on VOCE is more neutral. I would give the edge to VOCE on the bass.

The midrange is awesome on both VOCE and 009. I have heard both male and female vocals. I personally prefer VOCE on male vocal and 009 on female vocal. On VOCE, upper bass flows into the lower mids that transition into the middle midrange with unmatched cohesion. On 009, it is still pretty revealing of recordings mixed too hot in the upper mids.

The treble is the biggest difference here. The treble on 009 is unmatched. I have found few headphones can compete with 009. 009 has the most transparent, most resolving, and most focused treble. VOCE, on the other hand, is more balanced and has a decent extension.

One thing I need to mention is the sensitivity of both headphones. I normally turn my volume pot by a quarter on 009. But, on VOCE, I need to turn to almost half to provide enough juice to VOCE.

In the end, it always comes down to the personal preference. My best bet is comparing both headphones by yourself and choosing the one you like. Or keeping both like me.

VOCE vs 007MK1:

The smoothness and the rich tonality of 007 MK1 always have a special connection to me. It always draws me into music I listen to and lets me forget I am wearing a pair of headphones. VOCE is like a chameleon. It is more versatile. It can do a very decent job to watch movies, play games, and stream HIFI music from Tidal.

The main difference here is the midrange. I think people who own the 007MK1 will understand what I am talking about. This headphone is unique because of its uncomparable midrange presentation, organic and liquid. VOCE is just more neutral.

Tonality ranking:

Warm side Bright side
007MK1 < VOCE < 009

This is just a simple comparison. It does not mean 009 is too bright or 007 is too warm.

VOCE has more bass quantity. But 007MK1 also has quality bass. The treble on VOCE is more transparent and has more air.

Overall, VOCE is like a combination of 009 and 007MK1 with some delicate EQ.

Finally, FILTERS!

There are 3 filters included. The materials in the parathesis () are the things I am guessing based on looking and touching those. Please correct me if I am wrong @mrspeakers .

I did not spend a lot of time trying these filters. I will just leave some of the notes I wrote.

Thick foam filter: (Polyurethane foams)

I can feel the male vocal (upper bass) has less presence. The high frequency is attenuated.

Thin black filter: (Synthetic felt)

I feel it is a damping material. The saxophone will sound less realistic when using this filter.

White filter: (Polyester fiber)

The high frequency is less so that it feels like the bass is enhanced. The filter itself is really thin. So I feel it has less effect than the black foam.


I feel VOCE earns its place in the market of high-end electrostatic headphones. Although I cannot say VOCE is superior to any Stax headphones, it can be a strong competitor to challenge the Stax. The neutral but musical presentation from VOCE gives it versatility and possibilities. Therefore, I have more options each time I choose one headphone from my collections and enjoy the rest of evening. But I know I will probably intuitively choose VOCE when I have no idea which specific one I want to choose. Considering the current market filling with many headphones over $3K, VOCE will probably be a good example to draw many enthusiasts into the electrostatic world.
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Mar 16, 2018 at 1:16 AM Post #707 of 937
Thanks so much for taking the time to share your impressions, and glad you enjoy them!
Dan Clark Audio Make every day a fun day filled with music and friendship! Stay updated on Dan Clark Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
@funCANS MrSpeakers
Mar 16, 2018 at 9:42 AM Post #708 of 937
Man, If I wasn't going on a trip for work I might have taken you up on the no box offer. But it works out to wait a little bit longer...nice that you offered it up though. :beerchug: That beer is WAY too small. Ah well i'm more of a hard liquor man anyway.
Hummm, I wonder who introduced you to the Nikka Whisky???
Moon Audio Stay updated on Moon Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Mar 16, 2018 at 12:27 PM Post #709 of 937
Excellent impressions! I agree about 009

The treble on 009 is unmatched. I have found few headphones can compete with 009. 009 has the most transparent, most resolving, and most focused treble. VOCE, on the other hand, is more balanced and has a decent extension

This is one of the personal preferences that I absolutely adore from 009.

From @bearwarrior impression, Voce seems to be a good upgrade for people who loves 007 MKI and shy away from 009 trebles ?
Mar 16, 2018 at 12:46 PM Post #710 of 937
Excellent impressions! I agree about 009

The treble on 009 is unmatched. I have found few headphones can compete with 009. 009 has the most transparent, most resolving, and most focused treble. VOCE, on the other hand, is more balanced and has a decent extension

This is one of the personal preferences that I absolutely adore from 009.

From @bearwarrior impression, Voce seems to be a good upgrade for people who loves 007 MKI and shy away from 009 trebles ?

Yeah. If you like 009, that is good. It is a unique headphone.

I would not like to consider VOCE is an upgrade from 007MK1. Like I said before, 007MK1 still nails the midrange and sub-bass. I personally like live Jazz and male/female vocals. For a relaxed and warm afternoon, I always go to 007MK1. The relaxed and liquid sound is always the good reason.

VOCE is just much balanced, which can be my new reference headphone. YMMV.
Mar 16, 2018 at 1:07 PM Post #711 of 937
Yeah. If you like 009, that is good. It is a unique headphone.

I would not like to consider VOCE is an upgrade from 007MK1. Like I said before, 007MK1 still nails the midrange and sub-bass. I personally like live Jazz and male/female vocals. For a relaxed and warm afternoon, I always go to 007MK1. The relaxed and liquid sound is always the good reason.

VOCE is just much balanced, which can be my new reference headphone. YMMV.

I find the VOCE high frequency presentation substantially more palletable to my ears over the 009 and 007 mk 1. I reach ear fatigue faster on the STAX than I do with the VOCE
The Source AV TSAVJason Stay updated on The Source AV at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Mar 16, 2018 at 4:56 PM Post #712 of 937
Impressions on MrSpeakers VOCE

First of all. This is a wonderful electrostatic headphone. PERIOD.

If you don’t have much time to read the entire thing, you can stop right here.

Please forgive me not to post the photos. I will take some on the weekends.

The amp I am using is KG high voltage Grounded Grid. The detailed setup is in my signature.

What does the whole package include?
1) VOCE with the cable on it. (cable is removable.)
2) 3 filters (similar to AEON flow, but different materials. I will go into details later about the filters)
3) A complimentary tool to remove the screw and a soft cloth.
4) It should come with a display box, which will be sent in two weeks.

At first, I was struggling how to give a clear impression of the bass, midrange, and treble like everybody else. But I think it is still a subjective thing. Since different people have different taste and listen to different types of music, I eventually decided to post this impression based on the comparison among VOCE, SR-009, and SR-007MK1. It will be much clearer for those people who own these headphones. It also benefits the people who have listened to these headphones so that they can understand what I am talking about.

If you are searching for the comparison between 009 and 007MK1, please go to Stax thread. I posted something a few months ago.

Okay. Let’s get started.

VOCE vs SR009:

In short, it feels like “concert” vs “studio”.

At the very beginning, when I listened to VOCE, I felt it is an okay headphone which lost some of the details. But I was wrong. After a careful comparison, it is the difference of tonality. VOCE has a larger driver and deeper pads than 009 so the music becomes a bit further from me instead of closer to my face. This feeling will make me think the details are missing. It is like somebody talks to me 10 feet from me and 1 foot from me. Everything is the same, but it gives different feelings. So I am pretty sure I am not losing the details. Based on the same reason, I felt I am actually getting a slightly better imaging and stage. The soundstage of VOCE has similar height and width to 009. But the depth is clearly deeper on VOCE. I have drawn this picture to illustrate the soundstage when I am listening to the same playlist. Hence, I feel VOCE has a concert feeling presentation like I am an audience in the crowd. 009 has a studio feeling presentation like I am an album producer to do an analytical listening.

The bass on VOCE has great extension and quantity. The tonality is closer to the planar magnetic headphones. Nothing is exaggerated. Normally, I like the video of launching the SpaceX to test the bass on the headphone. The video is attached. It looks cool and, more importantly, sounds awesome. After 45s the rocket launched, the rocket should reach the supersonic speed. On 009, I can feel the rocket is almost exploding. Some oxidation sparks can be heard from 009. But VOCE gives a more accurate sound. I personally feel more realistic since I have watched the launch of a rocket in person a few years ago. In conclusion, compared to 009, the upper bass on VOCE is more neutral. I would give the edge to VOCE on the bass.

The midrange is awesome on both VOCE and 009. I have heard both male and female vocals. I personally prefer VOCE on male vocal and 009 on female vocal. On VOCE, upper bass flows into the lower mids that transition into the middle midrange with unmatched cohesion. On 009, it is still pretty revealing of recordings mixed too hot in the upper mids.

The treble is the biggest difference here. The treble on 009 is unmatched. I have found few headphones can compete with 009. 009 has the most transparent, most resolving, and most focused treble. VOCE, on the other hand, is more balanced and has a decent extension.

One thing I need to mention is the sensitivity of both headphones. I normally turn my volume pot by a quarter on 009. But, on VOCE, I need to turn to almost half to provide enough juice to VOCE.

In the end, it always comes down to the personal preference. My best bet is comparing both headphones by yourself and choosing the one you like. Or keeping both like me.

VOCE vs 007MK1:

The smoothness and the rich tonality of 007 MK1 always have a special connection to me. It always draws me into music I listen to and lets me forget I am wearing a pair of headphones. VOCE is like a chameleon. It is more versatile. It can do a very decent job to watch movies, play games, and stream HIFI music from Tidal.

The main difference here is the midrange. I think people who own the 007MK1 will understand what I am talking about. This headphone is unique because of its uncomparable midrange presentation, organic and liquid. VOCE is just more neutral.

Tonality ranking:

Warm side Bright side
007MK1 < VOCE < 009

This is just a simple comparison. It does not mean 009 is too bright or 007 is too warm.

VOCE has more bass quantity. But 007MK1 also has quality bass. The treble on VOCE is more transparent and has more air.

Overall, VOCE is like a combination of 009 and 007MK1 with some delicate EQ.

Finally, FILTERS!

There are 3 filters included. The materials in the parathesis () are the things I am guessing based on looking and touching those. Please correct me if I am wrong @mrspeakers .

I did not spend a lot of time trying these filters. I will just leave some of the notes I wrote.

Thick foam filter: (Polyurethane foams)

I can feel the male vocal (upper bass) has less presence. The high frequency is attenuated.

Thin black filter: (Synthetic felt)

I feel it is a damping material. The saxophone will sound less realistic when using this filter.

White filter: (Polyester fiber)

The high frequency is less so that it feels like the bass is enhanced. The filter itself is really thin. So I feel it has less effect than the black foam.


I feel VOCE earns its place in the market of high-end electrostatic headphones. Although I cannot say VOCE is superior to any Stax headphones, it can be a strong competitor to challenge the Stax. The neutral but musical presentation from VOCE gives it versatility and possibilities. Therefore, I have more options each time I choose one headphone from my collections and enjoy the rest of evening. But I know I will probably intuitively choose VOCE when I have no idea which specific one I want to choose. Considering the current market filling with many headphones over $3K, VOCE will probably be a good example to draw many enthusiasts into the electrostatic world.

A great comparative review, with lots of detailed information
Mar 17, 2018 at 10:56 AM Post #717 of 937
Yes, not only that. Stax made the cables the way that it is for different reasons

1/ Ribbon designs are maximized for comfortability/flexibility minimize the capacitance of the cables, which is very important for ES as there are 560-580V flying through the wires.

2/ Not removable because regardless of what you do. Plugging and unplugging after so many times will leave the surface with different grooves and micro damages. Enough damages and you will experiences distortions or channel imbalances. Stax SR-009 has channel imbalances from cracked or slightly lose solder joins. There are reports that people reflow the solder joins and cured the problems.

And probably more reasons that I don’t even know :frowning2:. The one thing I am so sure of is that to criticize Stax and how they make headphones is foolish.
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Mar 17, 2018 at 11:40 AM Post #718 of 937
Come on now @Whitigir, we know STAX has build issues and STAX isn’t all that consumer friendly. Doesn’t make the headphone bad but it certainly not like a MrSpeakers that updates and communicates with the enthusiast community often.

As for the cables, the round wrapped removable cable on the MrSpeakers is a good indicator that MrSpeakers listens to the community and is concerned with delivering product that meets a wider group of enthusiast criteria. As to whether or not the cable is better, you judge. Being that we can’t cable swap with STAX, it’s difficilt to determine if one is better than than another in Electrostatic Headphone cables.
The Source AV TSAVJason Stay updated on The Source AV at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Mar 17, 2018 at 11:57 AM Post #720 of 937
The one thing I am so sure of is that to criticize Stax and how they make headphones is foolish.

Give us a break. I love my 009s and BHSE, but STAX headphone construction is not beyond criticism. I had my cable fail and it cost me hundreds of dollars and many many emails to STAX to get it fixed. And lets not forget that there used to be channel imbalance issues on new/nearly new 009s reported regularly.

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