Most overrated musicians?
Aug 3, 2006 at 5:43 PM Post #106 of 216

Originally Posted by bsdlite
Basically anything that your average high school/college preppy girl or jock guy would listen to.

QFT. Most of the stuff these kinds of people listen to is crap.
Aug 3, 2006 at 7:20 PM Post #107 of 216

Originally Posted by Cousin Patty
QFT. Most of the stuff these kinds of people listen to is crap.

YES! It wouldn't be so bad if they just listened to it, but I can't even count how many times I would walk out into the parking lot after school and some a-hole would be blaring his "Limp Bizkit" "Chocolate Starfish" (aka: the guy at the recording studio taught me how to swear, but didn't tell me that this mic was turned on) with his 40,000 watt amp and huge quantities of crappy bass with his car doors open. Free advertising for those bands, I suppose. Pop music is the pinnacle of "overrated" for the high school demographic.

I'm not bitter though.
Aug 4, 2006 at 4:48 AM Post #108 of 216

Originally Posted by falang
I'm refering to Oprah and Big Bird's Holly Jolly Christmas album. Way over produced. Too much synth and drum machine...not enough soul.

ooh come ON. i'm sure there are tons of overrated musican and you put somebody who's not a professional musican on the list? and also based on one christmas album? not to talk about the soul part.
Aug 4, 2006 at 6:42 AM Post #109 of 216
mahler: what no 808 machine?

jay-z : more lyrical. i prefer west coast/ southern rap tailored for clubs that make you wanna dance and bob your head.

pink floyd : whopdie do, i can make sounds while drugged out.

paul oakenfold : look at me i can hold records in the air and make the crowd scream.
Aug 4, 2006 at 8:04 AM Post #112 of 216

Originally Posted by judgedanny
Kanye West

Seriously. What's this guy's deal? Also, I'm not positive I can refer to him as a "musician".
Aug 4, 2006 at 10:47 AM Post #113 of 216
It's my turn to jump into the fray. I'll stay away from the obvious choices, such as Limp Bizkit, and I won't even touch the guitarist debate (I'd be better off calling people's mothers overweight).

Nirvana: Kurt Cobain was a good lyricist, and Dave Grohl's a good drummer, but that's it. These guys were not the saviors of music. They were not great. They were not good. They were just the poppier side of the grunge scene, nothing more.
Pink Floyd: Whenever I can't sleep, I put on Dark Side of the Moon and fall asleep within 20 minutes.
System of a Down: They just suck at music. There's too much of a pseudo-intellectual/progressive side to their song writing, which really derails a couple songs that have the potential to be good (examples: B.Y.O.B., Deer Dance, Psycho).
Nine Inch Nails: Same thing as Nirvana, except without a good drummer. Their albums, or should I say Trent Reznor's albums, sound like a compilation of various songs from Wax Trax.
Aug 4, 2006 at 2:39 PM Post #114 of 216

Originally Posted by bonethugz
ooh come ON. i'm sure there are tons of overrated musican and you put somebody who's not a professional musican on the list? and also based on one christmas album? not to talk about the soul part.

Sometimes my humor doesn't come off well in type. I was just kidding about Oprah. To my knowledge she has never released a CD before.

However, I am still not a fan of her growing empire and her ambition to rule the world.
Aug 4, 2006 at 6:30 PM Post #115 of 216

Originally Posted by Ingo
Seriously. What's this guy's deal? Also, I'm not positive I can refer to him as a "musician".

Yea neither can I. That's why i was hesistant about listing him. Then again, he's the only person that comes to mind when I hear the word 'overrated'.
Aug 20, 2006 at 6:13 AM Post #116 of 216
im going to do my overrated lists under genre

classic rock
-bruce sprinsteen
-the who (some great songs, but most of their stuff isnt good)
-neil young
-u2 (kind of like the who, great songs, but they just all sound exactly the same

hard rock
-most of that 80's harband stuff sucks, by sucks im mean SUCKS

-alot of it is junk, but there are some good songs. Lose Yourself is a classic. nothing gets adrenaline flowing like that song

-pop is a genre that means the music wont stay around for long anyways...
-greenday (old stuff was fun but this new crap sucks)
-all of this mirah carrey crap (sp.) and female vocals with piano in the backrond. i mean this stuff really sucks. if you wanna hear singing accompanied by piano listen to bohemian rhapsody
real singing***

i can see why you say jiimi hendrix is overrated as title of greatest ever, but he is still very good. very ahead of his time. very unique. probably the MOST TALENTED guitarist. cant say who is the best though if not him

not all metal is crap. dream theater is great from a msuical standpoint regardless of whether you like the sound. but this new metal isnt very good i must say

clapton is definitly overrated. his music just isnt that good. blues + white guy dont mix for me
Aug 20, 2006 at 6:35 AM Post #117 of 216
Radio Head
Nine Inch Nails
Smashing Pumpkins
Red Hot Chilli Peppers
Sigur Ros

Those are just a few off the top of my head.

Generally every musician or band is over rated. There are very few exceptions. Even some of my favorite bands I consider over rated.
Aug 21, 2006 at 7:13 AM Post #120 of 216
My brief list:

John Frusciante (RHCP)- I like his music, but he is far from a technical player. Most of his stuff is fairly basic rhythm guitar, fits the RHCP well, but is not complicated

Hendrix- Same thing, love the music, but he honestly wasn't that good. I read an article that said that he treated music as one huge jam session, which is certainly a viable way to go about creating music, but it leads to lack of refinement quite often. Sloppy playing can be quite distracting if you're looking for it.

Kirk Hammet- A large portion of his solo licks are the same. A huge amount of pentatonic stuff, which isn't bad, but he doesn't branch out from his groove. I LOVE Metallica. One of my favorite bands of all time, but he is not that good of a guitarist.

Umm... that's all I can think of for now, of the musicians (guitarists, I suppose) that I've heard called amazingly talented, but IMHO, don't hold a candle to the true greats in my book, such as John Petrucci (Dream Theater, Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, Eric Johnson, Yngwie Malmsteen, Paul Gilbert, and many others. Technique wise, these guys are king. I dislike quite a bit of their music, but there's no denying their talent.

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