Monoprice Monolith M1060 and M560 Planar Headphones
Mar 4, 2017 at 9:47 PM Post #1,516 of 8,052
Very very good sounding 

Mar 4, 2017 at 9:54 PM Post #1,518 of 8,052
Been listening to these for a hours now...
The loose left connector gets worse and worse.  
These sounds pretty great though.  If I can get a pair without this connection issue, life would be good.  The warranty is going to come in handy.  
Definitely a step up from other headphones in the price range and something I'd be willing to put up with the QC issues as long as I eventually get a set in my hands that get rid of those issues.  
FWIW - as I put more use into them...I'm not noticing any loss of vocals when I'm listening to high quality tracks from my personal collection or Tidal tracks.  Spotify tracks...yeah, a little bit recessed.
Mar 4, 2017 at 10:07 PM Post #1,520 of 8,052
I'm listening to these cans at absolutely irresponsible volume levels but i don't give a damn they sound sooooo good 
Mar 5, 2017 at 12:39 AM Post #1,522 of 8,052
  I'm listening to these cans at absolutely irresponsible volume levels but i don't give a damn they sound sooooo good 

I've been doing the same thing for the past 10 hours or so and I have to agree with what you said. I'm very impressed with these cans so far. For me, the all day comfort is great as well. Zero fatigue.
Mar 5, 2017 at 1:22 AM Post #1,523 of 8,052
Well, I have some bad and sad news to report with my otherwise awesome M1060's. I was listening to a track and I heard a strange "light" snap/click on the left side. I knew it wasn't part of the track but I played that section of the track again just to confirm. I immediately took off the cans to investigate that snap and the wood formed a hairline crack halfway across the wood at the bottom of where the frame attaches to it on the back side where the pads are thicker. I have been very careful with them and haven't put any stress on them at all. I'll have to contact Monoprice to get a replacement pair once they are back in stock.

By the way, I'm up in north central Pennsylvania where it's currently extremely dry.

Mar 5, 2017 at 1:29 AM Post #1,524 of 8,052
I personally think that the quality control issues are being a bit overblown, at least for units that have come defective, that isn't to say that the 1060 will actually hold up for the full 5 years. I personally have had no issues with my pair. I think that those who have had defects are speaking louder than those of us who are just lurking in the thread and havn't had any issues. If I had bad connectors i would be the first one to say so in this thread, but since my pair is fine I haven't said anything.
Second: I haven't seen this posted, but for all of you looking for a decent balanced cable, fiio makes this silver one for like 30 dollars and it's got prime shipping. You will just have to get an xlr adapter unless you plan on using trrs. At the least it is a quick and relatively cheap solution and probably better than the stock cable.
Mar 5, 2017 at 1:36 AM Post #1,525 of 8,052
  I personally think that the quality control issues are being a bit overblown, at least for units that have come defective, that isn't to say that the 1060 will actually hold up for the full 5 years. I personally have had no issues with my pair. I think that those who have had defects are speaking louder than those of us who are just lurking in the thread and havn't had any issues. If I had bad connectors i would be the first one to say so in this thread, but since my pair is fine I haven't said anything.
Second: I haven't seen this posted, but for all of you looking for a decent balanced cable, fiio makes this silver one for like 30 dollars and it's got prime shipping. You will just have to get an xlr adapter unless you plan on using trrs. At the least it is a quick and relatively cheap solution and probably better than the stock cable.

I don't think so. Only 500 were produced on this initial run and already we are hearing about all these defects. I'm pretty sure the headband is going to give out on a large percentage of headphones in the near future so of the first 500 made I predict an unacceptably large amount will end up being RMA'd. 
Mar 5, 2017 at 1:38 AM Post #1,526 of 8,052
So I had a listen to the Valhalla 2 with the M1060.  Surprisingly not bad!  Compared to Jot, there isn't as much impact or clarity, transients aren't as snappy.  There is a better sound stage depth and 3D presentation with Valhalla 2.  Sounds seem to float in space better instead of placed across a curved wall.  Bass doesn't hit as hard but that's to be expected.  If you want a more speaker like presentation and enjoy tubes, Valhalla 2 is a great choice and works quite well with M1060.  
Mar 5, 2017 at 1:52 AM Post #1,527 of 8,052
In regards to the HD6xx, the bass extends deeper and more visceral with the M1060.  The mids in the HD6xx is a bit recessed, but mids in the M1060 is right there, in full glory.  Vocals, especially females, are lush and warm.  SRV's Strat sounds thick and heavy in Texas Flood, and that's a good thing.  SRV uses heavy gauge strings, tuned half step down, like Hendrix, for that fat sound, and the M1060 really brings it out.  The highs are a bit of a wash, but the nod goes to the Monoprice as well.

Hmm, that's the first time I hear someone describing the mids on the HD6XX as recessed. I thought all the HD6xx siblings where generally considered to be really mid centric. I've only heard the HD600 (auditioned) and HD650 (own) and certainly wouldn't call the midrange recessed on either. I'd guess that the M1060 is VERY mid forward then.....

I personally think that the quality control issues are being a bit overblown, at least for units that have come defective, that isn't to say that the 1060 will actually hold up for the full 5 years. I personally have had no issues with my pair. I think that those who have had defects are speaking louder than those of us who are just lurking in the thread and havn't had any issues. If I had bad connectors i would be the first one to say so in this thread, but since my pair is fine I haven't said anything.

Lol, this makes me think of the Trinity Audio thread: a lot of qc issues but people not having them refuses to acknowledge that they exist.....

Edit: anyway, I've learned my lesson from my Trinity experience (it never happens to me, right :wink:) and all the reports of qc issues with the M1060 just makes the too big of a risk for me to import them over here.
Mar 5, 2017 at 2:12 AM Post #1,528 of 8,052
Lol, this makes me think of the Trinity Audio thread: a lot of qc issues but people not having them refuses to acknowledge that they exist.....

Wait a second, I'm not refusing to acknowledge the issues, I just think that often times the people who aren't satisfied with something speak louder than those who aren't. Honestly it seems like there are serious qc problems, not just in this thread but in some other places people are acting like it is a coin toss whether your m1060 will work or not. I think 2/100 units being defective is unacceptable qc, especially on a 300 dollar product, therefore monoprice needs to change something. I just think think that some people are exaggerating the risk level. I don't think that the problems are quite as bad as some people are saying. From the number of complaints I've seen so far, my guess is there is a defect rate of less than 25 percent. And while that isn't in any way acceptable, it isn't quite a coin toss either. Also, monoprice is willing to replace any of these defective products, so that is very nice, and also many people's problems are the connector issue which can be solved with tweasers.
Mar 5, 2017 at 2:21 AM Post #1,529 of 8,052
I just did a quick search of the thread and I counted 6 users that reported having the cracked ear cup. Now, I have no way of knowing how many of the M1060 buyers are on Head-Fi following this thread (I haven't bought one) so that's largely useless data on its own. But it makes me wonder if geographic location has an effect on the cracking because I'm assuming they are cracking because on humidity differences and most places in China are pretty humid.
Can any owners that have the cracking problem weigh in on their local climate?
I live in the south-west most corner of Utah where it is ridiculously dry. So I'm thinking that if I buy the M1060 the cracking is going to inevitable rather than avoidable, no matter how many times it's RMA'd. It really makes me wish they had used something other than wood for the cups.
Mar 5, 2017 at 2:26 AM Post #1,530 of 8,052
Hmm, that's the first time I hear someone describing the mids on the HD6XX as recessed. I thought all the HD6xx siblings where generally considered to be really mid centric. I've only heard the HD600 (auditioned) and HD650 (own) and certainly wouldn't call the midrange recessed on either. I'd guess that the M1060 is VERY mid forward then.....

Lol, this makes me think of the Trinity Audio thread: a lot of qc issues but people not having them refuses to acknowledge that they exist.....

Edit: anyway, I've learned my lesson from my Trinity experience (it never happens to me, right
) and all the reports of qc issues with the M1060 just makes the too big of a risk for me to import them over here.

I can tell you the mids are not forward on the M1060.  Other cans with more forward mids are HD600, HD650, HE-6, DT880.  There are some nulls and peaks in the frequency response in the vocal range that make the "mids" seem forward and weird.  FYI, this is eliminated with Audeze vegan pads.

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