Monitor Audio Owners?
Mar 1, 2008 at 10:17 PM Post #16 of 62

Originally Posted by gotchaforce /img/forum/go_quote.gif
damn those are friggin sweet.. im jealous

what speaker cables are those?? neotechs or something??


They are Calabrine cables all around. The build quality is very nice and they sound pretty damned good to me. I am not a big believer in spending a load on cables. These speaker cables were around $140 or so with discount.
Mar 1, 2008 at 10:35 PM Post #17 of 62
oh yeah i remember viewing their website once.. theyre definitely very nice looking for the price. did you buy them online or from the dealer (is there an online discount i dont know about..?)
Mar 2, 2008 at 12:50 AM Post #18 of 62

Originally Posted by gotchaforce /img/forum/go_quote.gif
oh yeah i remember viewing their website once.. theyre definitely very nice looking for the price. did you buy them online or from the dealer (is there an online discount i dont know about..?)

I bought them directly from the website. Hint: Do you belong to Avs forums?
Mar 2, 2008 at 2:14 AM Post #19 of 62

Originally Posted by darkninja67 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I bought them directly from the website. Hint: Do you belong to Avs forums?

yes but im not finding anything with the search function...
Mar 2, 2008 at 1:25 PM Post #20 of 62

Originally Posted by gotchaforce /img/forum/go_quote.gif
yes but im not finding anything with the search function...

go to the main forum page and look on the ads on the right. There is a link with a coupon for 10% off for Avs members.

The Golds sound so good. Pulled a ton of hours at work this week and decided to relax with some Opeth (Damnation).
Mar 3, 2008 at 12:42 PM Post #21 of 62

Originally Posted by darkninja67 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
go to the main forum page and look on the ads on the right. There is a link with a coupon for 10% off for Avs members.

The Golds sound so good. Pulled a ton of hours at work this week and decided to relax with some Opeth (Damnation).

woops was browsing with adblock on.. thanks
Mar 30, 2008 at 8:42 PM Post #22 of 62
Great thread! I'm very interested in buying a MA bookshelf myself, but I'm in doubt about which one would be ideal for me: the RS1 or the BR2? My room is rather small (10 m2) and my favorite music is Jazz (especially with small combo's). But from time to time I listen to some Pop and Rock too, so the speakers need to be pretty all-round. Is the RS1 worth the extra money? There are two things that might be a problem with the RS1: some people find the RS1 too bright (which can cause listening fatigue) and I don't know if the rear bass-port would be ideal in my room (cause I can't take more than 30 to 40 cm distance to the back-wall). That's why I am thinking that the BR2 could possibly be the best solution for me, even though the looks and buildquality is far inferior to the RS1. Who can help me making the right decision? TIA
Apr 1, 2008 at 8:31 PM Post #23 of 62

Originally Posted by Cosmic Fool /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Great thread! I'm very interested in buying a MA bookshelf myself, but I'm in doubt about which one would be ideal for me: the RS1 or the BR2? My room is rather small (10 m2) and my favorite music is Jazz (especially with small combo's). But from time to time I listen to some Pop and Rock too, so the speakers need to be pretty all-round. Is the RS1 worth the extra money? There are two things that might be a problem with the RS1: some people find the RS1 too bright (which can cause listening fatigue) and I don't know if the rear bass-port would be ideal in my room (cause I can't take more than 30 to 40 cm distance to the back-wall). That's why I am thinking that the BR2 could possibly be the best solution for me, even though the looks and buildquality is far inferior to the RS1. Who can help me making the right decision? TIA

I would go with the RS1 as it is just a better speaker all around. Yeah you pay more but it is a better model line.
I always thought of MA speakers being bright but once I actually listened to them that opinion faded fast.

As for placement, I believe MA supplies the RS1 with a port "bung" or plug for near wall placement as well.

All the components are better on the RS series. Real wood veneer, a true C-CAM woofer and better build quality.

Can you swing a GS1? That would be even better but then you are really pushing the price envelope.
Apr 5, 2008 at 2:59 AM Post #24 of 62
I just purchased a used pair of MA-303's for $170. Is that a good deal? It seems so to me, at least sound-wise. I've used Paradigm Titans for years, only to be banished to Bose Hell because my wife thinks the Titan's are "too big". Sheesh. So, they went to a friends house who has had them so long, I couldn't bring myself to ask for them back. Enter Craigslist. I think I struck Gold.

I'm building a 300 sqft. studio (I'm a sculptor) and am setting up a dedicated two speaker system with my older Onkyo receiver, Onkyo CD player, & Toshiba 40gb Gigabeat (rockbox OS). I'm pretty excited seeing as how this will give me an opportunity to enjoy these speakers 8 hours a day. I was worried about buying the speakers sight-unseen, especially since reviews are very hard to find. However, as soon as I got home and plugged them in, well, I was blown away.

Even using the lowliest speaker wire and interconnects (new ones on the way), they sounded richer, deeper, and crisper than anything I've ever owned. Timing is spot-on. Honestly, I never heard of Monitor Audio prior to coming across that ad, seems like they are England's best-kept secret over here. I would definitely describe their sound as warm. I was concerned about my Onkyo 60watt receiver not being able to drive them well, especially in the bass-dept, but I am please to say the bass is more than ample. No sub needed. I am a violist and have shared the "bass side" of the orchestra for 20 years now with the cellists beside me and bassists behind me. It takes a lot of bass to satisfy my needs.
These speakers really deliver without sacrificing the delicate upper-registers of the orchestra. I've also found the soundstage for acoustic music is quite large, and they handle rock and new age music without breaking a sweat.

Anyone else own the 303's? What do you think about them? How do they compare to their more modern counterparts - the BR5, RS6, or the GS20? I'm curious of their "status" back in their day (circa 1990-95)
Specifically, were they MA's entry-level floorstanding speaker, or something more?

Ok, I feel better now. Now make me feel even better about my purchase...
Apr 6, 2008 at 10:45 AM Post #25 of 62
A BR5 in walnut owner here. Absolutely love them. They have exactly the sound signature I love, and I don't even get the best of them with my Pioneer amp (the Marantz amp I heard matched so much better with the BR5's). My room is pretty small, so an upgrade to the RS series would be a waste of money at the moment.
Apr 10, 2008 at 10:33 PM Post #26 of 62

Originally Posted by darkninja67 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I would go with the RS1 as it is just a better speaker all around. Yeah you pay more but it is a better model line.
I always thought of MA speakers being bright but once I actually listened to them that opinion faded fast.

As for placement, I believe MA supplies the RS1 with a port "bung" or plug for near wall placement as well.

All the components are better on the RS series. Real wood veneer, a true C-CAM woofer and better build quality.

Can you swing a GS1? That would be even better but then you are really pushing the price envelope.

Thanks for the reply! A GS10 - I suppose you just forgot the zero - is unfortunately too expensive. I will buy an Arcam Solo Mini first and then I will try them with the RS 1's. I will give the Dynaudio Audience 42's a listen too as I heard great things about them.
Apr 11, 2008 at 12:18 AM Post #27 of 62

Originally Posted by Cosmic Fool /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Thanks for the reply! A GS10 - I suppose you just forgot the zero - is unfortunately too expensive. I will buy an Arcam Solo Mini first and then I will try them with the RS 1's. I will give the Dynaudio Audience 42's a listen too as I heard great things about them.

Yeah I think I was posting in the beer thread that day.

The RS-1 should be a nice speaker too. I plan on doing a full RS home theater oneday soon.

Definitely check out the huge AVS thread in the speaker forum for MA speakers.
Apr 11, 2008 at 8:33 AM Post #28 of 62

Originally Posted by darkninja67 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Yeah I think I was posting in the beer thread that day.

The RS-1 should be a nice speaker too. I plan on doing a full RS home theater oneday soon.

Definitely check out the huge AVS thread in the speaker forum for MA speakers.

I knew I have seen your nickname before. FYI, my nick over there is 'Audiofoolius'. See you around!
Apr 11, 2008 at 12:03 PM Post #29 of 62

Originally Posted by Cosmic Fool /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I knew I have seen your nickname before. FYI, my nick over there is 'Audiofoolius'. See you around!

Yeah my name is on a ton of forums. I tend to get around.

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