Modifying WM1Z/A
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Sep 27, 2020 at 7:16 PM Post #2,971 of 3,042
Looks like we now have Mark SuckerBerg from LameBook and his "Team" closing threads and censoring what was one of the best threads around here....

No, what you have is a few administrators (myself included) who are trying to sort through what happened. There a lot of pages in at least two threads (that I'm aware of), and this came to a head on a Friday, just before the weekend. I locked the other thread as it was becoming all about moderating decisions, and, like it or not, we don't usually debate moderating decisions on the forums.
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Sep 27, 2020 at 8:17 PM Post #2,972 of 3,042
While I understand the feelings that everyone has. I do sincerely hope to keep this thread on topic and as the way that it is. Please do not lock it up or (be a reason for it) Because I, and others who were putting in both Time and Financing efforts to make this thread happens, in order to help people enjoy their Walkman better, and further benefitS the community toward our pure enthusiasm.

I would love to remind everyone that the latest contribution for our thread is the Battery modifications on the WM1 Walkman series by @Nayparm , or Steve. This player, if modified with this battery that Steve was selflessly and gladly be sharing with us, do make it the only player on the market at this moment, to be able to continuously be operating for 50 hours. It is remarkable!
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Sep 27, 2020 at 8:17 PM Post #2,973 of 3,042
it was becoming all about moderating decisions, and, like it or not, we don't usually debate moderating decisions on the forums.

The thread only became about moderating decisions AFTER indiscriminate moderation was running rampant... Of course no one will ever know the full story at this point due to so many posts being deleted without warning.




Sep 27, 2020 at 8:19 PM Post #2,974 of 3,042
The universe it seems has a minimum resolution, nothing is visible beyond that, no matter the equipment.
It's like they are all ghost particles, and do not really exist.

I think :)...

When you said that it made me think of dead pixels on a screen 😛
Sep 27, 2020 at 8:25 PM Post #2,975 of 3,042
The thread only became about moderating decisions AFTER indiscriminate moderation was running rampant... Of course no one will ever know the full story at this point due to so many posts being deleted without warning.





Again, this all came to the attention of the administrators (myself included) on Friday. And this is a multi-faceted discussion, covering many pages, and even more posts. Accusations of design-copying, accusations of sponsor-protecting (yet no sponsors are involved), non-sponsor member of the trade rules in effect, etc., etc., etc.

Going into a weekend, availability can be tight, especially with so much to review. One of the administrators is on vacation, I am working on a presentation that is due (now) for the upcoming HBK (Hottinger Brüel & Kjær) product physics conference, and we just need time to look things over.

Step by step, I'm contacting some of the people involved for further clarification, among other things.

I understand some people are upset, and we're doing what we can here to review it all.

Any further discussion about moderating will be deleted.
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Sep 27, 2020 at 8:29 PM Post #2,976 of 3,042
I would love to remind everyone that the latest contribution for our thread is the Battery modifications on the WM1 Walkman series by @Nayparm , or Steve. This player, if modified with this battery that Steve was selflessly and gladly be sharing with us, do make it the only player on the market at this moment, to be able to continuously be operating for 50 hours. It is remarkable!

Well, yes, @Nayparm always shared technical details about his mods, details that can be used by anyone - like what battery did he choose to use, and that he's using the original Sony battery circuit board together with the bigger capacity battery.

His accomplishments are remarkable, and I hope I'll learn to use a soldering iron one day, and do my own hardware mods, especially as clean as he's doing them! ✨
Sep 27, 2020 at 10:20 PM Post #2,977 of 3,042
While I understand the feelings that everyone has. I do sincerely hope to keep this thread on topic and as the way that it is. Please do not lock it up or (be a reason for it) Because I, and others who were putting in both Time and Financing efforts to make this thread happens, in order to help people enjoy their Walkman better, and further benefitS the community toward our pure enthusiasm.
Yes, couldn't agree more.
I hope I'll learn to use a soldering iron one day, and do my own hardware mods, especially as clean as he's doing them! ✨
Do it! 😁
Sep 28, 2020 at 5:02 AM Post #2,978 of 3,042
Hello WM1/Z Lovers out there :gs1000smile:

i received my WM1A today (used one) and i read a lot about hardware and firmware mods. First i want to start with a custom firmware and later with the hardware mod. This morning i saw that the custom firmwares from MrWalkman are not available anylonger.

Does anyone still have the firmware mods and can please provide it to me? That would be awesome and i would be very grateful.

Beside of that are there any other good firmware mods for the WM1A out there?

Thanks for you help and many greetings
Sep 28, 2020 at 12:28 PM Post #2,979 of 3,042
Hello WM1/Z Lovers out there :gs1000smile:

i received my WM1A today (used one) and i read a lot about hardware and firmware mods. First i want to start with a custom firmware and later with the hardware mod. This morning i saw that the custom firmwares from MrWalkman are not available anylonger.

Does anyone still have the firmware mods and can please provide it to me? That would be awesome and i would be very grateful.

Beside of that are there any other good firmware mods for the WM1A out there?

Thanks for you help and many greetings

Current (and future) firmware mods will be available shortly on my blog.
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Sep 28, 2020 at 12:54 PM Post #2,981 of 3,042
Excellent idea. Good luck, I don't have a WM1A (maybe one day), but have followed your work and this is a great solution.

Even just an A45/A55 will sound awesome. That could be an option if you don't need the 4.4 output, and you don't have hard to drive headphones. @AlexCBSN can give you a hint of what his A45 sounds like with a mod that will be released soon.
Sep 28, 2020 at 1:03 PM Post #2,982 of 3,042
Even just an A45/A55 will sound awesome. That could be an option if you don't need the 4.4 output, and you don't have hard to drive headphones. @AlexCBSN can give you a hint of what his A45 sounds like with a mod that will be released soon.

I'm currently content with the Fiio M11 alon with the XBA-Z5, and 4.4 is needed - my next player will be a non android and I think the 1A will be an excellent idea, but other toys are in the priority list, so putting off for a while....
Sep 28, 2020 at 2:08 PM Post #2,983 of 3,042
Excellent idea. Good luck, I don't have a WM1A (maybe one day), but have followed your work and this is a great solution.
@MrWalkman is THE reason I am thinking hard about buying a WM-1A, even though I'm a Mac-only user currently (and have been for years). Hopefully we'll know how to continue following his work after all the....*stuff*....that has gone on here over the weekend.
Sep 28, 2020 at 2:10 PM Post #2,984 of 3,042
@MrWalkman is THE reason I am thinking hard about buying a WM-1A, even though I'm a Mac-only user currently (and have been for years). Hopefully we'll know how to continue following his work after all the....*stuff*....that has gone on here over the weekend.

If you want to go on the safe route, find a used A55, and PM me. After hearing what that cheap player can do, you can make your decision about the WM1A :)
Sep 28, 2020 at 2:55 PM Post #2,985 of 3,042
I'm currently content with the Fiio M11...
The Fiio is a solid upper mid-tier DAP that punches well above others...
Very nice as I had it and compared to others, before I settled on the Sony.

So wise move it is then, is to "not" listen to the Sony, or else you will regret...

IMO, the Sony has recently been elevated (hardware & firmware mods) in performance, to be in an totally untouchable level of portable performance, compared to any rival...

And there in lies the crutz of the "problem".
How can Sony outdo such a masterpiece???
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