Mid Fi - General chat for all discussions and general chat a Thread for all.
Apr 12, 2024 at 10:45 AM Post #77 of 712
Porta Pros are unironically very good lol. I use them for work.
They are still very good, Porta Pro is what got me into headphones as a teen.
If I count up all the Porta Pro and the siblings kphXX it must be over 10 units I have now, some in stock form and some modded.

Just the other day used the KPH40 with R8 II, sounded awesome playing some metal 😁
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Apr 12, 2024 at 10:56 AM Post #78 of 712
If someone asks about a mid fi IEM on the WC they are likely to be overlooked or pointed elsewhere because that isn’t what the regular guys there are interested in. That person might take offence because they entered into conversation within the context of the thread description but got ignored or pointed elsewhere.

Define “Mid-Fi”?
If you completely missed it there was several discussions on the CCA CRA ($35) IEMs, and the Raptgo Hook X ($250 or so).

Naturally there’s some snob factor because some people will feel that a “lesser” priced IEM will offer less, but some are fully sensible about the diminishing returns and diminishing value. Anyway there’s a pretty wide variety of stuff between $30 CCA on the discovery thread and the typical TOTL stuff so I hope this thread splits the difference.
Apr 12, 2024 at 10:59 AM Post #79 of 712
But, yes...$200-$1000 would be much more appropriate if you ask me for a midsection...hmm, but no one is asking me :ksc75smile:
Personally I consider "mid fi" to occupy the sub $2k space, so like $500 - $2k.
I agree with the $500 to $2k and under estimation for mid-fi.
Dang, people. I think this is why folks have such a hard time with these price brackets. For both over-ears and IEMs, I'd put mid-fi squarely in the $200-$500 range. Anything higher, and I'd be taking out a bank loan!
Apr 12, 2024 at 11:16 AM Post #80 of 712
As with most things in this hobby, I think mid-fi is ultimately subjective, personal, and fluid. There will probably be some consensus over time, depending on who participates.
Apr 12, 2024 at 11:27 AM Post #82 of 712
My attempt to find great midfi iems and sources and have good natured chat with like minded enthusiasts.
My interpretation of Midfi is a broad classification.
I see it as above ultra budget and below summitfi
Others may want to set their own interpretation

The rules are there are no rules just be kind and accepting of others opinions.

I'm an avid collector of all things midfi and having visited the heady heights of the summit fi groups want to encourage discussion on generally affordable options on the market.

Input is encouraged for all levels of audiophile users to help spread the knowledge we have all gained in this rabbit hole.
Picture for attention,
The Alpha Omega RA from a boutique brand from Malaysia

Alpha Omega RA-1 - Copy.jpg

Great initiative! This tread should fit many many of the board members!
Apr 12, 2024 at 11:44 AM Post #84 of 712
So here's the problem as I see it: this thread exists solely to provide segmentation and differentiation based on price.

The spirit of The Discovery Thread -- which was started a long time ago, when good IEMs were fewer and farther between -- was to find the diamonds in the rough. That's still the case. The only difference is that, as IEMs have improved across the board, The Discovery Thread has evolved to focus more on exceptional performers that also represent exceptional values.

The spirit of The Watercooler Thread was to shift the focus to performance exclusively, regardless of price. Not surprisingly, this often results in discussion of IEMs that tend to be more expensive than most. And yes, this often means summit-fi flagships and not much else.

However, in the case of both of those threads, an IEM's performance is both central and critical. An IEM that does not perform won't be discussed much in Discovery, no matter how cheap it is. Likewise, an IEM that does not perform exceptionally, will be completely ignored in Watercooler. Let me put it this way... if I were to use the terms lo-fi, mid-fi and hi-fi, I think most people would understand those to be descriptors of performance or quality... and not price. But here, mid-fi isn't so much an indicator of how an IEM performs, but rather how much it costs?

For example, looking at the first post, we can see that the only qualification for discussion here is a price bracket. And from the subsequent posts, apparently even that fluctuates from person to person. This seems to imply that this thread exists to provide economic stratification.

So it's mainly a socioeconomic thing then
So here's the problem as I see it: this thread exists solely to provide segmentation and differentiation based on price.

The spirit of The Discovery Thread -- which was started a long time ago, when good IEMs were fewer and farther between -- was to find the diamonds in the rough. That's still the case. The only difference is that, as IEMs have improved across the board, The Discovery Thread has evolved to focus more on exceptional performers that also represent exceptional values.

The spirit of The Watercooler Thread was to shift the focus to performance exclusively, regardless of price. Not surprisingly, this often results in discussion of IEMs that tend to be more expensive than most. And yes, this often means summit-fi flagships and not much else.

However, in the case of both of those threads, an IEM's performance is both central and critical. An IEM that does not perform won't be discussed much in Discovery, no matter how cheap it is. Likewise, an IEM that does not perform exceptionally, will be completely ignored in Watercooler. Let me put it this way... if I were to use the terms lo-fi, mid-fi and hi-fi, I think most people would understand those to be descriptors of performance or quality... and not price. But here, mid-fi isn't so much an indicator of how an IEM performs, but rather how much it costs?

For example, looking at the first post, we can see that the only qualification for discussion here is a price bracket. And from the subsequent posts, apparently even that fluctuates from person to person. This seems to imply that this thread exists to provide economic stratification.

So it's mainly a socioeconomic thing then?
Well if this thread was based solely on segmentation and differentiation then everybody that would post on this thread would be posting and only posting the names of the iems and daps within the price segments only . You also talk about excitional values , would that not be segmentation ? Is that based on price being a lower cost then the mega buck iems and what about the spirt of the Watercooler thread ? You talk about it was to shift focus on performance or quality but in reality I find it a little different in practice compared to the spirt you talk about . Think about it , there are more reasons for people to come together on thease threads then just for the spirit for the sake of spirits sake . I think people want to feel that they can belong to something much bigger then themselves , I think people like to express themselves to other poeple who share simular interests such as the same iems which happen to fall in the same price bracket and also the performance value of said iems to name a few examples . So in the end there is some segmentation and differention to a degree but it is not solely this and I do not think there is nothing wrong with that .
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Apr 12, 2024 at 11:55 AM Post #85 of 712
Well if this thread was based solely on segmentation and differentiation then everybody that would post on this thread would be posting and only posting the names of the iems and daps within the price segments only.

This has been addressed by changes to the first post, and any segmentation based on hard pricing has now been removed.
Apr 12, 2024 at 12:19 PM Post #88 of 712
One of my recent audio highlights, zmf bokeh. The natural progression of the classic HD650 in my opinion
I might be able to demo these in an upcoming tour in a group I'm part of. Excited to try some more full sized cans. Haven't heard many since I went all iems a year ago.
Apr 12, 2024 at 12:29 PM Post #90 of 712
To get the conversation flowing, what are your top mid-fi sets right now?

My personal list:
Symphonium Titan, Nightjar Singularity, U4s, IER-Z1R, Symphonium Crimson
I have a Softears Volume that is simultaneously my most expensive iem, my only midfi set, and my favorite iem to date. I have it paired with the Hakugei Healer 4.4mm cable and I love the combination.

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