MICROZOTL2 Tube Headphone Amp and preamp: a breakthrough device
Nov 18, 2015 at 10:41 PM Post #526 of 2,609

                     |   << Pretend those two lines are an arrow pointing upwards......Power supply is right above them with umbilical coming out and then plugging into the back of the amplifier.  There's a small thing on top of it.
           Power supply is on the left in the picture, on doctorjazz's right. It has some little thing on top of it.  That should give you an idea of the umbilical's length also.

Perfect picture, looks like a big laptop power brick. The amp is looking good, way better than the pictures on the sellers website,
Nov 18, 2015 at 10:43 PM Post #527 of 2,609
That's a Pono on top of the power supply...if you know the Pono, that should give some idea of the relative sizes. I was using the Pono line out into the ZOTL, driving my HEK, which I use at home all the time.
Nov 18, 2015 at 10:45 PM Post #528 of 2,609
Ask jamato8 about tube rolling. Personally I have no intention whatsoever of adding that to the mix.  Sounds like a nuisance to me.  But he's more adept at that sort of thing. 

Sure, I also found old thread on the original version tube rolling.
Nov 18, 2015 at 11:34 PM Post #529 of 2,609

                     |   << Pretend those two lines are an arrow pointing upwards......Power supply is right above them with umbilical coming out and then plugging into the back of the amplifier.  There's a small thing on top of it.
           Power supply is on the left in the picture, on doctorjazz's right. It has some little thing on top of it.  That should give you an idea of the umbilical's length also.

Perfect picture, looks like a big laptop power brick. The amp is looking good, way better than the pictures on the sellers website,

BTW, where did you get that devilishly handsome model?

Nov 19, 2015 at 11:25 PM Post #531 of 2,609

My Z arrives next Wednesday. Ive been using a Crack with my HD600, but am thinking of getting some Enigmacoustic phones with the Crack won't run. My plan was to build a Sex but Im going to give the Z a listen. I wish I had a Sex available to compare. Maybe I can find someone in San Diego with a sex I can listen.  Don't imagine anyone here has heard them both
Nov 21, 2015 at 11:00 AM Post #532 of 2,609
I'll try to answer the questions asked and write more thoughts on sonics this weekend or in the coming days...  my 3 year old brought home another super virus from the cesspool of germs we call daycare.... so it's been days of 104 degree fevers, no sleeping at all at night, and someone being permanently attached to Daddy 24/7....  now it's rubbed off on me a bit... not a lot of time for listening nor really feeling up to it anyways... so things have been playing 24/7 breaking in...  will be back asap with more thoughts...
Nov 21, 2015 at 1:48 PM Post #533 of 2,609
Anyone compared it with zana deux se or woo audio22? I was debating between zana and wa22 and mzotl2 came out..
Nov 25, 2015 at 7:49 PM Post #534 of 2,609
this is a new very interesting review of the ZOTL :

Nov 25, 2015 at 7:58 PM Post #536 of 2,609
No, but it is a different take on the ZOTL, which I've now read reviews of in use as a headphone amp, speaker amp (The Audiophiliac on CNET), and now, as a preamp. Pretty cool, I'd say.
Nov 25, 2015 at 8:00 PM Post #537 of 2,609
Not much meat on those bones for headfi listeners in that review.  

the meat are : this guy love the Pre-amplification function.... It is interesting .... and he prefer speakers but begin to love headphone with the zotl.... it seems interesting...if not what are interesting? i am curious of all review of the ZOTL because i want one ...there is not much meat perhaps ...but crush the bones and  you will discover the marrow...
Nov 25, 2015 at 8:07 PM Post #538 of 2,609
A fair amount of microZOTL2 customers purchase it intending only to use it as a preamp. Once the ZOTL10 and 40 are in full production and getting a little more time in the lights, you'll no doubt be reading more takes on how it performs that function (not to spoil anything, but those who have commented say it does it really well).  
Nov 25, 2015 at 8:10 PM Post #539 of 2,609
  A fair amount of microZOTL2 customers purchase it intending only to use it as a preamp. Once the ZOTL10 and 40 are in full production and getting a little more time in the lights, you'll no doubt be reading more takes on how it performs that function (not to spoil anything, but those who have commented say it does it really well).  

I'd be interested in trying it as a headphone amp then seeing how it was as a preamp.  
Nov 25, 2015 at 8:13 PM Post #540 of 2,609
I'd be interested in trying it as a headphone amp then seeing how it was as a preamp.  

one thing does not annihilate the other possibilities and for instruction if an amp is marvellous in pre-amp function and if this amp is an headphone amp my question is : will it be a bad headphone amp ?
the answer is no brainer function....and i am like you primarily interesting to it for my headphone...

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