MICROZOTL2 Tube Headphone Amp and preamp: a breakthrough device
Oct 2, 2015 at 11:52 AM Post #421 of 2,609
So here's a question...LH Labs is having a "sale", they changed enclosures on sine of their Pulse series, and are selling some in the old enclosure at a decent discount (can look it up later, using my phone right now). Does anyone know if it would be a good match for the ZOTL? (not that I can buy ANYTHING now, on a strict gear -free diet...unless someone wants to buy my HE-560 or Koss ESP-950...:smiley: )

I'd be cautious with the LH Labs gear.  I have personal experience with their quality control.  I had issues with their psu and Geek Pulse dac.  If you want pm me and I'll elaborate.  And just an fyi, they're always have special sales.  Their core business skill seems to be overhyping their products.   I'd be much more inclined to get the Mojo or the Uptone units.  I also wouldn't expect the value of these units to fall off the face of the earth like the LH stuff.
Oct 2, 2015 at 1:37 PM Post #422 of 2,609
So here's a question...LH Labs is having a "sale", they changed enclosures on sine of their Pulse series, and are selling some in the old enclosure at a decent discount (can look it up later, using my phone right now). Does anyone know if it would be a good match for the ZOTL? (not that I can buy ANYTHING now, on a strict gear -free diet...unless someone wants to buy my HE-560 or Koss ESP-950...:smiley: )

I'd be cautious with the LH Labs gear.  I have personal experience with their quality control.  I had issues with their psu and Geek Pulse dac.  If you want pm me and I'll elaborate.  And just an fyi, they're always have special sales.  Their core business skill seems to be overhyping their products.   I'd be much more inclined to get the Mojo or the Uptone units.  I also wouldn't expect the value of these units to fall off the face of the earth like the LH stuff.

Thanks, I'm already in too deeply with LH Labs, hopefully perform well when I get the stuff, but point well taken, shouldn't get in any further than the deep hole I'm in :frown:

I have a Geek Out Special Edition, btw, I think it is a great sounding little unit (but, all the Geek Out units did have volume issues when they were initially released). Use it often line out into the ZOTL2, HEK headphones, really great sound.
The Uptown unit seems a bit more flexible than the Mojo (different outputs available on 1 unit), but I'm sure they're both great units from what I've read. And, I'm still on that gear-free diet.
Oct 2, 2015 at 2:39 PM Post #423 of 2,609
Thanks, I'm already in too deeply with LH Labs, hopefully perform well when I get the stuff, but point well taken, shouldn't get in any further than the deep hole I'm in

I have a Geek Out Special Edition, btw, I think it is a great sounding little unit (but, all the Geek Out units did have volume issues when they were initially released). Use it often line out into the ZOTL2, HEK headphones, really great sound.
The Uptown unit seems a bit more flexible than the Mojo (different outputs available on 1 unit), but I'm sure they're both great units from what I've read. And, I'm still on that gear-free diet.

My issue isn't the sound quality.  It's their quality control.  They need to focus more on getting their products to market, quality control, and less on marketing.
Oct 2, 2015 at 2:49 PM Post #424 of 2,609
Thanks, I'm already in too deeply with LH Labs, hopefully perform well when I get the stuff, but point well taken, shouldn't get in any further than the deep hole I'm in :frowning2:

I have a Geek Out Special Edition, btw, I think it is a great sounding little unit (but, all the Geek Out units did have volume issues when they were initially released). Use it often line out into the ZOTL2, HEK headphones, really great sound.

The Uptown unit seems a bit more flexible than the Mojo (different outputs available on 1 unit), but I'm sure they're both great units from what I've read. And, I'm still on that gear-free diet.

My issue isn't the sound quality.  It's their quality control.  They need to focus more on getting their products to market, quality control, and less on marketing.

Amen, brother!!!!!
Oct 2, 2015 at 9:57 PM Post #426 of 2,609
Really, cool to see this reborn. The original was a great amp. Especially the ugly, brown one.

please would you write some more past detailed impressions of the first microzotl ?

Oct 2, 2015 at 10:05 PM Post #427 of 2,609
please would you write some more past detailed impressions of the first microzotl ?:popcorn:

It was about tenish years ago at a Head-Fi meet I had at the house. Someone brought the Microzotl, Grado SR200s and Kimber KCAGs. I just remember everything sounding just right. Tried some HD600s and remember them sounding good too. I tried buying the SR200s, he wouldn't sell. I've used Kimbers since.
Oct 4, 2015 at 12:42 AM Post #428 of 2,609

 With the MICROZOTL2 the specs states 4-ohm load: 1W, 1% THD, with 14-ohm load: 0.5W, 1% THD most of my headphones are 50 ohms or greater meaning far lest than 500mw for headphones? Why stop at 14 ohms?

Oct 4, 2015 at 10:09 AM Post #429 of 2,609
I was reading a review of this headphone amp on Enjoy the Music & I came across a comment from the manufacturer that I got a hearty laugh from.

He commented that he believed the sound he was able to achieve was due in part to the fact that no multi-function parts were being used ! ( He,he.. Some of us have known this since the days of "Professor Peabody &
his boy Sherman"; There may be too many Shermans running around who weren't paying attention)
Oct 7, 2015 at 7:51 PM Post #430 of 2,609
I am getting some wonderful sound with the Pioneer Master Series 1 as they have finally broken in running with the micro. They take 600 or more hours, more like 800. They get very dry sounding for around 150 hours or more, not enjoyable and that is after 500 hours. I love the tune of these phones and they improve with the Whiplash TWau but this amp, with the Hugo and the Pioneer are a real joy. 
Oct 9, 2015 at 7:44 PM Post #431 of 2,609

ZOTL10 Power Amplifier

10 watts per channel with little or no hum
Blah blah blah........
Locking headphone jack w/ silver contacts
Blah blah blah........
Urban HiFi says this is now available to order for 2400 dollars.  If my calculations are correct, its power output of 10 WPC is TEN TIMES that of the MicroZOTL 2 at 1 WPC.  (Mark Schneider told me that the headphone jack gets the full 10 watts of output.)
I wonder how it sounds with headphones........
Oct 9, 2015 at 8:02 PM Post #433 of 2,609
  Does the ZOTL10 even comes with a case?

Yes.  I talked just now with Mark Schneider, who returned my phone call. 
Oct 9, 2015 at 8:16 PM Post #434 of 2,609
i am very interested by the ZOTL10 but is there a difference to run a planar headphone with that instead of the microzotl ? And is 10 watts plenty enough for the minnie maggies?
For sceptic people who does not  know planars headphone first hand ...more power is more better....i had learn that the difficult way.... ( my wallet) The excellent Ember headphone amp ( 400 hundred with adapter and tube) is not in the same league than my receiver (100 dollars) i dont trust now anybody who said that planars can be driven by a cellular phone or cheap headphone amp  etc...Planars needs POWER and reserve current...
Oct 10, 2015 at 10:19 AM Post #435 of 2,609
  i am very interested by the ZOTL10 but is there a difference to run a planar headphone with that instead of the microzotl ?

I have no idea.  One would SUSPECT there should be some difference in a positive direction, but high end audio doesn't always work that way.  Certain product lines often have magic performers within a line that are better than the others, and they don't always fall at the highest price point.  In other words, for a given line of loudspeakers, the most expensive model may not be the best sounding.  I can think of several examples of this.  Here's one example: Way back in the 1980s, Denon's top of the line headphone was the AH-D700.  It sold for $120 (a lot of money for a headphone at that time).  Then they made an "upgraded" model with a titanium tweeter (or something in the headphone that was "titanium"), and this model was priced at $140.  It was called the AH-D900.  It sounded significantly worse (to me, anyway) because of the exaggerated and now somewhat harsh high end.
So although I suspect it will sound better, there's no way to know without hearing it for myself in a direct A/B with the MicroZOTL 2.  Even if it's better, it would have to be a lot better for me to want to switch from the MicroZOTL 2.  I remain very satisfied with the MZ 2, and I don't think there's very much room for improvement, but who knows?

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