Meze EMPYREAN - the First Isodynamic Hybrid Array Headphone
Jun 27, 2019 at 5:55 PM Post #4,081 of 13,037
i owned the empyreans and sold them...i liked them but IMHO they pale in comparison to the abyss TC or the susvara....but of course they are a fair bit cheaper...this is not an indictment of the empyrean as much as praise for the susvara and abyss
Even though I own none of these I do believe the pales in comparison is way too strong a statement. I directly compared the Empyrean to the Susvara and while I love the Susvara, if I had to choose one headphone would choose the Empy’s all day over the Susvara. It is a lot better balanced. As for the Abyss, those are love them or hate them headphones, after hearing didn’t like them especially for their price. They have many issues too if you read the threads here and other forums. I would try them again but not sure I will like them much better.
Jun 27, 2019 at 6:06 PM Post #4,082 of 13,037
since i own the susvara and abyss tc and owned the empyrean i am speaking from first hand experience not what some people say as you suggest....with proper amplification both the abyss and susvara are simply better but that is not an indictment of the empyreans
Jun 27, 2019 at 6:09 PM Post #4,083 of 13,037
Jun 27, 2019 at 6:15 PM Post #4,084 of 13,037
since i own the susvara and abyss tc and owned the empyrean i am speaking from first hand experience not what some people say as you suggest....with proper amplification both the abyss and susvara are simply better but that is not an indictment of the empyreans
No what I mentioned was based on my listening own experiences......also based on proper and a variety of amplification.
Jun 27, 2019 at 6:18 PM Post #4,085 of 13,037

Even though I own none of these I do believe the pales in comparison is way too strong a statement

This is what i was referring to but enjoy them
Jun 27, 2019 at 6:34 PM Post #4,086 of 13,037
i owned the empyreans and sold them...i liked them but IMHO they pale in comparison to the abyss TC or the susvara....but of course they are a fair bit cheaper...this is not an indictment of the empyrean as much as praise for the susvara and abyss
Wow, I’m surprised to hear this. What amp are you using?
I’ve owned all these headphones and think they all do things that each one particular can’t do. So imo none are really much better than each other. But the empyreans surely win in value to performance. But I truly love my susvara too, except needing an expensiveness amp to drive them properly. The empyreans is much less picky.
And the abyss TC is in the middle, but imo not as demanding as susvara.

For my experience I still reach for empyreans a most of the time and they have a permanent location in my collection of headphones.

But some may think I’m odd for saying I also have a permanent location for the Z1r’s and Stellia too. My top four fav are Empyrean, Susvara, Z1r’s and Stellia. And all for very different reasons. :) I don’t think I can say anything bad about most high end headphones. If you own the susvara and abyss TC, then the cost of the empyrean is quite small and surprised you may sell them off. They are like Chocolate, Strawberry and Vanilla. And can’t say vanilla is a bad flavor since it’s the #1 selling flavor. But each have their own unique flavor :)

But really.... these headphones are expensive and understanding to sell one if funds are tight too. My wife, even though she loves music and owns her own pair of empyreans and z1r’s, she still thinks we have too many headphones. :)
Selling some to fund purchase for some zu audio soul supremes. But can’t say the empyreans will ever go. Couldn’t imagine that even. I love that we have so many great headphones today. Go back over a decade and compare to today. Truly amazing imo.
Jun 27, 2019 at 7:18 PM Post #4,087 of 13,037
A good sample track for those who say Empy's bass is veiled/dark and the headphones lack sparkle. Just a few bits they say about the Empys "lack of bass technicalities seriously bothers", "Loose, sloppy, muddy, bloomy, and soft (in bad way)", "Midrange was just off. Lost details, plastic timbre, and no clarity.", "Treble is a mixed bag.", "Empy could not resolve subtle changes in source.".

I mean it is important to get both sides of a coin and hype does exist. But when a source is only saying crap about one of the best headphones in 2019 that makes its credibility questionable. 95% of the reviews are absolutely raving about the Empy's. It is ridiculous.
Sometimes it is just so confusing to know who is right and who is wrong. So I buy product from dealers with return policy and if I like it I keep it and care less for what others say and what D2, D3 , D4 chart says.End result I have Z1R and I don’t care what others say about it since I like it for my kind of music.
However I take upstream gear like dac and amp reviews more seriously.
Jun 27, 2019 at 7:25 PM Post #4,088 of 13,037
Sometimes it is just so confusing to know who is right and who is wrong. So I buy product from dealers with return policy and if I like it I keep it and care less for what others say and what D2, D3 , D4 chart says.End result I have Z1R and I don’t care what others say about it since I like it for my kind of music.
However I take upstream gear like dac and amp reviews more seriously.
Nobody is right or wrong :) just opinions. And we are all right in our own hearing. It’s great to hear the majority of reviews on these cans are extremely positive and that is a good thing to go off of.
Jun 27, 2019 at 7:46 PM Post #4,089 of 13,037
I wouldn't want to even call them obnoxious *holes, as that wouldn't be fair to obnoxious *holes.​

To be fair I've had similar experiences there. It seems like a young and very cliquey crowd there.

Head-Fi had a bad rap in the past but I think it's generally calmed down a lot now. I could be wrong tho.

This thread seems relaxed with people not getting too hung up on other's opinions and experiences.

Wow, I’m surprised to hear this. What amp are you using?
But some may think I’m odd for saying I also have a permanent location for the Z1r’s and Stellia too. My top four fav are Empyrean, Susvara, Z1r’s and Stellia. And all for very different reasons. :) I don’t think I can say anything bad about most high end headphones. If you own the susvara and abyss TC, then the cost of the empyrean is quite small and surprised you may sell them off. They are like Chocolate, Strawberry and Vanilla. And can’t say vanilla is a bad flavor since it’s the #1 selling flavor. But each have their own unique flavor :)

Stellia: Coffee
Empyrean: Chocolate
Susvara: Strawberry ?
Z1Rs: Vanilla ?
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Jun 27, 2019 at 7:55 PM Post #4,090 of 13,037
A good sample track for those who say Empy's bass is veiled/dark and the headphones lack sparkle. Just a few bits they say about the Empys: "lack of bass technicalities seriously bothers", "Loose, sloppy, muddy, bloomy, and soft (in bad way)", "Midrange was just off. Lost details, plastic timbre, and no clarity.", "Treble is a mixed bag.", "Empy could not resolve subtle changes in source.".

I mean it is important to get both sides of a coin and hype does exist. But when a source is only saying crap about one of the best headphones in 2019 that makes its credibility questionable. 95% of the reviews are absolutely raving about the Empy's. It is ridiculous.

Speaking of reviewers, I forget the podcast but it was one of the more well respected. The guy is interviewing I believe the Focal dude who say something about loving turning down the lights and getting lost in the music. The reviewer/ host was totally taken back and had no idea why he should want to listen without all the light polution. So I unsubscribed to the podcast and realized I had wasted a lot more of time listening to him. :)
Jun 27, 2019 at 8:05 PM Post #4,091 of 13,037
i love listening with the lights down and a bourbon lol....hard to believe somebody in the music scene would not understand the allure
Jun 27, 2019 at 8:33 PM Post #4,092 of 13,037
Sometimes it is just so confusing to know who is right and who is wrong. So I buy product from dealers with return policy and if I like it I keep it and care less for what others say and what D2, D3 , D4 chart says.End result I have Z1R and I don’t care what others say about it since I like it for my kind of music.
However I take upstream gear like dac and amp reviews more seriously.
Indeed, I also loved the Z1R as it worked for me and my preferences. I didn't care what others said, I like what I like and that is all I need to know. Although I really love reading what others think and about their audio journey. I am somewhat flipped from you in the sense that I find as long as amps and DACs are properly designed and implemented, and able to provide what you need, they basically sound the same, but the headphones, that is another story altogether, headphones certainly sound obviously different so I do tend to really focus on reviews and listening impressions. But ultimately like you, wherever possible I buy either used at a solid savings or new where I can return them. It is my own ears that I use to judge what works or doesn't for me. And yes as another poster mentioned this has to be the very best time in the history of personal audio. There are so many quality offerings that it is hard to fathom. An embarrassment of personal audio riches to be sure.
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Jun 27, 2019 at 11:53 PM Post #4,093 of 13,037
Great write up, the Empyrean is slowly climbing to the top of my most wanted list.
I wish to find someone who has compared the Empyrean, Arya, Ether 2 and 1266. Any volunteers?

I don't own the empyrean but have listened to them quite a few times. The empyrean is a great headphone. I would say that they are close to the LCD 4z. The 4z edges them out on mids and bass in other areas they are close the empyrean trounces the 4z in comfort. Empyrean such better than the ether 2 which I have listened to only briefly.

I have had the diana phi for an extended trial and to me it easily tops the empyrean in every way with the exception of comfort. If you get a good fit on the diana though they dissapeare. The diana is faster through the frequency range the bass is more impactful. The diana is also much more resolving and has a bigger and deeper sound stage. The diana takes more power to drive so that is something to think about too.

The 1266 tc is on a different level than the empyrean. I consider the 1266 tc to be the king of headphonea that are currently available. The bass is impactful and really fast. The mids are improved over the phi cc. Treble is on the level and to me eve surpasses the stack sr009s. The sound stage is really large with great imaging. To me the 1266 tc is the best of everything that the utopia has to offer in terms of resolution combined with planar bass that is at the top as well. The crave good power to sound their best. I am not sure that it is entirely fair to compare the empyrean and 1266 tc as the TC is $2,000 more than the empyrean and you need an amp to drive them properly.

If you have the money give the 1266 a listen before you make a decision. That is the only way to know which is right for you. I am extremely happy with the 1266 TC and don't find myself wanting another headphone.
Jun 28, 2019 at 12:13 AM Post #4,094 of 13,037
My Empyrean has arrived yesterday. I bought them after I was extremely impressed by them at a 60 mins shop audition. I preferred them to the LCD4 out of a TT2/MScaler combo. And they don't disappoint on my home system either (Qutest+Taurus MKII).

This post will be a 'first impressions' post after listening to them for 6-7 hours.

Since the UK retailers were absolutely adamant on the retail price, I bought my pair from Germany with a generous discount. The slightly annoying and unexpected side-effect of this purchase was a bad experience with Home Office Border Force (UK) who decided to open this very suspicious package, even though there is no custom border between UK and EU (yet). They ripped the top of the inner cardboard box and the aluminium case was covered with oily prints. I don't know where this oil was coming from, perhaps an outside source, perhaps the hinges of the case as it seemed to culminate around there.

At least inside the case everything was alright in perfect and immaculate order.

The headphones look and sound as impressive as I remembered. My LCD2 Classic (while it is still a good headphone under £1000) simply sounds hazy, flat and boring in comparison. Bass on the LCD2C is pretty good actually. Less detailed than the Empyrean and a bit hazy, but has the same punch, quantity and impact. Empy's bass is a bit more dynamic though.
In everything else it is just not a fair comparison as the Empy blows the 2C out of the water.

What stroke me first with the Empyrean is the life-likeness, the energy of the sound, how much alive these cans are. And while being alive they never fatigue. Bass is better than LCD2/LCD3 and just a tiny bit behind LCD4 in clarity. In everything else however the Empy beats Audeze IMO. Mids are more lifelike, treble is simply not a contest. Empy's treble is detailed and sparky without being bright. What an achievement!

Perhaps the sound is not as neutral and analytical as other flagships, but definitely the most enjoyable flagship I have ever heard. Resolution is fantastic, 3D imaging is immersive. Instrument separation is awesome. I can pinpoint every instrument or sound and follow whichever I choose.
Tonality is ear-friendly, slightly warm, slightly dark, but never on the expense of details or air. The best mixture I have heard between an airy, spacious and detailed sound versus a smooth, friendly and thick sound presentation. The best of both worlds ever heard in one package.

With my music the Empy's are particularly enjoyable. I listen to a lot of ambient music where bass, layering and 3D sound effects are extremely important. The Empy's excel in these areas. As a bonus they offer very lifelike vocals and detailed treble for other genres. Violin, cellos can sound as you were in the recording room.

Of course, good source/amp/files are crucial. I have nothing less than FLAC and some 24 bit audio. The result is sublime.

I didn't have problems with the weight of my LCD2C (550g) but the LCD4 (600g) felt too heavy to live with. I consider the Focal line (450g) relatively light. The Empy's (430g) feel really light to me especially for the size, however objectively this is still 'mid-weight'.

I absolutely love the magnetic pad swapping system. Why are other brands torturing their customers when the solution is so simple? Why only a great Romanian (Meze) and a DIY Ukranian (Verum) company could come up with a simple magnetic system. How long do we have to wait until this becomes the industry standard? Manufacturers, wake up!

Regarding the leather or alcantara pads it is still early days but I think I already have a strong preference towards the leather pads. With the leather pads everything sounds more dynamic, much cleaner and clearer. More sub-bass, more balanced mid-bass. Shinier (but still not piercing) treble. Mids are pretty much equally good to my ears. The alcantara pads soften things up too much to my ears, even though I like a softer sound. In my opinion the magic of the Empy's if not lost, definitely becomes reduced by 20% when switching to the alcantara pads.

For the price I paid I would have been happy with any grill colour. I like all of them, however I think I do prefer the slightly more low-key look of the black grills. The brass is beautiful too, but perhaps slightly over the top for me. Just like the interior of a Pagani Zonda.
I felt the same way about the golden bits on the 99 Classic; that for me was just a bit over the top. However I find the shinier Empy's much more tastefully done than that.
This black grill however is not completely black, these can also shine a bit with appropriate lighting (see pictures).

Overall I love these headphones. I honestly don't know what else I would choose for my music and my taste on the current market. LCD4? Bass is perhaps 10% better but I find everything else better on the Empy. Auteur? No thanks. Dynamic drivers are unable to give me the bass I need. HD800S, Clear, Utopia are out of the game for the same and other reasons too (treble).
HEK2/SE? More spacious but bass is not as satisfying (diffuse) and the sound overall is a bit lean. Perhaps I would prefer them for acoustic/live music to the Empy but that is not my main listening area.
Susvara for $6000 no thanks. Harder to drive than the HE6? No thanks. Ether2? I don't know. I love a spacious earcup and I was disappointed by the AFO and AFC. Still want to try E2 one day.
D8000? I don't know. Heavy and from what I read/heard it seems to be a bit V shaped with too much bass. Abyss? Perhaps. I have never heard them but people say they are not too comfy. Also quite a bit more expensive.

Anyway, for the price I paid the combination of comfort, weight and sound the Empy seems to be unbeatable at the moment. For £1000-1500 more I could possibly find something 5% better. But who cares if this was already the top of my budget? I am very happy with the Empys. This is the best sound I have ever owned. They look gorgeous, they are light, future-proof (modular design), sound is just what I need (detailed and extended but focused on enjoyment instead of being a cold microscope).

"This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship." Thank you Meze!

This sucks man what they did to the packaging it would have completely killed my excitement. Good to see it didn't for you though, enjoy!
Jun 28, 2019 at 3:04 AM Post #4,095 of 13,037
Sometimes it is just so confusing to know who is right and who is wrong. So I buy product from dealers with return policy and if I like it I keep it and care less for what others say and what D2, D3 , D4 chart says.End result I have Z1R and I don’t care what others say about it since I like it for my kind of music.
However I take upstream gear like dac and amp reviews more seriously.
At this level I think we all know to follow only our own ears. Opinions are helpful to a level but then become confusing. The proof of the pudding is in the eating :)

This sucks man what they did to the packaging it would have completely killed my excitement. Good to see it didn't for you though, enjoy!
It was annoying at first, but it is actually just a small tear on the cardboard and the case was easy to wipe off. Inside the case everything was fine and the headphones are fabulous. :)

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