Meze Audio 109 Pro
Nov 11, 2023 at 10:26 PM Post #3,046 of 3,591
I am looking for a closed back portable wired headphone at the range of 1-2k, and listened a bunch of Meze and Focal headphones at the dealer.

I really like the comfort, compact and portability of the 109pro. They are very light, fade away on my head once put on. But the sound leaves a little to be desired. The Lric sounds better, but the style is not to my liking, (I prefer the style of 109) and to my ears only fit max 1,500 price range. 2K is too much. The sound of Lric only beats Celestee a little, but price difference is significant.

I prefer the sound of Celestee, but they are still too bulky, heavy as a portable headphone. Also tried Bathys. They are perfect as a portable headphone, but I don't like NC, BT features. It uses same driver as Celestee, but sound is way unparalleled compare to Celestee.

Therefore, I can't take Meze or Focal this time. I wish to Focal to make a wired bathys (No ANC, BT, just straight wired) that at least sound as good Celestee, or a closed back version of Meze 109 pro, or an updated version of 99 classic with similar built to 109 pro and sound as good as Lric at the price range of 1-2k.

There are not so many wired portable headphones on the market. If IEMs can go wired and sound as good as headphones, why not portable wired headphones? I just can't take IEMs for long period of time. They feel bad in my ears. These 2 companies are doing closer to my wishes. Hope they will come a good closed back portable wired headphone next time.

Some headphones fit my reqirement, but to my ears sound is not good enough, too bulky, style not to my liking or too hard to drive. Ex: Audio technica AP2000 ti, Beyer t5 3rd gen, Denon AH-D9200, DCA Aeon 2, Fostex th 900 mk2, Final Sonorous VIII, ZMF headphones. If you know any other closed back WIRED PORTABLE (easy to drive) headphone at 1-2k price range, feel free to recommend any to me. Thank you.
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Nov 11, 2023 at 10:35 PM Post #3,047 of 3,591
I am looking for a closed back portable wired headphone at the range of 1-2k, and listened a bunch of Meze and Focal headphones at the dealer.

I really like the comfort, compact and portability of the 109pro. They are very light, fade away on my head once put on. But the sound leaves a little to be desired. The Lric sounds better, but the style is not to my liking, (I prefer the style of 109) and to my ears only fit max 1,500 price range. 2K is too much. The sound of Lric only beats Celestee a little, but price difference is significant.

I prefer the sound of Celestee, but they are still too bulky, heavy as a portable headphone. Also tried Bathys. They are perfect as a portable headphone, but I don't like NC, BT features. It uses same driver as Celestee, but sound is way unparalleled compare to Celestee.

Therefore, I can't take Meze or Focal this time. I wish to Focal to make a wired bathys (No ANC, BT, just straight wired) that at least sound as good Celestee, or a closed back version of Meze 109 pro, or an updated version of 99 classic with similar built to 109 pro and sound as good as Lric at the price range of 1-2k.

There are not so many wired portable headphones on the market. If IEMs can go wired and sound as good as headphones, why not portable wired headphones? I just can't take IEMs for long period of time. They feel bad in my ears. These 2 companies are doing closer to my wishes. Hope they will come a good closed back portable wired headphone next time.

Some headphones fit my reqirement, but to my ears sound is not good enough, too bulky, style not to my liking or too hard to drive. Ex: Audio technica AP2000 ti, Beyer t5 3rd gen, Denon AH-D9200, DCA Aeon 2, ZMF headphones. If you know any other closed back PORTABLE wired headphone at 1-2k price range, feel free to recommend any to me. Thank you.
I know you said ZMF doesn't fit your needs, but have you seen the Bokeh which is their new model coming out next month? It's much easier to drive and meant to be a bit smaller and more portable than their other models. It'll also be right around $1k. They might still be a bit big/heavy for your needs, but I figured I'd mention them in case you hadn't heard about them yet and they end up fitting your preferences
Nov 11, 2023 at 10:44 PM Post #3,048 of 3,591
I know you said ZMF doesn't fit your needs, but have you seen the Bokeh which is their new model coming out next month? It's much easier to drive and meant to be a bit smaller and more portable than their other models. It'll also be right around $1k. They might still be a bit big/heavy for your needs, but I figured I'd mention them in case you hadn't heard about them yet and they end up fitting your preferences
Thank you. Ok I will take a look.

Update, just took a look and unfortuately they are still too bulky and heavy.

My perfect target will be Meze 109 closed back with Lric driver in it, or wired Focal bathys sounds as good as Celestee. Both at the price range of 1-2k. Again, thank you for your suggestion. Hope 2 companies will make one like this.
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Nov 12, 2023 at 4:10 AM Post #3,049 of 3,591
Nov 12, 2023 at 4:22 AM Post #3,050 of 3,591
I am looking for a closed back portable wired headphone at the range of 1-2k, and listened a bunch of Meze and Focal headphones at the dealer.

I really like the comfort, compact and portability of the 109pro. They are very light, fade away on my head once put on. But the sound leaves a little to be desired. The Lric sounds better, but the style is not to my liking, (I prefer the style of 109) and to my ears only fit max 1,500 price range. 2K is too much. The sound of Lric only beats Celestee a little, but price difference is significant.

I prefer the sound of Celestee, but they are still too bulky, heavy as a portable headphone. Also tried Bathys. They are perfect as a portable headphone, but I don't like NC, BT features. It uses same driver as Celestee, but sound is way unparalleled compare to Celestee.

Therefore, I can't take Meze or Focal this time. I wish to Focal to make a wired bathys (No ANC, BT, just straight wired) that at least sound as good Celestee, or a closed back version of Meze 109 pro, or an updated version of 99 classic with similar built to 109 pro and sound as good as Lric at the price range of 1-2k.

There are not so many wired portable headphones on the market. If IEMs can go wired and sound as good as headphones, why not portable wired headphones? I just can't take IEMs for long period of time. They feel bad in my ears. These 2 companies are doing closer to my wishes. Hope they will come a good closed back portable wired headphone next time.

Some headphones fit my reqirement, but to my ears sound is not good enough, too bulky, style not to my liking or too hard to drive. Ex: Audio technica AP2000 ti, Beyer t5 3rd gen, Denon AH-D9200, DCA Aeon 2, Final Sonorous VIII, ZMF headphones. If you know any other closed back WIRED PORTABLE (easy to drive) headphone at 1-2k price range, feel free to recommend any to me. Thank you.
I think everyone agrees on the comfort of the 109pro, looks too, but clearly sound is much more subjective, which is what makes this hobby so interesting.

I see the ZMF Bokeh has already been suggested for you. I loved everything about it when I heard it, but I agree with you, I wouldn't really call it portable either, but I suppose that's open to debate too. The soundstage on the closed back ZMF's I heard has to heard to be believed. Like I said before, I didn't think such a wide soundstage was possible on a closed back.

From your preferences I'm not exactly sure the Bokeh might be a good fit for you sound wise?, but you'd have to hear it to decide for yourself. For instance, I love the tuning of the 109pro but didn't like the Liric at all. For want of a more detailed and better description, the Liric completely lacked soul for me. I also found the few Focal models I heard to be similar in that regard.

I've yet to hear the Denon 9200. I was going to suggest that as something to try from the reviews I've seen and read. Bamboo cups I assume would keep weight down (I haven't checked the weight) sound quality gets lots of likes but seems some people have fit issues. They don't come with a carry case either. What is it that you didn't get on with?

Haven't Sennheiser got something that you're after? From what I can gather from your sound preference, excellent detail retrieval seems a priority?, and the few Sennheiser's I've heard do that superbly, but again, for me, lacked soul.

In all honesty I think you might struggle to find what you're after. It's likely pretty rare to get portability at the price point you're looking at. When you're spending that much money I suspect things are geared to sitting down at home enjoying the excellent sound quality you should be getting.

I'm sorry I've no suggestions, but I'll throw this out there as regards a portable set at least. I have the Hifiman Edition S. It won't realistically compete with anything you've mentioned so far in terms of sound quality, and neither should it, given its price point. For portability though with a decent enough sound, it's great fun. Comfortable fit and lightweight. Folds down into it's own nice carry case that even has a carabiner clip on it 😂. And the best bit! get to play between open and closed with the magnetic removable cup covers, although in reality the closed mode is more semi open as it still leaks sound a bit.

Good luck with your search.
Nov 12, 2023 at 11:23 AM Post #3,051 of 3,591
I think everyone agrees on the comfort of the 109pro, looks too, but clearly sound is much more subjective, which is what makes this hobby so interesting.

I see the ZMF Bokeh has already been suggested for you. I loved everything about it when I heard it, but I agree with you, I wouldn't really call it portable either, but I suppose that's open to debate too. The soundstage on the closed back ZMF's I heard has to heard to be believed. Like I said before, I didn't think such a wide soundstage was possible on a closed back.

From your preferences I'm not exactly sure the Bokeh might be a good fit for you sound wise?, but you'd have to hear it to decide for yourself. For instance, I love the tuning of the 109pro but didn't like the Liric at all. For want of a more detailed and better description, the Liric completely lacked soul for me. I also found the few Focal models I heard to be similar in that regard.

I've yet to hear the Denon 9200. I was going to suggest that as something to try from the reviews I've seen and read. Bamboo cups I assume would keep weight down (I haven't checked the weight) sound quality gets lots of likes but seems some people have fit issues. They don't come with a carry case either. What is it that you didn't get on with?

Haven't Sennheiser got something that you're after? From what I can gather from your sound preference, excellent detail retrieval seems a priority?, and the few Sennheiser's I've heard do that superbly, but again, for me, lacked soul.

In all honesty I think you might struggle to find what you're after. It's likely pretty rare to get portability at the price point you're looking at. When you're spending that much money I suspect things are geared to sitting down at home enjoying the excellent sound quality you should be getting.

I'm sorry I've no suggestions, but I'll throw this out there as regards a portable set at least. I have the Hifiman Edition S. It won't realistically compete with anything you've mentioned so far in terms of sound quality, and neither should it, given its price point. For portability though with a decent enough sound, it's great fun. Comfortable fit and lightweight. Folds down into it's own nice carry case that even has a carabiner clip on it 😂. And the best bit! get to play between open and closed with the magnetic removable cup covers, although in reality the closed mode is more semi open as it still leaks sound a bit.

Good luck with your search.
Thank you very much for your suggestion.

Like I said before, I prefer analytical sound. If they can do better on soundstage. That's even better. But should not sacrifice the tuning or timbre of the sound. I realize it will be difficult to do a good soundstage for a closed back. I have heard Denon 9200 and Sennheiser HD820 in the store as well. HD820 had good soundstage, but it sounded too dry for me. Also it is too bulky. Denon has good size, weight, excellent comfort, but it sounds too V shaped, also lacks detail compare to other headphones. I prefer the focal tuning the best, then Meze. But certainly the sound of Lric could be further improved.

I also tried some end game IEMs like empire ears odin, 64 audio U18T, Vision ears Aura in the store. Yes, they are expensive. But they are super compact, sound even better than Celestee and Lric. almost as good as Stellia. The soundstage on these IEMs are also no slouch. But I just can't take it. Personally own U12T, Focal stellia. Even tried the best tip, I can't wear U12T for more than 4 hours. Stellia sounds the best, but It is too expensive and bulky and I can't take it on the go. If IEMs can sound that good, why not portable wired headphones?

Unfortunately the store don't have ZMF headphones. I can't comment any my sound impressions. But again, after listened so many headphones in the dealer, I wish Focal or Meze will make a Meze 109 closed back with Lric or Closed to Stellia driver in it, or wired Focal bathys sounds as good as Celestee or even better close to Stellia. Both at the price range of 1-2k. Or above that, but the sound should be even better. Close to Stellia for example in the compact size. To me, Meze 109pro, Denon 9200 is the max size and weight I would take on the go. Anything beyond that I have to give up.
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Nov 13, 2023 at 3:36 PM Post #3,052 of 3,591
after listened so many headphones in the dealer, I wish Focal or Meze will make a Meze 109 closed back with Lric or Closed to Stellia driver in it, or wired Focal bathys sounds as good as Celestee or even better close to Stellia. Both at the price range of 1-2k. Or above that, but the sound should be even better. Close to Stellia for example in the compact size. To me, Meze 109pro, Denon 9200 is the max size and weight I would take on the go. Anything beyond that I have to give up.

You're in the triangle of dilemma where you have "Looks", "Audio Quality" and "Price",
but you are coming across headphones which have 2 of those 3 attributes,
and you want all 3 attributes in your headphone! :)

Meze Liric or Focal Stellia audio quality, but they are too expensive;
Meze 109 Pro aesthetics but you want closed back, ... or even Liric driver/tuning.

I'm also into closed back design, and I demo'd the Liric last week, and I have been smitten by it.
It was such a memorable experience, and prior to that I thought Sennheiser HD800s were going to be my 'end game' ... one day (but it is open back after all).

Anyway, have you had a look at the Dan Clark Aeon 2 ?
It's closed back, has a nice colour and folds away, making it quite portable.
I don't have any experience with it, but the price is much less than Meze Liric,
and I'm getting curious about that Aeon 2 too as well,
because the Liric is quite pricey and I wonder if Aeon 2 can "reach 90% of Liric" for half the price?
Nov 13, 2023 at 6:13 PM Post #3,055 of 3,591
ZMF Bokeh? Closed. Wood. Warm. Haven't heard it, but that's the early word in the thread here.
Already been dismissed by the questioner as too big for portable. I agree.
Nov 13, 2023 at 6:15 PM Post #3,056 of 3,591
Supposedly wide soundstage for a closed back, too, based on impressions, not my ears or brain.
I've heard it and can confirm it does have a wide soundstage for a closed back. It's a gorgeous headphone on every level in my book, and will hopefully be my next purchase.
Nov 13, 2023 at 8:10 PM Post #3,057 of 3,591
You're in the triangle of dilemma where you have "Looks", "Audio Quality" and "Price",
but you are coming across headphones which have 2 of those 3 attributes,
and you want all 3 attributes in your headphone! :)
That's correct. Since end game IEMs are good looking, sound fantastic, almost as good as headphones. Today, almost all portable headphones are wireless BT ANC. I am not average consumer and I don't want these features. All I want is audiophile grade sound in the compact wired headphone and a good seal. I bet many companies are able to do this, but it's a shame that due to many reasons, no company is making a perfect wired portable headphone. I can tolerate high price, but they have to look, sound good and PORTABLE. Lric almost fit in every category. But the price just way too high. At that price point, it should sound close to Stellia.

DCA Aeon 2 sounds pretty similar to Celestee. But they are very hard to drive.

Lric only beat the Celestee by a small margin. It's definitely not worth 2k.

If Meze make a closed back 109 pro and sound as good as Lric at price of 1.5K, or an even better driver that sound close to Stellia at 2K, I will consider.

If you have a good portable amp, yes to my ears Aeon 2 can "reach 90% of Liric" for half the price.
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Nov 14, 2023 at 6:01 AM Post #3,058 of 3,591
That's correct. Since end game IEMs are good looking, sound fantastic, almost as good as headphones. Today, almost all portable headphones are wireless BT ANC. I am not average consumer and I don't want these features. All I want is audiophile grade sound in the compact wired headphone and a good seal. I bet many companies are able to do this, but it's a shame that due to many reasons, no company is making a perfect wired portable headphone. I can tolerate high price, but they have to look, sound good and PORTABLE. Lric almost fit in every category. But the price just way too high. At that price point, it should sound close to Stellia.

DCA Aeon 2 sounds pretty similar to Celestee. But they are very hard to drive.

Lric only beat the Celestee by a small margin. It's definitely not worth 2k.

If Meze make a closed back 109 pro and sound as good as Lric at price of 1.5K, or an even better driver that sound close to Stellia at 2K, I will consider.

If you have a good portable amp, yes to my ears Aeon 2 can "reach 90% of Liric" for half the price.
I think you've probably nailed a big factor that's preventing you getting what you specifically want....BT/ANC.

For sure that's where lots of attention from companies is concentrated on, because that's where the mass market is in portability.

Unfortunately you're already in a niche hobby and then you've gone an added a niche cherry on top. :sweat_smile:
I admire you greatly for doing so though :thumbsup:
Nov 14, 2023 at 7:14 AM Post #3,059 of 3,591
Since end game IEMs are good looking, sound fantastic, almost as good as headphone

I only started going down this rabbit-hole, a couple of years ago,
and I've only started with IEMs, and now have 3x IEMs in my repertoire:
Moondrop Blessing 2,
Sennheiser IE 600
ThieAudio Monarch MK2

I'm yet to dabble in the headphones,
but I briefly had Focal Clears, but sold them,
because I just didn't like it (eg. poor build: plastic headband, a bit heavy, foam pads wear out, etc.)

Otherwise, I have el cheapo ChiFi headphones,
but I demo'd the Sennheiser HD800s a couple of months ago
which sounded fantastic ... but it's open-back.

Last week, I stumbled upon the Meze range (99 Classics and Liric), while I was browsing in an audio store,
and the 99 Classics was too warm for me, but the Liric just hit the spot.
I am not always liking the magnetic planar sound,
but the Liric sounded cohesive without any 'spicy treble' (in the 10+ minutes that I listened to it).

Then, I saw the price :confused:

Today, almost all portable headphones are wireless BT ANC.

You can blame Apple for that and removing the 3.5mm socket,
and capturing an entire generation (and grooming the rest),
to be dependent on streaming.

Still, the most fun and engaging headphones that I had was the Nuraphone :
Builds a personalised sound profile to your hearing (in other words: fancy EQ :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: )
'Bone Conduction' cups for bass, whilst IEM inserts for treble and midrange.

I still own Sennheiser HD25 for gigs,
but IEMs deliver the music straight into my head,
so I'm more accustomed to IEMs and can wear them for long hours.

after listened so many headphones in the dealer, I wish Focal or Meze will make a Meze 109 closed back with Lric or Closed to Stellia driver in it, or wired Focal bathys sounds as good as Celestee or even better close to Stellia. Both at the price range of 1-2k. Or above that, but the sound should be even better. Close to Stellia for example in the compact size. To me, Meze 109pro, Denon 9200 is the max size and weight I would take on the go. Anything beyond that I have to give up.

Basically, in order of your preference,
you like:

Once you found your [1] (eg. 109 Pro),
you wished it had the [2] of the Stellia,
but since Stellia has a high [3],
you wished for the [2] Liric inside the [1],
but a lower [3].

Since, Liric is also quite high [3], you expect a Stellia quality,
but all encased in a [1] of the 109 ... clear as mud? :sweat_smile:

Lric only beat the Celestee by a small margin. It's definitely not worth 2k.

If Meze make a closed back 109 pro and sound as good as Lric at price of 1.5K, or an even better driver that sound close to Stellia at 2K, I will consider.

If you have a good portable amp, yes to my ears Aeon 2 can "reach 90% of Liric" for half the price.

Right now, there are some big sales happening globally.


US$ 799 (Final Sale Price - 2023 NOVEMBER)
Focal Celestee

US$ 899
Dan Clark Audio Aeon 2

US$ 1,599 (Open Box Price)
Meze Liric

US$ 2,399 (Final Sale Price - 2023 NOVEMBER)
Focal Stellia

So, you're saying that Liric sounds 'marginally' better than Celestee,
but costs 2x than the Celestee, so Liric is "not worth it".

However, if Liric can be had at around US$ 1.5K currently ,
then, your issues are that it's not portable enough even if the Liric aesthetics is nice.

Since you've already got the Stellia (which if you listened to Amir at ASR, has "issues"),
your gripe with the Stellia is that it's not portable enough to take it out and about,
and why aren't manufacturers cramming good audio tech into high-end products
for moving around, and not for sit down listens.

Well, have you tried the following closed back headphones,
which are also portable enough :

Fostex TH900
Sony MDR-Z1R
Dan Clark Audio Stealth (...this is the most priciest in the list)
Nov 14, 2023 at 7:42 AM Post #3,060 of 3,591
i wish i would not be so scared of using iem's as a daily driver cause my fiio fh5s are fantastic sounding, i am too scared of getting ear canal infection since i suffered alot from that as a child. i would never give i away my meze 109 they are so damn comfortable, and for me they sound right fantastic, even since i demoed the foctal clears and empys OG, i would still go back to my 109

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