Meizu m6sl vs Sony a8xx
Feb 4, 2008 at 7:04 PM Post #16 of 67
I don't think that's necessary. There are more than enough reviews online that can back up my claim, and more than enough testimonials on this forum. I've had friends who switched from their Meizus over to the Cowon D2, simply cause of its SQ, sturdy build, touch-screen interface, and the fact that you can add a 16GB SHDC card to the D2 to greatly increase the player's capacity.
Feb 4, 2008 at 8:54 PM Post #17 of 67

Originally Posted by robojack /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I don't think that's necessary. There are more than enough reviews online that can back up my claim, and more than enough testimonials on this forum. I've had friends who switched from their Meizus over to the Cowon D2, simply cause of its SQ, sturdy build, touch-screen interface, and the fact that you can add a 16GB SHDC card to the D2 to greatly increase the player's capacity.

My friend -(said out of respect, not acquaintance), I've already agreed to half of what you said, but I take it back; The only thing I'll agree with that has any validity is the expanability of the Cowon. That (I completely agree w/you) is an advantage. There's really nothing else you posted that has any merit.

I don't have the greatest amount of experience with portable audio (to me these are toys), but I do have a wealth of long term experience in high-end audio, so I can draw some parallels which in themselves are more than applicable.

Yes, Cowons are well-built, so's the Meizu. Let's say the Cowon is built better. So what? Hit hard enough - either will break. I've owned equipment from (for example) Krell and Madrigal/Mark Levinson; which were built to battleship standards and their sound was very good. But, I've also owned equipment from Conrad Johnson and EAR/Esoteric Audio Research which weren't built half as well and yet sounded superior. After all... the bottom line here is SQ right?

SQ is a personal thing. We all hear differently, have different sonic priorities, and the equipment has different sound signatures. To each their own
Variety's a wonderful thing. We're not speaking of night and day sonic differences. And from all the audiophiles I've known - there's no accounting for some peoples ears. Yes, I've read some folks prefer the Cowon, but there are some who prefer the Meizu. So what?

Firmware? Come on... Meizu is as prolific a company as any in updating firmware. I purchased a 4Gb miniplayer which had FW v.2004.4 installed. Six weeks later an 8Gb of the same model (M6 SL) I bought had FW v.2004.5. Is Cowons FW better? Let's agree that each company does a good job in addressing the shortcomings of their sw.

Touchscreen interface? Yeah right. That's a lot of fun. Some love it - some don't. Personally, I've had enough of touchscreens with my Palms & iPaqs. A touchscreen on my DAP isn't what I'm looking for. With the Meizu in my pocket sight unseen (at least) I can raise & lower the volume, and turn it on and off. Try that on the D2. Let's move on.

Features? Where's the Meizu lacking? With any machine, there are always those who wish it had something else, while others don't use all the features it does have. In this case it has a great variety of useful features.

Please understand - I think the D2's a great machine based on what I've read and seen, and maybe one day I'll buy one. I'm not putting it down (at all). I'm taking issue with the proliferation of ramdomly passed on (not very meaningful) opinions which try to serve as fact - when in reality they're not.
Feb 4, 2008 at 9:07 PM Post #18 of 67

Originally Posted by DKaz /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I own both the Meizu M6 SL and the Sony NWZ-A818. The sound is pretty comparable. The Sony has a +1dB boost in the low and high frequencies which adds a touch more to the sound.
Sony NWZ-A818 $195.99

Huh? Are you saying you cannot defeat the +1dB boost with the Sony? That seems impossible, so pls clarify.

It says Sony supports "MP3/WMA/AAC Audio Codec."

Does Sony support WMA Lossless also?


Meizu SL supports both Flac and WMA Lossless natively, and I know of no other DAP that supports both. My PC audio music collection happens to comprise of Flac and WMA Lossless (non-DRM), so it was lucky for me that Meizu SL sounds so great. All EQ, sound effects off, of course.
Feb 4, 2008 at 9:30 PM Post #19 of 67

Originally Posted by Jon L /img/forum/go_quote.gif it was lucky for me that Meizu SL sounds so great. All EQ, sound effects off, of course.

Personally... I'm gratified that you find it so good sounding without making use of any of its many sonic adjustments. Funny but, without them... I wouldn't even listen to it.

I'm curious Jon, how you might like the sound (if for example) set to the settings I posted above to DKaz.

Please understand I (very much) respect your choice of listening to it, however it most suits you. I just don't find it advantageous to be a purist with this level of equipment.

Feb 4, 2008 at 9:50 PM Post #20 of 67

Originally Posted by Rob E. /img/forum/go_quote.gif
My friend -(said out of respect, not acquaintance), I've already agreed to half of what you said, but I take it back; The only thing I'll agree with that has any validity is the expanability of the Cowon. That (I completely agree w/you) is an advantage. There's really nothing else you posted that has any merit.

I don't have the greatest amount of experience with portable audio (to me these are toys), but I do have a wealth of long term experience in high-end audio, so I can draw some parallels which in themselves are more than applicable.

Yes, Cowons are well-built, so's the Meizu. Let's say the Cowon is built better. So what? Hit hard enough - either will break. I've owned equipment from (for example) Krell and Madrigal/Mark Levinson; which were built to battleship standards and their sound was very good. But, I've also owned equipment from Conrad Johnson and EAR/Esoteric Audio Research which weren't built half as well and yet sounded superior. After all... the bottom line here is SQ right?

SQ is a personal thing. We all hear differently, have different sonic priorities, and the equipment has different sound signatures. To each their own
Variety's a wonderful thing. We're not speaking of night and day sonic differences. And from all the audiophiles I've known - there's no accounting for some peoples ears. Yes, I've read some folks prefer the Cowon, but there are some who prefer the Meizu. So what?

Firmware? Come on... Meizu is as prolific a company as any in updating firmware. I purchased a 4Gb miniplayer which had FW v.2004.4 installed. Six weeks later an 8Gb of the same model (M6 SL) I bought had FW v.2004.5. Is Cowons FW better? Let's agree that each company does a good job in addressing the shortcomings of their sw.

Touchscreen interface? Yeah right. That's a lot of fun. Some love it - some don't. Personally, I've had enough of touchscreens with my Palms & iPaqs. A touchscreen on my DAP isn't what I'm looking for. With the Meizu in my pocket sight unseen (at least) I can raise & lower the volume, and turn it on and off. Try that on the D2. Let's move on.

Features? Where's the Meizu lacking? With any machine, there are always those who wish it had something else, while others don't use all the features it does have. In this case it has a great variety of useful features.

Please understand - I think the D2's a great machine based on what I've read and seen, and maybe one day I'll buy one. I'm not putting it down (at all). I'm taking issue with the proliferation of ramdomly passed on (not very meaningful) opinions which try to serve as fact - when in reality they're not.

I think you've misunderstood me. I was stating a fact: that my friends were won over to the Cowon D2 because of the things I've mentioned. Build-wise, my friends did feel that Meizus did appear to have a weaker build. SQ-wise, they liked it more than Meizu, and that it can produce more output. Touchscreen, well they just bought into the touchscreen fad, they've obviously never owned a Palm pilot. As for firmware, their Meizus had freezing issues that had not been resolved for quite some time, while Cowon was releasing updated firmware almost every 3 weeks.

I'm not saying that those are the reasons the TC should get a D2, but primarily that other people have switched to the D2 for those reasons, amongst others.

Oh, the D2 does allow you to change volume, AND switch change tracks without using the touchscreen. The physical buttons on the player control the volume, but can also change tracks and play/pause when the Lock is engaged. Turning the player on is as simple as holding the Power slide switch for 2 seconds. Do some research before making blatant statements like that. I had compared the Meizu very closely before purchasing the D2, since it was one of my choices.

Calm down, don't take it personally, and do NOT turn this into a flame war.
Feb 4, 2008 at 10:03 PM Post #21 of 67
Feb 4, 2008 at 11:02 PM Post #22 of 67

Originally Posted by robojack /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I think you've misunderstood me. I was stating a fact: that my friends were won over to the Cowon D2 because of the things I've mentioned. Build-wise, my friends did feel that Meizus did appear to have a weaker build. SQ-wise, they liked it more than Meizu, and that it can produce more output. Touchscreen, well they just bought into the touchscreen fad, they've obviously never owned a Palm pilot. As for firmware, their Meizus had freezing issues that had not been resolved for quite some time, while Cowon was releasing updated firmware almost every 3 weeks.

I'm not saying that those are the reasons the TC should get a D2, but primarily that other people have switched to the D2 for those reasons, amongst others.

Oh, the D2 does allow you to change volume, AND switch change tracks without using the touchscreen. The physical buttons on the player control the volume, but can also change tracks and play/pause when the Lock is engaged. Turning the player on is as simple as holding the Power slide switch for 2 seconds. Do some research before making blatant statements like that. I had compared the Meizu very closely before purchasing the D2, since it was one of my choices.

Calm down, don't take it personally, and do NOT turn this into a flame war.

OK - I stand corrected on the useability of the D2 sight unseen (as when it's in a pocket). FWIW, I did read reviews of it commenting on the difficulty of the touchscreen operation under some circumstances.

As far as being calm; Where you get the idea that I wasn't? I'm as calm as you are (and in all likelyhood even calmer).
There's nothing that you (or anyone else) could say to me that I would ever take personally. Trust me on this, it's not personal. No flames from me.

Also you should know that I respect your decision to purchase the D2 over the Meizu, or anything else for that matter. I hope you really enjoy it and have a lot of fun with it. I respect your opinions also, as long as they're your own opinions born of personal experience. You obviously do think for yourself. That's admirable. Some folks don't, and are all to willing to accept 2nd and 3rd generation opinions as valid when they're not. Like a game of "telephone" eventually the real message gets garbled. And that's a fact.

Other than that, I stand by everything else I've posted.

Feb 5, 2008 at 12:32 AM Post #23 of 67

Originally Posted by Rob E. /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hi Kaz, Although you own both players, I find it very difficult to believe that the Sony sounds better, based on the Sony having a +1dB boost in the low and high frequencies (which, as you say adds a touch more to the sound).

I think I was the first to point out the +1db boost. However I never took the time to explain it in context. So now everyone assumed Sony = Colored Sound. That is wrong. The Sony does have +1DB boost in the bass *BUT* Most other daps have a -3DB ROLL OFF in the same place. The known players that have Roll off are all ipods except shuffle 1G. Cowon D2, Most Sandisk (except the Express and Clip). Most creative players suffer the roll off. Most Samsungs, Any Wolfson player will have this roll off. Infact you should assume that unless you tested your player suffers this roll off. I have no idea what dac M6SL is using but chances it's a wolfson and if it is a wolfson it suffers the same bass roll off as all other wolfson devices.
So here is a rule of thumb.

If your headphones are less then 40OHM the Sony IS INFACT LESS COLORED then any daps I've mentioned above. Because +1DB boost IS LESS COLORED SOUND then -3DB roll off.

Btw if you want a true neutral DAP the Sansa Express is it.


For the record. I'm "joe purist". No EQ or tone controls - though I've "toyed" with them. I listen to and enjoy digital but I'm all-tube analog. I've owned a very nice compliment of high end equipment over the years. I'm an experienced listener - though I make no claim to fame. I've just been at it a long time. Re: Portable audio at this level of equipment, I think it's a mistake to not use tone controls if they're available. It's a blast and I'm having a lot of fun with it. I think that's the point of it all.

I often use tone controls on my Sony's as I find they are well implemented and do not introduce distortion.
Feb 5, 2008 at 1:04 AM Post #24 of 67
i have found the d2 to be inferior to the meizu for a variety of reasons - build quality suprisingly one of them: the plastic parts shift and the screen gets stuff behind it very easily. it has only a little hiss: great, but it was one of the most confusing players for me: everyone it seems as headfi considered it heavenly but it sounded like the bass was more compressed in trance music than any my other portables if only by a little.

i know the poster above me can verify this as well, but the d2 is not able to drive low imp headphones very well. i think that what i was hearing can be described here.

not only is the bass rolled of as with many other players it seems, but look at intermod distortion. honestly, it is nice to read some information that makes sense to what i hear rather than just being bashed... cheers
Feb 5, 2008 at 4:59 AM Post #25 of 67

Originally Posted by Rob E. /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hi Kaz, Although you own both players, I find it very difficult to believe that the Sony sounds better, based on the Sony having a +1dB boost in the low and high frequencies (which, as you say adds a touch more to the sound).

But I'm ready to accept your opinion if you're willing to take a few minutes, and take-up this challenge (of sorts)
A little experiment if you will...

Rob. Those of us who have listened to both players can make these statements (though of course they are subjective, and may not be based on observation, and possibly could be subconsciously influenced by buyer's bias/remorse, or by the telepathic influence of my neighbor's lawn gnome).

So, there is only one solution to this stand-off. You buy the Sony and compare the two directly yourself! If you still feel the Meizu is significantly better, DKaz will be willing to purchase the Sony off you at cost!.

*Note: DKaz has not agreed upon nor was even aware of the above statement. Added for humour only.


"You will buy the Sony, oh yes you will..."
Feb 5, 2008 at 5:02 AM Post #26 of 67

Originally Posted by DKaz /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I own both the Meizu M6 SL and the Sony NWZ-A818. The sound is pretty comparable. The Sony has a +1dB boost in the low and high frequencies which adds a touch more to the sound. Even though the sound very similar, I prefer the Sony.

The build quality of both players is also comparable. Both are very solid. I trust the Sony's tactile buttons over the Meizu's touch strip (it can get annoying).

The user interface is where the Sony really shines. You can access any other screen in 3 clicks or less. The Meizu takes much more patience.

The Meizu has a much bigger screen for movies.

I reviewed both her on Head-fi:

In three words , Buy the Sony:

Sony NWZ-A818 $195.99

Well said. Great reviews.

*Note: I have edited my first page review with comments on playlists for both daps.
Feb 5, 2008 at 5:49 AM Post #27 of 67

Originally Posted by falang /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Rob. Those of us who have listened to both players can make these statements

Hiya falang. How you doing?
Your opinion doesn't count here.
Specifically because you have the SP and it's sonically different from the SL. And also because your machine is broken, and you're not really in a position to compare them. I hope you get yours fixed soon! Even better, upgrade it to an SL

Best Regards,

P.S. - I'm not sure DKaz was getting the best sonically out of his M6SL. I hope he adjusts the sound effects to what I'd asked (even temporarily) and does re-post his impressions after comparing them.
Feb 5, 2008 at 6:13 AM Post #28 of 67

Originally Posted by Rob E. /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hiya falang. How you doing?
Your opinion doesn't count here.
Specifically because you have the SP and it's sonically different from the SL. And also because your machine is broken, and you're not really in a position to compare them. I hope you get yours fixed soon! Even better, upgrade it to an SL

Best Regards,

P.S. - I'm not sure DKaz was getting the best sonically out of his M6SL. I hope he adjusts the sound effects to what I'd asked (even temporarily) and does re-post his impressions after comparing them.

The tug-of-war continues. You should have listened to the gnome.

Do you have the SP model along with the SL model? Have you heard the SP model? I remember reading a few opinions around here that have actually given the SP model the sonic advantage over the SL model. Useless without proof I'm aware, but I'm sure if you did some searching you would find the same information.

Yes, I can listen to my SP model by a quick connect and remove technique with a powered usb port. I have made several direct comparisons between the two players (Sony & Meizu). However, my prior longterm trials of 40 min. daily commute subway trips to work has given me plenty of time to snuggle up with Miss Meizu and pick her brain.

Either way, this topic is dead until you listen to the gnome (i.e., the Sony).
Feb 5, 2008 at 7:56 AM Post #29 of 67

Originally Posted by falang /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The tug-of-war continues. You should have listened to the gnome.

Either way, this topic is dead until you listen to the gnome (i.e., the Sony).

falang, Have a little mercy on my wallet,
at least temporarily. Inasmuch as you do have a useable SP. Please. Refer to my (lengthy) post above to DKaz. He admittedly doesn't use the Spatializer, and doesn't make (any) mention of that very nice sounding Phase Compensated Equalizer slider.

Set-up your M6 to the settings I mentioned midway in that post, and you be the judge. If you tell me then, that the Sony really does sound better. I'm willing to believe you. Maybe I will buy one. And I truly am very curious. It shouldn't take you any longer than it took me to compose that lengthy PM to you.


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