MEIER AUDIO CORDA HEADFIVE: Impressions and reviews thread
Aug 22, 2006 at 7:18 PM Post #346 of 430

Originally Posted by fly2
Can't wait for my new headphones and soundcard

my advice: after you get your senns and your soundcard, leave head-fi and never come back! lest you enjoy opening up your wallet over and over again!

seriously - enjoy your new rig! i'm looking forward to getting my new-to-me h5. i'm working on my home rig and have already received my juli@ soundcard. now i have to make myself some interconnects and i'll be set. that is until i get a DAC. see?!!! see what i mean?!!!! argh!
Aug 23, 2006 at 12:07 PM Post #347 of 430
I've had the Headfive for roughly two weeks now and man am I loving it! Before the H5 came I was driving my MS-1's from the headphone out of a Yamaha surround receiver, the headphone out of my laptop or my Ipod and the phones sounded kind of muddy. Not bad, but I couldn't help feeling that these babies could be cabable of so much more.
And they indeed are! Improvements in the bass sector have been the most obivious and bass is now tight, powerfull and controlled.

Now I only need a CD player (I am currently using entry level LG DVD-player that sucks) and some new pads (flats, bowls, I wanna try everything!) and then...
Well, I guess I can start thinking about moving up in the Grado chain.
Aug 23, 2006 at 12:50 PM Post #348 of 430

Originally Posted by jopbe
Improvements in the bass sector have been the most obivious and bass is now tight, powerfull and controlled.

The H5 is a relatively bassy amp so no surprise there.
Anyway, I find the H5's greatest strength is (with crossfeed on) the ability to "bring you closer to the music emotionally". One darn musical unit indeed.
Aug 24, 2006 at 2:22 AM Post #349 of 430
I agree , the headfive is certainly a "full" sounding amp but this does'nt hinder the higher register in the amp which is why I enjoy mine so much. Really it has a very balanced sound , perhaps balanced a bit towards bass. Works very , very well with my Zhaolu source wich can be be a tiny bit bright but quite detailed. Yep , " musical " just about fits perfect. Im really surprised how well my I.E.M.s sound on the setup also , night and day from my ipod.
Aug 25, 2006 at 9:39 AM Post #350 of 430
just got mine today s/n : 282

perfect timing for the weekend

sounds great out of the box but keeps getting better
Aug 25, 2006 at 1:52 PM Post #351 of 430
My H5 and brand-new DT990 Pro's just came in today. Amazing how flat my HD201's sound compared to the new setup. Although I have always enjoyed listening to the $20 Sennheiser's, when you've heard better you know what's been missing before.

This is my first serious headphone setup and I’m loving it already
Aug 25, 2006 at 1:59 PM Post #353 of 430
I'm looking for my first dedicated home headphone amp. I'm completely torn between the Headfive and the Original Master. I got a good price on the OM lined up- roughly 25% cheaper than the H5. What do you guys think I should do? I will most likely be using my Revo 7.1 as my source for the time being. I'm a big trance listener but do enjoy soft rock also. My headphones are in my sig... though I *might* get some DT990's. Thanks!
Aug 25, 2006 at 3:18 PM Post #354 of 430
got my new-to-me h5 yesterday and from listening last night and this morning i must say it definitely is an impressive little amp especially considering the pricepoint. at first i wasn't wowed by it but then i realized because it has, imo, a similar sound signature to my hornet (non-modded version). so what i was - and still am - hearing is similar to what i've been listening for a while now. there's just a bit more of it. a bit more extension. i like that the crossfeed is not too... how should i say... invasive. it makes a difference but i don't find it to be a night and day difference. i have it on 95% of the time.

the h5 is simply a wonderful desktop amp (my first). it'll be interesting if there are any noticeable differences once i get a DAC. for now, i am thoroughly enjoying it via analog feed from my juli@ (foobar playing flac - asio kernel streaming). it is a simple, elegant amp that just plain works. that's what i love about my hornet as well. worth every penny!
Aug 27, 2006 at 9:52 AM Post #356 of 430

Originally Posted by jenhwa
...but keeps getting better

Can't agree more. Being my first amp, its been a very statisfying purchase. Didn't like it initially, but it kept getting better with my MS2i every time I listen to it. Highly recommended.
Aug 27, 2006 at 4:34 PM Post #357 of 430
Quick question: I noticed the amp is heating up a little when not playing any music but with the PC turned on and my cans plugged in, however, shutting down the pc (which is my source) and leaving the amp on makes the amp cooling off again.

The H5 gets definately warmer sitting there being idle than when I am playing music, is this by design? (I remember somthing about class A amplification, so is the H5 a class A amp?)
Aug 28, 2006 at 6:02 AM Post #358 of 430
Humm... Few days ago I noticed that my H5 has no serial number.

There's nothing on the bottom or the back side of the amp, no stickers nor text of any kind. Maybe I got me a rare special unnumbered Headfive
Aug 28, 2006 at 11:33 AM Post #359 of 430

Originally Posted by jopbe
Humm... Few days ago I noticed that my H5 has no serial number.

There's nothing on the bottom or the back side of the amp, no stickers nor text of any kind. Maybe I got me a rare special unnumbered Headfive

Maybe you should ask Dr. Meier about this. Send him an email and let us know what happened!

Take some pictures and show us!!!
Aug 28, 2006 at 11:38 AM Post #360 of 430

Originally Posted by heino
Quick question: I noticed the amp is heating up a little when not playing any music but with the PC turned on and my cans plugged in, however, shutting down the pc (which is my source) and leaving the amp on makes the amp cooling off again.

The H5 gets definately warmer sitting there being idle than when I am playing music, is this by design? (I remember somthing about class A amplification, so is the H5 a class A amp?)

In my case, it barely get warm whether in use or idle (and I often have something sitting on top of it - to show that the H5 has no qualms with a reduced heat dissipation area). Don't worry about it. The Headfive is a cool-running unit.


Originally Posted by jopbe
Humm... Few days ago I noticed that my H5 has no serial number.

There's nothing on the bottom or the back side of the amp, no stickers nor text of any kind. Maybe I got me a rare special unnumbered Headfive

Check the box the unit came in. Mine has the serial number written somewhere on it.


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