Mark Levinson № 5909 headphone
Feb 2, 2024 at 8:32 PM Post #916 of 980
OK thanks that's good to know. I thought I'd read other posters in this thread saying that they found these cans to be underpowered when running from the laptop with USB-C. Is that not your experience then? Sounds like my Mojo 2 may have been overkill, though a nice toy to have anyway I guess.
In my (subjective) opinion, it sounds absolutely great! :ksc75smile: That’s how I use my 5909 the most: connected to my (work) laptop through USB.
Feb 3, 2024 at 12:22 PM Post #918 of 980
A scenario that does work for me: I connect my ML5909 USB-C to an Hiby R2-II DAP, using it as digital transport—so the 5909 internal DAC & Amp are used. I either play the R2 local files (from a 512Gb sd) using my iPhone as “remote” (HibyLink), or I cast my iPhone audio to the R2 through AirPlay (losseless!). The latter requires having the R2 and iPhone on the same WiFi or to tether the R2 to my iPhone hotspot. I can also use the R2 DLNA renderer to cast from my laptop, but it’s easier to just plug the USB cable. All of this works great! …except for one detail: as soon as I plug the 5909 onto the USB-C port of the R2, the 5909 is charging itself from the R2. The R2-II DAP can provide enough juice for the ML5909, but after a few hours, it eventually dies… and my ML5909 proudly claims it is still at 100% charge !!! What a stupid power management scenario…

I understand the ML5909 was designed for BT or wired connection, but I don’t get why ML missed what is for me a very obvious use case: connect the 5909 to a low-power digital transport, whether it’s a phone, a DAP, or whatever. All what is needed is an option in the app to manage/disable the automatic charging. My cheap Qudelix 5K has this….
Come on Mark Levinson!

If I understand correctly, with some considerations the Hiby R2 can output LDAC? Have you tried this with the 5909?

I ask because I use a FiiO BTA30 to stream LDAC from my mac, so I can work in the kitchen without wires but still get great sound. LDAC is actually really good imo, and if I had an LDAC streaming portable DAP, I'd probably just stick with that. I'm not sure how much better an experience you're getting plugging the 5909's into the R2? If it were me, the gnawing thoughts about eating up the juice would be a distraction from the sound quality, and LDAC would be satisfactory 99% of the time.

But I don't have an R2 and was wondering about your user experience of LDAC on it.
Feb 3, 2024 at 3:02 PM Post #919 of 980
There is a common misperception that LDAC is lossless because Sony intentionally put L in the acronym to fool people. It is never lossless and drops bit rates very, very aggressively if the signal is not strong. I have a Hiby R3 that streams LDAC and an A&K DAP that streams APTX-HD. If I move 10 feet away from the Hiby, LDAC sounds terrible. APTX-HD at least is much more consistent. I would note that connecting the 5909 via USB is far superior than LDAC or APTX-HD.
Feb 3, 2024 at 5:02 PM Post #920 of 980
There is a common misperception that LDAC is lossless because Sony intentionally put L in the acronym to fool people. It is never lossless and drops bit rates very, very aggressively if the signal is not strong. I have a Hiby R3 that streams LDAC and an A&K DAP that streams APTX-HD. If I move 10 feet away from the Hiby, LDAC sounds terrible. APTX-HD at least is much more consistent. I would note that connecting the 5909 via USB is far superior than LDAC or APTX-HD.

Understanding that LDAC isn't lossless, my query regarded the following in XTF1's case...

1) If the person (as I was addressing) is resorting to using a cable (as they reported), then they're probably not 10ft away. So now we're exploring close proximity solutions that don't drain the poor guys DAP.

2) Given my experience with the LDAC transmitter I referenced, it's commonly reported it maintains bit rates 30ft away and this has matched my experience. I was wondering how the Hiby 2's LDAC implementation fared in the person's experience. Had they even tried it? Or to what degree did they attempt to make it work? I hear from you that Hiby has some difficulty doing LDAC well. As Walter Sobcheck would say, "I did not know that."

3) Regarding sound quality, I think anyone spending this kinda money understands the hard numbers will always support wired over wireless. In XTF1's particular use case, I was wondering if they felt the implementation of LDAC functioned well enough between the Hiby 2 and the 5909. Such that the relatively minor deduction from "ideal" numbers may not reflect significant (or any) reduction in his/her/their musical enjoyment. Since many/most people seem to report anything over 600 bits is often indistinguishable from lossless. Of course the recording, musical content, and the listener's sensitivity etc, has much to do with that subjective enjoyment. I was polling XTF1's experience to see what it might be.

Basically, if one chooses Solution X over Solution Y, what path brought them to that choice? Personally, I don't find LDAC significantly different from wired on the 5909. I do find my (wired) DT 1990's the most detailed experience in my home at this time, and if I'm using a wired can, it's probably not the 5909. But again - we're comparing wired vs. wireless. Not only is the 5909 not any better wired, to me, but as others have found it comes with the occasional jarring pops, especially with streaming music.
Feb 5, 2024 at 5:06 PM Post #921 of 980
If I understand correctly, with some considerations the Hiby R2 can output LDAC? Have you tried this with the 5909?

I ask because I use a FiiO BTA30 to stream LDAC from my mac, so I can work in the kitchen without wires but still get great sound. LDAC is actually really good imo, and if I had an LDAC streaming portable DAP, I'd probably just stick with that. I'm not sure how much better an experience you're getting plugging the 5909's into the R2? If it were me, the gnawing thoughts about eating up the juice would be a distraction from the sound quality, and LDAC would be satisfactory 99% of the time.

But I don't have an R2 and was wondering about your user experience of LDAC on it.
So, I did some tests today with the R2-II. :ksc75smile:

First, with the R2-II as a DAP (internal SD) configured as a BT transmitter, an the 5909 connected to the R2-II in LDAC mode. Works fine... I did not experience any issue over a few hours. Range is good, easily 10m / 30ft with a couple of (US-type) inside walls. I left it connected to my iPhone (dual pairing) and when I receive a phone call, the track pauses and resume automatically after the call.

Second test was with the R2-II connected to my Laptop as a DAC/Amp and BT transmitter. No difference... works fine.

Third test was with the R2-II connected to WiFi and configured as BT transmitter and AirPlay renderer. Casting from my iPhone to the R2-II & 5909 worked fine... The R2-II displays the album art correctly. But, It is quite a complex setup: iPhone > AirPlay > R2-II > LDAC > 5909, and although it works, I think I would simply cast from my iPhone to the 5909, even if it's AAC only...

I also try casting from laptop through DLNA but today I had issues. I had DLNA working before, but I know it's finicky, so not really surprised here. I did not spent time investigating.

I also tested with a Shanling M0Pro: slightly more expensive DAP than the R2-II, no WiFi, but very cute and quite a bit smaller. It worked equally well. If anything the range may be a tad shorter as compared to the R2, but not by much. Dual pairing also worked fine. Connecting the M0Pro as a DAC to my laptop and as a BT transmitter also worked fine, but the sequence matters: you need to set the BT connection with the 5909 first since, when you plug the M0 as DAC/Amp, you can no longer exit that DAC screen without interrupting the USB connection..

The M0Pro has a "LDAC HD", I'm not sure how the various LDAC levels compare between the R2-II and the M0Pro. Again, I use mostly my 5909 in wired USB mode...
Feb 8, 2024 at 8:05 PM Post #922 of 980
Recently picked up a set of 5909's--absolutely LOVE the sound quality--my only issue is that earpads are a bit uncomfortable after awhile. Can anyone recommend or guide me to a larger pad that would not diminish the sound quality?
Feb 9, 2024 at 1:56 AM Post #923 of 980
Recently picked up a set of 5909's--absolutely LOVE the sound quality--my only issue is that earpads are a bit uncomfortable after awhile. Can anyone recommend or guide me to a larger pad that would not diminish the sound quality?
It's a simple fact that comfort is so variable. I've been using my 5909s on commutes, and I've had them on my head for up to three hours straight. I find them supremely comfortable, particularly the pads.

I'm afraid I don't know if there are larger pads available. You may find that the comfort improves with wear, as the memory foam settles in.
Feb 11, 2024 at 12:58 PM Post #924 of 980
Hey gang, I found the same thing. I ordered a top end cabLe and can confirm idid NOT work for me. If anyone has confirmed operating name and model of the cable and where to buy I’ll send ya a jolt of good juju! Ah, I send that anywat. Would seriously be appreciated
Feb 11, 2024 at 1:34 PM Post #925 of 980
Hey gang, I found the same thing. I ordered a top end cabLe and can confirm idid NOT work for me. If anyone has confirmed operating name and model of the cable and where to buy I’ll send ya a jolt of good juju! Ah, I send that anywat. Would seriously be appreciated
Which cable? The USB-C / USB-C or the USB-C / 3.5mm? (Let’s call them the “USB” and “audio” or “3.5mm” cables:ksc75smile:)
And what was working? No charging? No audio?
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Feb 11, 2024 at 2:25 PM Post #927 of 980
Hey there, it’s the USB c cable to 3.5 mm aux, both makes to connect to DAC amp wired. The cable it comes with is proprietary.
It is indeed “proprietary” (Side note: it meets the USB-C standards which allow manufacturers to reconfigure some of the USB-C pins. How ML reconfigures these pins and what they do with it is the proprietary part).

I am not aware of a third-party cable. But if you’re capable of soldering a USB-C connector (I’m not…), it’s not difficult to figure out! :ksc75smile:

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