Maple Tree Audio Ear+ HD250 Amp !
Nov 5, 2009 at 3:55 PM Post #76 of 136
Did someone here change their mind about buying an HD250?

Dr Lloyd's site now says that there is one available.

BTW, if you missed the boat the first time around, now's a good time to snap one up!
Nov 6, 2009 at 9:33 PM Post #77 of 136
Hmmm...I'll have to check his site. There's always the chance that the amp won't be someone's cup of tea. I'm really curious as to whether or not he decides to make more.
Nov 17, 2009 at 1:00 AM Post #78 of 136
I decided to try an Amperix EL84, just to make see if I like it better than the Mullard EL84, which had been described as the 'best' EL84.

And thankfully I did. The Amerperex was more musical, which I had been trying to coax out of the previous setup. However, it comes at a cost of having a (significantly?) more forward soundstage (not headstage luckily). It has equal PRAT as the Mullards. And I would describe the Mullards as having a slightly more 'realistic' timbre and delicacy about it, but just slightly. However, I can't give up that musicality of the Amperex now.

And unforturnately I have now, once again, spent more on tubes than on the amp itself. But it was worth it.
Nov 17, 2009 at 1:07 AM Post #79 of 136
I really appreciate you sharing your journey with us. Since there are only nine of us that can benefit from it at this point it is especially helpful! I'm still on the new-production Genelex Gold Lion EL84 and the gold-pin EH 12AX7. Still getting a handle on the character of the amp before I dive into tube rolling...

Nov 17, 2009 at 4:25 PM Post #80 of 136
Look what arrived today?!!! Did I just order a whole box of Whole Grain Crackers?!!!

Nah! It's my Mapletree HD250SE!!!

Nice comfy bubble-wrap to protect my audio baby...

Top View

Rear View

The first Black HD250SE


My HD250SE rig

Hello guys!

#5 reporting in. My driver tubes are the re-issue Tung Sol 12AX7s and the output tubes are Electroharmonix EL84s. Did the 4 of you before me get the same tubes?

Looking forward to exchanging tube rolling impressions with you guys - it'll be only the 10 of us when the dust settles, so we'd better get acquainted...
Nov 17, 2009 at 4:30 PM Post #81 of 136
Congrats! Looks great
I received the same tubes but had already purchased others to use. Let us know how you like it!
Nov 17, 2009 at 4:35 PM Post #82 of 136

1st impressions with my HD800 and Vintage Black Grado 325 are that the amp is WARM, FORWARD and BASSY... just the way I like it...
normal_smile .gif

Slight tube hum as the amp only has a couple of hours.

Just borrowed a K1000 to try with the amp. Only thing is, it's 12.30am in my neck of the woods and I've a long working day tomorrow. Gotta get some sleep...

I'll post my initial impressions on the K1000 pairing when I can.

Nov 17, 2009 at 11:01 PM Post #83 of 136
That black looks really classy. Nice photos. I was lucky enough to get number 8 after someone else cancelled their order. I would be really interested in hearing what tubes people are enjoying.

These photos make me want mine now! By the time I get mine it will be a good christmas present to myself.
Nov 22, 2009 at 8:31 PM Post #84 of 136
That black unit looks awesome

I am still on my original tube set of a JJ GZ34 rectifier and NOS Genalex Gold Lion N709s & B759s, to date I cannot find anything sonically objectionable enough to motivate a tube roll. I might at some point get the new Russian re-issues if only for a comparison between old and new Lions.

So far the amp thus tubed gives a sound that is the right mix of good hard hitting bass, sweet, grain free treble, slightly warm mids and as much detail if not more than other headphone amps I have owned. Overall I am very happy with the system and cannot see myself changing it any time soon.

Never can have too much glow...

Nov 23, 2009 at 12:11 AM Post #85 of 136

Originally Posted by Afrikane /img/forum/go_quote.gif
That black unit looks awesome

I am still on my original tube set of a JJ GZ34 rectifier and NOS Genalex Gold Lion N709s & B759s, to date I cannot find anything sonically objectionable enough to motivate a tube roll. I might at some point get the new Russian re-issues if only for a comparison between old and new Lions.

So far the amp thus tubed gives a sound that is the right mix of good hard hitting bass, sweet, grain free treble, slightly warm mids and as much detail if not more than other headphone amps I have owned. Overall I am very happy with the system and cannot see myself changing it any time soon.

Never can have too much glow...

Beautiful! I wish Lloyd had stuck with the tube rectification...would have gladly paid a little more for the joy
I'm not complaining about the sound though...
Nov 23, 2009 at 1:36 PM Post #86 of 136
Thanks Afrikane. I think all the HD250SE owners owe our amps to your prototype

I'm really surprised by the HD250SE's synergy with the K1000. It drives the K1000 very well... even better than the Gryphon Audio Tabu Integrated Amp which I had the pleasure of auditioning 3 days before my HD250SE arrived.

I like the amp so much that I've ordered a matched pair of BRIMAR CV4035 - MINT NOS 1960 Military Box Plate Premium Grade driver tubes. Will let you guys know how I like them.

Sound aside, I've a small hum issue which I want to check with you other HD250SE owners.

With a Grado RS-1 plugged into either of the jacks, here's a description of my hum "problem":-

1. With all the inputs disconnected, the hum is very low (almost imperceptible). It does not get louder with the volume turned up.

2. As soon as I plug a source into the inputs (it's the same for both inputs), the hum is audible and it gets louder when I increase the volume. At first, I thought that it could be my CD player (Marantz SA8003). But then I plugged in my friend's Audio Research CD-5 player into the amp and the hum is there with the same intensity. Changing interconnects didn't help. I used my ipod with another interconnect and I got the same hum. Plug out all the inputs and the hum almost disappears (see point 1).

3. There's also a hum when the input switch is turned to the "M" or mute position (which increases when the volume's turned up) but it's of a different frequency/tone to the hum described in point 2 above.

The good Dr Peppard replied me as follows:-

1. It's not the tubes

2. There's a slight hum with the input switch at mute due to the way the grounds are wired to the switch

3. He's unable to give a definitive answer regarding the hum

Can I just ask if you guys have a similar hum "problem"?

To be honest, the hum is very low at listening volumes and doesn't bother me (except when listening to classical music with very quiet passages). It's something that I can live with, but of course I'd like to eradicate it if it's practicable. I don't mind if it's a design characteristic since the amp has exactly the sound signature that I'm looking for - I just don't want to have a "bum" unit.

Also, when your amps are nice and hot, do you feel a slight vibration when you place your hand on the transformer?

Thanks guys.
Nov 23, 2009 at 2:47 PM Post #88 of 136
Kevin, that the HD250 drives the K1000 should not be too surprising, it was one of the design goals after all. I won't claim that is the best K1000 driver I have ever used but it does a more than creditable job and I am happy to leave my Air Tight ATM-300 in my speaker system for now.

Our amps differ slightly so I am not sure how useful any comments vis a vis the hum will be but, mine is dead silent at any level.
Nov 23, 2009 at 5:24 PM Post #89 of 136
When I first turn mine on (s/n 3), there is an audible hum. As the amp warms up (first 180 seconds) the hum subsides into near inaudibility. With no music playing, if I turn the volume up around 2-3 o'clock I can get a very subtle hum again. This is not "hiss" but a hum, just as you described it.

I don't experience the vibration but I took the stock feet off and have the amp on a trio of Mapleshade Surefeet on a block of walnut supported by the Mapleshade rubber/cork footers. I had all that stuff sitting around so I thought I'd try it. Seems to be working well.

Nov 23, 2009 at 6:00 PM Post #90 of 136

Originally Posted by Afrikane /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Kevin, that the HD250 drives the K1000 should not be too surprising, it was one of the design goals after all. I won't claim that is the best K1000 driver I have ever used but it does a more than creditable job and I am happy to leave my Air Tight ATM-300 in my speaker system for now.

Our amps differ slightly so I am not sure how useful any comments vis a vis the hum will be but, mine is dead silent at any level.

I know that the HD250SE was based on your prototype's design specifically to drive your K1000 and HD800. And I've you to thank for that...

What was surprising to me was that an amp this size and with it's quoted power output could match if not better an integrated Hi-Fi amp driving the K1000...
Just looking at the amp, you wouldn't believe it...

Didn't think your unit would have the hum issue - you really have a special amp. Thanks for replying Afrikane.

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