Man I need help - UE11 Pro: Would I regret my purchase?
Mar 2, 2008 at 12:46 AM Post #76 of 147

Originally Posted by chowk /img/forum/go_quote.gif
There are competitors offering custom IEMs:

- Sensaphonics
- FutureSonics
- HearYourself
- Westone ES-customs
- LiveWires
- SuperFreq

LiveWires and Freqs are significantly cheaper. Some companies offer multiple offerings (usually with different drivers).

But no other quad-driver IEM's, and so far from people who've had multiple customs - including UE10's - the UE11 is the undisputed king of sound quality.

EDIT: Clarifying on Al4x's post regarding "no real competition yet" in response to chowk's post regarding competitors to UE in the custom IEM field.
Mar 2, 2008 at 1:26 AM Post #77 of 147
Don't really see what the benefit of having quad drivers is, unless it's just to have that massively overboosted bass that I have to EQ out whenever I listen to my UE11s.

Having said that, I do like my UE11s. I think they are better than my old Sensaphonics 2X-S. Dunno if I really think they're worlds better -- they're a class better, but had my 2X-S not broke, I think I would have been plenty happy with them and the cash in my pocket and not the UE11s. Again tho, I do think the UE11s are quite good. I doubt anyone who buys them would be disappointed, as long as they can manage that bass.


Mar 2, 2008 at 1:29 AM Post #78 of 147
my problem is that they are better but not enough,

and in competition i was referring to quads
Mar 2, 2008 at 1:34 AM Post #79 of 147
What's the benefit of quad drivers? UE11 suffer from the lack of extension as do all IEM relative to full sized headphones.

Then again, I am a 010 owner. Everything lacks extension compared to those.


Mar 2, 2008 at 1:38 AM Post #80 of 147

Originally Posted by jjcha /img/forum/go_quote.gif
What's the benefit of quad drivers? UE11 suffer from the lack of extension as do all IEM relative to full sized headphones.

Then again, I am a 010 owner. Everything lacks extension compared to those.



is that all the extra driver gives you? just bass quantity?

put it this way, i prefer the tf10 bass to the se530
Mar 2, 2008 at 1:43 AM Post #81 of 147
Honestly, I don't know what it gives you. That's what I'm asking to anyone who seems to think having four drivers matters. I guess I might have an opinion had I owned the UE10s, but I haven't so hard to say. Will say for the non-custom IEM, the number of drivers is fairly irrelevant to me, unless it's something like the E4c and E500 where they're so similar but the extra drivers do give something more (more bass in the E500 in this case).

UE11 bass is superior to the Shure E500s. E500s were a nice improvement in the bass area over the E4cs, but still didn't have that great extension. UE11 is superior to the E500 in every way actually, IMHO, except the E500 has a nice exaggerated transient edge that some people might like for things like guitar rock.

Haven't heard the 10s to be honest. I took a pass on those after being disappointed by the 5s, which obviously is a different can.


Mar 2, 2008 at 1:53 AM Post #83 of 147
Shrug. Who cares as long as it sounds good to you.

Regardless, the UE11 is one of the cheaper headphones I've owned actually.

Best regards,

Mar 2, 2008 at 2:02 AM Post #85 of 147
Yeah, they're not kidding when they say "Sorry about your wallet"

Still, back to the original topic, I will say if you have the money and money isn't an object, I say go for it. The UE11 won't disappoint (as long as you can manage the bass). But if money is an object, then it gets hard. I like the Shure E4c and Ety ER4p plenty as well as the UM2s. I'm not a huge fan of some of the other IEM out there, but there are others who are. And I haven't heard all of the competition, so I'm sure there's some other quality stuff out there. If money is an object, does the UE11 really justify the money over say an Ety ER4p? I don't know, this is a subjective thing.

But if you have the money, I say go for it. Take the plunge, you won't be disappointed.

Best regards,

Mar 2, 2008 at 2:15 AM Post #86 of 147

Originally Posted by Al4x /img/forum/go_quote.gif
here goes controversial comment

maybe because everyones spent so much on them you have to justify it to yourself, ie placebo

dont hurt me its just a thought

It's very possible, that happens very often at head-fi. However, I can tell you that the ue11 has provided me more enjoyment that every headphone in my signature besides the AKG K1000 and Audio Technica ATH-W5000. The ue11's can really keep up for something so small and compact. It truly is amazing. I find myself using my full size cans more at home but it the value lies in being able to bring a reference quality sound with you on the go.

Good Luck
Mar 3, 2008 at 1:16 AM Post #87 of 147

Originally Posted by jjcha /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The UE11 won't disappoint (as long as you can manage the bass).

I own both the TF 10 and UE 10 pros, I thought the UE 10 pros is clearly better than the TF 10. So when the UE 11 came out, I of course was curious and wanted the latest, but then I read the UE 10 is still the flatest cans in terms of FR and transparency, in other words, a great monitor that reveal everything in the source. Whereas the ue 11 with its quad drivers, gives a much stronger bass. So it seems that the UE 11 is not necessary better in sq than the ue 10, it is a different sound. I so wanted to sell my ue 10 to upgrade to ue 11 just so I can find out how they compare. What do you guys think?
Mar 3, 2008 at 1:33 AM Post #88 of 147
My understanding is that UE11 gives also much more exciting treble, whereas the UE10 are slightly rolled off. I've also gathered that UE11 are much more 3D/big headphone sounding.
Mar 4, 2008 at 3:37 AM Post #89 of 147
Monday, March 3

A. OK received the 10s today.
B. Had them for 45 minutes.
C. They are being returned on Tuesday

OK what happened between Steps B and C?? I will tell you:

Steps to the return of my Triple.fis

B1. Tried to put those big bad.mamma.jammas into my ear
B2. No seal. No way.
B3. Tried the other plugs - big plugs, small plugs, no plugs... mixed plugs.
Thoughts at this point>>
  1. Calm down. These things take time. Sooner or later it will work. Just follow the instructions. You read them over and over before the headphones came and even now.
  2. Funny: Even with no plug it seemed too big for my ears.
  3. Maybe I am trying too hard?
  4. I probably have big ears but a small brain and just cannot follow instructions [even video ones] to get the results I need.
B4. Getting a little better-- OK let's listen to some music
Thoughts at this point>>
  1. I do not think I have a good seal. Test: With the music off I can hear everything and everyone. Only my voice is muffled.
  2. O well at some point I cannot wait 30 minutes trying this out.
  3. So I turn the iPod on for a quick test. Here comes the music!!
B4.1 Sounds good. Lively, music separation. A sense of power and wealth:weight in the music. This is promising. Very promising.

B4.2 Hold on. I must not have a good seal because once the vocals start they sound hollow but not recessed (as other reviewers have mentioned) -- the vocals sound like mono whereas everything else is in stereo. The bass is a bit less tight than expected.

B4.3 I am sure it is the seal. Test: To pull them out you are never supposed to just pull them out. I pull gently just a bit. They fall out easily.

Thoughts at this point>>
  1. I have bad ears and cannot follow the simplest of instructions
  2. And my ears hurt!! (Just to help anyone reading this -- understand my inability to tolerate discomfort)
    1. My feet hurt when I walk
    2. My face hurts when I wash it.
    3. My brain hurts when I think.
    4. My fingers hurt when I type.
  3. I am over-sensitive to pain-- so much so I ignore most of the pain because I know I am a little boy when it comes to discomfort. So if I ignore myself I get over it.
  4. Note to ponder: After a while Grados did not hurt but felt pretty fine. All I had to do was ignore the initial discomfort.
Back at the ranch...
So I want to keep trying so I pull a little here and there and then something goes wrong. One of the sides (Right) no longer plays music. I fell a bit culpable but it could not have been all my fault.
  1. The triple.fis feel like high quality so this is not a reflection of UE but an user error I am sure.
  2. I try a couple of things but to no avail. Without really wanting to troubleshoot or try further given the seal thing-- I just say to my wife flatly, "They're going back."
    1. but I set up for the big thing, "But you know it looks like I need custom earphones and they cost sooooo much more."
    2. I think she's OK with it. Or just ignoring me.
Needless to say they must be returned to Amazon.

-- End of experiment... for now.

-- To date I have had problems getting a seal with the Klipsch Custom 3s and the UE Triple.fis. So ----- this is an user error not a Klipsch or UE issue. However the Klipsch IMAGEs fit in fine -- no issues and mega-comfortable. I could only complain a little about the discomfort of course because I am a little boy when it comes to pain.

I really liked the Klipsch IMAGEs but returned them because they were quintessential good Head-fi products. So good then made me want to upgrade.

I wanted all of the Klipsch:
  1. comfort
  2. bass
  3. fun factor while listening to music
  4. easy listening
While gaining
  1. better instrument separation and better resolution in general
  2. higher highs
  3. improved soundstage

I was greedy and UE has made it clear to me.
You want fame well here's where you start paying for it! In sweating the decision to get UE11.

There is a possibility to get another pair and then put on Averysound custom tips but I am thinking why bother??

So I certain I might just do it and definitely I will come close to pushing the buy button on the UE11s. I am 100% confident I will with 80% certainly consider buying the UE11s and there is a 50/50 chance I will pull the trigger as soon as tomorrow or certainly further research other custom phones.

I called an audiologist and explained what I wanted. She responded, "Have you heard the Sensaphonics. We do impressions and the whole gambit for those earphones all the time."

"Yes I have heard of them. They, um, seem like a great earphone but... I have heard, no reflection on you, but that they have some reliability concerns. I don't know perhaps I heard wrong. I will check them out too."

O - well.

That's my update.

Does anyone have the 2X-S and the UE11s? Care to comment?
I know Jason had the 2X-S at one point.

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