Man I need help - UE11 Pro: Would I regret my purchase?
Mar 10, 2008 at 1:41 PM Post #121 of 147
Here is a touchy question for me. I notice that with large cans (HD650) I get a very full coherant sound. When the music goes left to right with the sound, its seamless. However, I don't find it as equal with the UE11. The sound goes outward farther to the right and stops earlier on the left when I think it should go an equal distance. I know the soundstage isn't as large on these, however, the soundstage seems to vary day by day depending on the seal. This can sometimes irritate me. I usually use the HD650 when at home because of its soundstage, however the UE11 offers a tremendous increase in resolution of bass and low level detail.
Mar 10, 2008 at 2:34 PM Post #122 of 147
The best thing about UE11 is you can have them custom made in ALL regards, even frequency boosts & cuts. I have two pairs (ue7 &ue10) and have loved using them. Since i travel a lot the ue10 pretty much cancel all noise outside. Its like listening to music and only music.
Mar 10, 2008 at 4:30 PM Post #123 of 147

Originally Posted by number1sixerfan /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I agree, I think the isolation is fine for my needs. I just wanted others to know in case they were expecting 100% isolation from ambient noises.

I think they sound really good straight out of my classic. I have used amps with them and the music separation improves, but for me it isn't worth the bulk. Even straight out of my ipod, it easily competes with my home setup.

yeah i do not want to deal with the bulk since I am always on the move at work.
Mar 10, 2008 at 4:44 PM Post #124 of 147
They are pro. In ear monitors used by producers, engineers, musicians etc. Surely they are as good as anything you throw at them? I know, irrespective of cost, earmoulds, fit etc. I will be ordeing some very soon! If they aren't right the first time I will send them back until they are. Inconvenient yes, but If I pay that much (plus UK import duties) I am prepared to go through all the trouble.
Mar 10, 2008 at 9:31 PM Post #125 of 147
I'm really curious to hear what folks say about getting the seal. Once they "snap" into place, do you get your seal? Do you need to wiggle them around and perhaps push them into the canal a bit to get the seal?

I seem to need to wiggle them around a bit.. and even still -- if my ear is dry -- the seal is somewhat missing. Only after a few minutes do I get a bit of sweat buildup and I think that ultimately gives me the good seal...

It really seems tricky to get the right seal with the initial, dry ear.
Mar 10, 2008 at 9:47 PM Post #126 of 147

Originally Posted by jamespb78 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I just had a listen to my UE11's straight out of my Ipod classic headphone jack. Here are my thoughts....

Volume is more than adequate, detail is there, but the soundstage is not huge, and I don't feel that the transparency between instruments and voices is great either. It kinda all sounds 'together'. It's not a bad sound - but certainly not getting the full potential out of the UE11's.

If I connect my UE11's to my iMod, and Vcap dock, and Predator amp - well things start to change (as one would expect).

Soundstage is very large and wide, and transparency is great too. I can hear individual singers, and can easily pinpoint a single instrument out from all the others. Instruments sound more like instruments too.

In summary, whilst UE11's straight out of Ipod classic headphone jack is good, I don't think your pushing these things to their potential - and they definitely seem to benefit from a higher source.

Just my thoughts.

What type of source files are you using? Type, Bit Rate? I will tell you that makes a HUGE difference with the UE-11's. i also have a Cowon iAudio7 and it drives at about 2x the output of the Apple devices. It also supports FLAC and Ogg Vorbis. NO soundstage issues or transparency issues either....(but I will certainly concede it's not like having the amp, etc.)
Mar 10, 2008 at 9:53 PM Post #127 of 147

Originally Posted by thread /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm really curious to hear what folks say about getting the seal. Once they "snap" into place, do you get your seal? Do you need to wiggle them around and perhaps push them into the canal a bit to get the seal?

I seem to need to wiggle them around a bit.. and even still -- if my ear is dry -- the seal is somewhat missing. Only after a few minutes do I get a bit of sweat buildup and I think that ultimately gives me the good seal...).

It really seems tricky to get the right seal with the initial, dry ear.

I found the perfect solution to the "do they seal" issue. I bought a small bottle of Oto-Ease and that completely resolves any discomfort, sticking or seal issues. I know you can buy it direct from Westone, and I would imagine most places that sell hearing aid supplies (it is made for inserting them without discomfort and to ensure a good seal....).

A bottle is about $6US and goes a VERY long way. I have had mine about 6 months and have used maybe 10% of the bottle (which is the same size as a small bottle of rewetting drops for contacts).
Mar 10, 2008 at 10:28 PM Post #128 of 147
@Lifter59, I think I read you talking about this stuff before, and have considered it. Do you apply the oil to the earphones every time you use them? I'm afraid that might be too annoying to have to do -- especially since I'm pretty much over any discomfort I had initially.

Now my only complaint is getting an easy seal.

Also, as I just mentioned in the First UE11 Impressions thread, the seal issue only really seems to exist in the right earphone. The left one seems to find the sweet spot fairly easily and stay sealed.
Mar 10, 2008 at 11:38 PM Post #129 of 147

Originally Posted by thread /img/forum/go_quote.gif
@Lifter59, I think I read you talking about this stuff before, and have considered it. Do you apply the oil to the earphones every time you use them? I'm afraid that might be too annoying to have to do -- especially since I'm pretty much over any discomfort I had initially.

Now my only complaint is getting an easy seal.

Also, as I just mentioned in the First UE11 Impressions thread, the seal issue only really seems to exist in the right earphone. The left one seems to find the sweet spot fairly easily and stay sealed.

The stuff is a very light water-based lubricant so it isn't messy and doesn't leave a residue. Keep in mind that no matter how perfectly molded the IEM's are - some of us have some interesting bends to our ear canals (I have looked at some of the pics
). For me, I have some scar tissue in one ear and while the IEM accounts for it in the mold, there is still some pressure in getting my left one in every now and then. It really isn't annoying at all and once you experience the difference in putting them in (and taking them out) you realize you spend more time taking everything out of their cases, etc. than putting them in...
Mar 11, 2008 at 2:46 AM Post #130 of 147

Originally Posted by mattdusk /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The best thing about UE11 is you can have them custom made in ALL regards, even frequency boosts & cuts. I have two pairs (ue7 &ue10) and have loved using them. Since i travel a lot the ue10 pretty much cancel all noise outside. Its like listening to music and only music.

Hi MD, I did not notice your post before-- not sure how I missed it.
But I did not know you can request UE to alter the frequency and so forth. Did you have these type of customizations done?
Mar 11, 2008 at 9:03 AM Post #131 of 147

Originally Posted by Lifter59 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
What type of source files are you using? Type, Bit Rate? I will tell you that makes a HUGE difference with the UE-11's. i also have a Cowon iAudio7 and it drives at about 2x the output of the Apple devices. It also supports FLAC and Ogg Vorbis. NO soundstage issues or transparency issues either....(but I will certainly concede it's not like having the amp, etc.)

Hi Lifter,

I only use Apple Lossless format on both my iPod classic and iMod.

Don't get me wrong - the soundstage direct from the iPod classic headphone jack is OK - but I find it dramatically increases when using the imod - vcap - amp setup. Obviously that setup is not that portable though!
Mar 27, 2008 at 4:31 PM Post #132 of 147


These are the pics from Ultimate Ears post production but prior to the black cable add. I do not think I could take more accurate or closer up pictures so I used the ones sent to me.

They are very jazzy looking. Perhaps they will make the cut for the UE website under Art Gallery. We'll see.

NO impressions, feedback on the sound right now. I will take some good time listening to the sounds and report back.
Mar 27, 2008 at 4:56 PM Post #133 of 147
Wicked, spraggih. Enjoy those earphones and let us know how you like them!

I just got mine back from the refit this morning. They seem to be fitting very nicely for me now. I'm very much enjoying these earphones through my Predator...
Mar 27, 2008 at 8:18 PM Post #134 of 147
UE11's! Great product, and a great company that stands behind them! Sounds like a winning combination to me! Congrats guys!
BTW, with regard to that Oto solution for insertion...I would run that question past Jeanette Coffee at UE to make sure they agree it won't have any adverse effect on the material. I doubt it, but at this price I certainly wouldn't take a chance! I can say for sure getting it into any of the ports would definitely not be a good idea! So my advice would be to check with UE!

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