Made in China!!!
Nov 10, 2009 at 5:45 AM Post #62 of 74
Its too bad that China won't make those expensive headphones cheap for you. so save up!


Originally Posted by jaycalgary /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Grado SR60 Sr80 are made in China if I remember correctly.
Expensive headphones I don't want from China and if you don't like it too bad.
I look at Germany or Japan and a bunch of others as a higher quality product
even if it is not always true. I would like a list of where good headphones are made.
I was looking on the boxes of a few different headphones and they don't even list it anymore.

Nov 10, 2009 at 5:51 AM Post #63 of 74
Not buying a product from a certain country because a person has something against the people of that country as a race is ignorant and racist. Not buying a product from a certain country because a person believes that some or all products made in that country are not well made, or for some other political, socio-economic, or practical reason, may or may not be ignorant or justifiable, depending on the particular situation. But it is not racist. Look up the definition of racism in the dictionary. And saying it is racist dilutes the meaning of the word, demeans those who have suffered actual racism, and undercuts efforts to deal with racism that actually exists in our world.
Nov 10, 2009 at 6:06 AM Post #64 of 74
Well, I am out of this, I grew up in a third world African country and I have lived in poor places in China. Life is different there compares to here. Thats why I can totally understand those unethical traders in China.. Its human nature. People have habits of stealing in Zimbabwe, its unethical to all of you, but its their nature, they don't even feel ashamed even if you caught them stealing. I am talking from experience.

But as the economy grows, things change. look on ebay and see how many CHinese merchants have 100% feedbacks. Companies like Ibasso is from China, Lenovo is from China, Yuin is from China. number of good merchants in China are growing. I wish people accept them but not avoid them.
Nov 10, 2009 at 6:10 AM Post #65 of 74
Totally Agree. Its offensive.


Originally Posted by PhilS /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Not buying a product from a certain country because a person has something against the people of that country as a race is ignorant and racist. Not buying a product from a certain country because a person believes that some or all products made in that country are not well made, or for some other political, socio-economic, or practical reason, may or may not be ignorant or justifiable, depending on the particular situation. But it is not racist. Look up the definition of racism in the dictionary. And saying it is racist dilutes the meaning of the word, demeans those who have suffered actual racism, and undercuts efforts to deal with racism that actually exists in our world.

Nov 10, 2009 at 6:23 AM Post #66 of 74
Feather, you've obviously got a background different from many people which is interesting and unique and perhaps not everyone can relate to it. So please take this as friendly advice though and not something preachy - it might be better for you and your stress level if you cool out a little and not take things personally just because it happens to be said about your ethnic or racial group. No need to get so worked up over it, no one is saying anything about you as an individual

I'm pretty sure a lot of people on here realize that many of their goods or parts of their goods come from China and aren't quite so opposed to it as this thread might make it seem.
Nov 10, 2009 at 6:38 AM Post #67 of 74

Originally Posted by PhilS /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Not buying a product from a certain country because a person has something against the people of that country as a race is ignorant and racist. Not buying a product from a certain country because a person believes that some or all products made in that country are not well made, or for some other political, socio-economic, or practical reason, may or may not be ignorant or justifiable, depending on the particular situation. But it is not racist. Look up the definition of racism in the dictionary. And saying it is racist dilutes the meaning of the word, demeans those who have suffered actual racism, and undercuts efforts to deal with racism that actually exists in our world.

Actually, if you want to be pedantic, unless you hate all humans, you are not a racist. There is only one race, and that is the human race. The proper term should be "ethnist", but Firefox does not even recognize it.

I am weary of too much product for too little money, period. I care not the country of origin. Crap is crap and good quality is good quality.
Nov 10, 2009 at 6:42 AM Post #68 of 74
I understand I am overeating, and I apologize if there are any misunderstandings.

Now I'm going to enjoy some Morgan 12 Clones with my Denon D7000 (made in China)


Originally Posted by MadMan007 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Feather, you've obviously got a background different from many people which is interesting and unique and perhaps not everyone can relate to it. So please take this as friendly advice though and not something preachy - it might be better for you and your stress level if you cool out a little and not take things personally just because it happens to be said about your ethnic or racial group. No need to get so worked up over it, no one is saying anything about you as an individual

I'm pretty sure a lot of people on here realize that many of their goods or parts of their goods come from China and aren't quite so opposed to it as this thread might make it seem.

Nov 10, 2009 at 6:44 AM Post #69 of 74

Originally Posted by rds /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Haha, yes the 'not' is a typo. Gotta make sure to double checked that my major point is actually worded sensibly
But since you ask, my question is why would either view make me a racist? It's just a nasty ad hominem as far as I can see.

I tend to agree.

Nov 10, 2009 at 6:45 AM Post #70 of 74
Wow. This thread ballooned to 5 pages in the span of less than a day filled with a heated argument. Being through school and having the opportunity to take ethnic race classes that actually discuss these topics of racism, discrimination, and the like, I would like to say that people these days love to stereotype things they know the least. It might not be that they choose to be racist. It's just that they haven't been exposed to said topic. It's not racism or discrimination. It's ignorance. The majority of Westerners are ignorant beyond belief. Just like the term "oriental". It's an offensive term to slap on Asian Americans. However, the only way to counter ignorance is to teach everyone what they're misconstruing. It's a slow process to educate people beyond the level of ignorance. I'm Chinese American as well and yes I do get irritated with some people for being ignorant, but I don't blow up. I just kindly remind them what they're misunderstanding, several times if needed until they understand. My professors have taught us this method and it's worked out pretty well so far. And they serves to help them avoid making the same mistake with others and allows them to correct others who are misinformed. So let's stop the flame war and step back and handle this peacefully.

Yes, I'm assembled in the US of A of Chinese parts and American labor.
Nov 10, 2009 at 6:57 AM Post #71 of 74
As it happens I attended a workshop on bias and stereotypes last week. The presenter stressed that most people acting on bias based on stereotype were not racist, but rather people of good will.

Following the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, I avoided purchasing Chinese made products because of how I believed Chinese workers (and students, and minorities) were being treated. After a few years I came to realize that if I did not buy Chinese products, I would not be buying much of anything at all. Perhaps I have not the courage of my convictions.

Am I concerned about the quality of goods from China? Yes. Adulterated milk products for one. And my grandson had a toy recalled for contamination with lead paint. However I am most pleased with my D7000's that were made in China.

I used to be a manufacturer. Some parts from China were very good. Some were not so good. It is best not to make generalizations on a whole country. Looking at the boxes for two pair of Sennheisers that I have I see they were both made in Ireland. I would think any Sennheiser phones would be of good quality no matter where they were made. Besides, they should have a two year warranty.
Nov 10, 2009 at 6:58 AM Post #72 of 74

Originally Posted by Feather225 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Well, I am out of this, I grew up in a third world African country and I have lived in poor places in China. Life is different there compares to here. Thats why I can totally understand those unethical traders in China.. Its human nature. People have habits of stealing in Zimbabwe, its unethical to all of you, but its their nature, they don't even feel ashamed even if you caught them stealing. I am talking from experience.

But as the economy grows, things change. look on ebay and see how many CHinese merchants have 100% feedbacks. Comapnies like Ibasso is from China, Lenovo is from China, Yuin is from China. number of good merchants in China are growing. I wish people accept them but not avoid them.

agreed. some people are just living at wits end everyday.

I have a friend who is so skeptical of china products. He would not even want to try them and "stamped" the fact that they will spoil anytime. Worse part is, he is a chinese.
Nov 10, 2009 at 8:41 AM Post #73 of 74
I love Chinese products,and I love the way that Asians in general strive to attain.
Give it a few more years and Chinese made will be high end and everyone will be complaining about Indian QC.
Nov 10, 2009 at 8:50 AM Post #74 of 74

Originally Posted by roadtonowhere08 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Actually, if you want to be pedantic, unless you hate all humans, you are not a racist. There is only one race, and that is the human race. The proper term should be "ethnist", but Firefox does not even recognize it.

I am weary of too much product for too little money, period. I care not the country of origin. Crap is crap and good quality is good quality.

Anthropologically speaking negroid, caucasoid and mongoloid are three "races" of people. Then there are australoid, capoids and congroids etc. Although, if you want to dispute this classification due to the genetic similarities between people then I'll accept it, although cranial differences between races has been shown through craniofacial anthropometry (
) ... I dont particularly like the classification homo sapiens because homo sapiens sapiens are still so ethnically diverse. Maybe in the future when we have been fuzed into a milkshake of all the current "ethnic groups", then this would apply although IMO this sort of science is political correctness and not actual science as variance does exist (even though its like 0.1% of the genetic code).

I wonder where the OP comes from. If he comes from somewhere like taiwan I can sort of understand his want to not buy chinese, but I'm guessing he is probably American based on the geological distribution of this site in regards to this issue.

edit: Pi is equal to 3 and the earth is flat.

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