Made in China!!!
Nov 10, 2009 at 5:07 AM Post #46 of 74

Originally Posted by MadMan007 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Feather - Not arguing with you man, just saying that the 'Japan 30 years ago' thing wasn't quite right
smily_headphones1.gif's easy to forget we are really at 2010 not 2000. I think you need to go back about 20 more years than that, of course the country was coming out of rebuilding post-WWII at that point. Also I wanted to point out one significant difference, especially with the timeframe that you gave, versus stuff made in China today and that is the large amount of original R&D versus largely derivative work that's done in China today.

OK you were right, maybe I should say Japan 1960s-70s~ Well, I believe China is going through the same process as Japan once did. Let's give China another 20 years and then talk about quality again.

I am not trying to argue with you too. I was just giving you an example concerning stereotypes.
Nov 10, 2009 at 5:08 AM Post #47 of 74
Why do people say things like 'it doesn't matter where it's from' as if that's a fact? To many people it matters a lot. In general is not because they are racist, xenophobic or any other derogatory term you want to throw around. Many people have real social and political concerns about where the things they buy come from.

Is it ok for me not to object to buying diamonds from the Congo? Am I a racist for feeling that way?
Stop trying to justify your own guilt and grow up.
Nov 10, 2009 at 5:10 AM Post #48 of 74

Soon as I finished reading through this thread, I checked EMail and received a solicitation to buy transformers from China.

Dear Sir/ Madma,

Good day! Hope you are well.

I'm John Zhao from SINCERE INDUSTRIAL (H.K) CO., LIMITED. We are a leading and professional manufacturer and exporter with more than 10 years of toroidal transformer, EI transformer, audio transformer and light transformer, adaptor, switching power supply and so on . Nice to know you!.

Nov 10, 2009 at 5:13 AM Post #49 of 74

Originally Posted by rds /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Is it ok for me not to object to buying diamonds from the Congo? Am I a racist for feeling that way?

Why would NOT objecting to buying diamonds from the Congo make you racist? Or did you mean you DO object to buying diamonds from the Congo?

Nov 10, 2009 at 5:19 AM Post #50 of 74

Originally Posted by Feather225 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Well, it all comes down to perceptions. I am leaning towards Chinese workers because I embrace my ethnicity as well as the fact that I have seen many very hard working Chinese workers working 12 hours a day and getting paid at very low rate. At the same time, taking blames from Americans who pays little and complaints about quality.

Indeed a lot of it has to do with perception.

As for the OP, products made in China are fine. My HD595 have not died. Most of the people who end up with broken headphones are careless or had accidents.
Nov 10, 2009 at 5:19 AM Post #51 of 74

Originally Posted by Koyaan I. Sqatsi /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Why would NOT objecting to buying diamonds from the Congo make you racist? Or did you mean you DO object to buying diamonds from the Congo?


Haha, yes the 'not' is a typo. Gotta make sure to double checked that my major point is actually worded sensibly
But since you ask, my question is why would either view make me a racist? It's just a nasty ad hominem as far as I can see.

Here it is again:

Why do people say things like 'it doesn't matter where it's from' as if that's a fact? To many people it matters a lot. In general is not because they are racist, xenophobic or any other derogatory term you want to throw around. Many people have real social and political concerns about where the things they buy come from.

Is it ok for me to object to buying diamonds from the Congo? Am I a racist for feeling that way?
Stop trying to justify your own guilt and grow up.
Nov 10, 2009 at 5:23 AM Post #52 of 74
IMO, these types of threads, i.e., threads that go on for pages about whether some comment about China or where something was made is racist or not, ought to be banned just like political or religious threads are banned. They serve no purpose, and are just inflammatory and offensive in many respects.
Nov 10, 2009 at 5:23 AM Post #53 of 74

Originally Posted by Feather225 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
OK you were right, maybe I should say Japan 1960s-70s~ Well, I believe China is going through the same process as Japan once did. Let's give China another 20 years and then talk about quality again.

I am not trying to argue with you too. I was just giving you an example concerning stereotypes.

Yeah no problems, I have to consciously think about dates too as time passes by. I also can't empathize directly with an ethnic connection like you said you do so I can't get offended when someone says 'cheap <whatever> stuff.'

The whole China issue, quality aside, is extremely complex and far too much to go in to here.
Nov 10, 2009 at 5:25 AM Post #54 of 74
Well, the OP is concerning about the quality of the product because it was made in China before he even tries it. You are telling me he is having political concerns???

Look around you and tell me how many people that you know are protesting Chinese goods for political reasons. there might be but I have never seen anyone like that.

Not ethical buying Diamond from Congo? yep! you didn't buy it from Congo, it simply shipped out from Congo to South Africa, then fly to UK and now its ethical for you to buy. I grew up in Southern Africa, and I know whats happening there.
I don't know who should justify their own guilt and grow up.
Plus, we are not talking of racism here.


Originally Posted by rds /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Why do people say things like 'it doesn't matter where it's from' as if that's a fact? To many people it matters a lot. In general is not because they are racist, xenophobic or any other derogatory term you want to throw around. Many people have real social and political concerns about where the things they buy come from.

Is it ok for me not to object to buying diamonds from the Congo? Am I a racist for feeling that way?
Stop trying to justify your own guilt and grow up.

Nov 10, 2009 at 5:28 AM Post #55 of 74
So can we start waxing trade surplus v. deficit or currency manipulation now? Just kidding. It is a global economy folks, like it or not. If you don't like product manufactured in China or elsewhere then voice your preference with your dollars, don't buy it. It is a simple matter of supply and demand - soooo, consumer electronics will stop being made in China when the rest of the world stops buying them - not likely, but if it keeps your conscious clean, super... Oh, and I think that who ever brought up the term "racist" use poor judgment in selecting that word/concept in this context.
Nov 10, 2009 at 5:32 AM Post #56 of 74

Originally Posted by Feather225 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Well, it all comes down to perceptions. I am leaning towards Chinese workers because I embrace my ethnicity as well as the fact that I have seen many very hard working Chinese workers working 12 hours a day and getting paid at very low rate. At the same time, taking blames from Americans who pays little and complaints about quality.

I'm going to make a pretty simple point about this.

Will I buy an item from China?

Yes, I've bought a DAC from China, with decent results I might add. Not to mention the various amounts of consumer electronics I have, and probably much much more.

Will I criticize a poorly made item from China?

If it doesn't do what it's supposed to or breaks for no reason really, yes. You may scream that's not fair, but let's be honest here. They sold a product at a price they agreed for a product that works a certain way. That's an obligation they've promised to fill at their discretion. They could have upped the price and made one that does work as intended, but for fear of not remaining competitive didn't.

Any US company that would cut corners to remain competitive is criticized and fairly. Regardless of country the standards should be the same.

If you can't fill the order then don't. It's really that simple.


Well, the OP is concerning about the quality of the product because it was made in China before he even tries it. You are telling me he is having political concerns???

He was worried about a counterfeit goods, because many don't connect Sennheiser with China at first.

It's the same reason I won't buy DVDs from China over Ebay, because many are obviously counterfeit. It's a customer being praoactive and protecting himself and his investment.


Look around you and tell me how many people that you know are protesting Chinese goods for political reasons. there might be but I have never seen anyone like that.

There are many that won't buy because workers are treated like crap. Unfortunately some products are pretty much only made there so it's a hard stance to take, but some do it.
Nov 10, 2009 at 5:32 AM Post #57 of 74
Well, I don't know who bought up racist, I think is rds, but I was constantly using the word "stereotype".
I just want people to realize that the product quality made in China is improving significantly, people should see it and not avoid it.


Originally Posted by mritt400 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
So can we start waxing trade surplus v. deficit or currency manipulation now? Just kidding. It is a global economy folks, like it or not. If you don't like product manufactured in China or elsewhere then voice your preference with your dollars, don't buy it. It is a simple matter of supply and demand - soooo, consumer electronics will stop being made in China when the rest of the world stops buying them - not likely, but if it keeps your conscious clean, super... Oh, and I think that who ever brought up the term "racist" use poor judgment in selecting that word/concept in this context.

Nov 10, 2009 at 5:40 AM Post #58 of 74
Well, I totally agree with you and I really wish everyone thinks like you. there are definitely unethical traders in China, but so as everywhere else.

Therefore, don't feel bad about something made in China before you even used it. I am trying to focus on the fact that the quality made in China is improving and people should evaluate them again but not to avoid them.


Originally Posted by Shike /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm going to make a pretty simple point about this.

Will I buy an item from China?

Yes, I've bought a DAC from China, with decent results I might add. Not to mention the various amounts of consumer electronics I have, and probably much much more.

Will I criticize a poorly made item from China?

If it doesn't do what it's supposed to or breaks for no reason really, yes. You may scream that's not fair, but let's be honest here. They sold a product at a price they agreed for a product that works a certain way. That's an obligation they've promised to fill at their discretion. They could have upped the price and made one that does work as intended, but for fear of not remaining competitive didn't.

Any US company that would cut corners to remain competitive is criticized and fairly. Regardless of country the standards should be the same.

If you can't fill the order than don't. It's really that simple.

He was worried about a counterfeit goods, because many don't connect Sennheiser with China at first.

It's the same reason I won't buy DVDs from China over Ebay, because many are obviously counterfeit.

There are many that won't buy because workers are treated like ****. Unfortunately some products are pretty much only made there so it's a hard stance to take, but some do it.

Nov 10, 2009 at 5:41 AM Post #59 of 74
Grado SR60 Sr80 are made in China if I remember correctly.
Expensive headphones I don't want from China and if you don't like it too bad.
I look at Germany or Japan and a bunch of others as a higher quality product
even if it is not always true. I would like a list of where good headphones are made.
I was looking on the boxes of a few different headphones and they don't even list it anymore.
Nov 10, 2009 at 5:42 AM Post #60 of 74

Originally Posted by Feather225 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Not ethical buying Diamond from Congo? yep! you didn't buy it from Congo, it simply shipped out from Congo to South Africa, then fly to UK and now its ethical for you to buy. I grew up in Southern Africa, and I know whats happening there.
I don't know who should justify their own guilt and grow up.

Here we go again attacking me for something I never said or claimed.

Here's an obvious political reason: People worry that they are losing manufacturing jobs in their own country. Maybe there's nothing they can do about it and it is just the nature of a global "free market", but is that not a legitimate concern? It's not something I worry about for myself, but I can understand people being worried.

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