M3 - Second Biggest Disappointment Ever
Jul 6, 2006 at 1:14 AM Post #76 of 249

Originally Posted by n_maher
Funny thing there, with the exception of a very short FOTM run for the SA5Ks I don't think I've ever heard anyone other than a particular doctor, whose posts I'm no longer burdened with reading, recommend the SA5ks. Not to mention a majority of people.


When I mean majority, I'm talking about those that DO reply in a thread and provide a recommendation.

I first learned of the SA5k's from this thread asking about what kind of music I listen to:

From that point forward, it became clearer and clearer that SA5k's are the most obvious choice for the kind of music I listen to.
Jul 6, 2006 at 1:20 AM Post #77 of 249

Originally Posted by Azure
However, I accepted the SA1k's as being better than my previous "standard" (A500s) immediately. To me, this was a sign that it was a worthwhile and REAL upgrade.

Not necessarily. It's a different sound signature entirely. While it might be an upgrade as well it's a lot easier to recognize big differences when you're getting a completely different sound. If you had gone from A500-A900 and said the same thing that would be a REAL upgrade. Once you have the sound signature you want other modifications usually lead to an improvement in that sound, not a completely different one.

Jul 6, 2006 at 1:23 AM Post #79 of 249

Originally Posted by Azure
Well, what I believe is that this kind of thinking can only be considered a logical flaw when the new sound sounds worse than the accustomed sound. If this happens, then you'd be on the track to prove that this line of thinking has serious flaws.

However, I don't dislike the sound that is being produced from the M3. In fact, it's better than the sound that I was long accustomed to, I recognized this upon the first few songs I listened to. The only problem is that it isn't AS better as I expected.

I still don't see how it is the 2nd biggest disappointment ever that the M3 has just as much of an SQ improvement as people usually say amps do. Who was telling you it would be as big of an improvement as you were expecting?

It sounds to me more like you were expecting a huge difference rather than actual improvement in SQ, since you don't want to spend the time to listen for subtle improvements before jumping to conclusions. In other words you just wanted to be 'WOWed', rather than get the small improvement to SQ that amps have (relative to changing headphones).
Jul 6, 2006 at 1:24 AM Post #80 of 249

Originally Posted by n_maher
With regard to the temp of the case it's probably nothing to worry about and given that it's probably a custom power supply it'll be rather hard to tell if it's an issue. We can't easily tell how much voltage the reg is dropping and without knowing the characteristics of the heatsink it's impossible to estimate what the temperature should be. At least it's vented, if it wasn't I'd be really worried. In the end your best bet is to ask the builder what they think about it.

I actually think the regulator is bolted to the case itself. I'm not gonna speculate any more than that without seeing pics
Jul 6, 2006 at 1:25 AM Post #81 of 249

Originally Posted by Fitz

It sounds to me more like you were expecting a huge difference rather than actual improvement in SQ, since you don't want to spend the time to listen for subtle improvements before jumping to conclusions. In other words you just wanted to be 'WOWed', rather than get the small improvement to SQ that amps have (relative to changing headphones).

Hehe. He was expecting the same WOW factor I got when I heard the Omega II coming from the HD600
Jul 6, 2006 at 1:31 AM Post #82 of 249

Originally Posted by J-Pak
Didn't you post saying you were thrilled about the differences between the SA1000 and SA5000? I even remember you immediatly selling off the SA1000.

Why the sudden change of heart to downgrade?

Do you sometimes think most of your decisions are based off impulse?

The sudden change was due to my realization of the limitations of this hobby based on my M3 experience. One of the reasons I was exicted about/kept the SA5k's was the potential when properly amped and what not.


Originally Posted by Fitz
I still don't see how it is the 2nd biggest disappointment ever that the M3 has just as much of an SQ improvement as people usually say amps do. Who was telling you it would be as big of an improvement as you were expecting?

It sounds to me more like you were expecting a huge difference rather than actual improvement in SQ, since you don't want to spend the time to listen for subtle improvements before jumping to conclusions. In other words you just wanted to be 'WOWed', rather than get the small improvement to SQ that amps have (relative to changing headphones).

It was everywhere than an amp will improve sound quality tremendously (Maybe amps are just over-hyped on these forums?). I guess, as you said, I should have expected an improvement rather than an upgrade.

I "don't want to spend the time to listen to subtle improvements" because I'm not an audiophile type of guy like the majority here and am unable to do as such. I noted an improvement, but I'm not keen enough to analyze the music and notice the supersonic improvements. I realized the sound was better, but it wasn't as grand as expected. Based on this, I realized that this hobby isn't for me as I'm not able to discern the minute sonic improvements that everybody else here would have noticed (And thus wouldn't feel the same way about me). Because of this, I said that I wanted to downgrade back to the SA1k's (Which is 85-90% of the SA5k's) and just quit this hobby since it obviously is beyond my capabilities.
Jul 6, 2006 at 1:32 AM Post #83 of 249

Originally Posted by Teerawit
Hehe. He was expecting the same WOW factor I got when I heard the Omega II coming from the HD600

What happend? How were electrostats after using dynamic cans for so long? How big was the difference?
Jul 6, 2006 at 1:33 AM Post #84 of 249

Originally Posted by Teerawit
Hehe. He was expecting the same WOW factor I got when I heard the Omega II coming from the HD600

Sad thing is, the WOW factors come fewer and farther between as you scale up. Seems like a lot of stuff later on is fine tuning to your own ear for more lasting comfort listening. The WOWs come more often at the beginning of the trip, when you try out different sound signatures.

And yeah, what others said... there's no point in discounting any sound signature because you "think" you won't like it. Based on descriptions here, I thought the DT880 was for me. Turns out I was a Gradohead. Never woulda figured that out by description alone.

And damn it, I still haven't been WOW'd by the Omega II! What amps are you punks listening to this thing on?!
Jul 6, 2006 at 1:33 AM Post #85 of 249
Well I've read every single one of your posts in this thread and you're saying that if there was a perceived difference to you at the time then it wasn't psycho-acoustic.

And now you're back tracking on your word just because an amp didn't improve them?

This has absolutely nothing to do with the difference between the SA1000 and SA5000, and rather sounds like a rash decision on your part (because you were unhappy with product X, you're narrowing everything down so that you're left with the bare minimum...product Y).
Jul 6, 2006 at 1:36 AM Post #86 of 249

Originally Posted by J-Pak
Well I've read every single one of your posts in this thread and you're saying that if there was a perceived difference to you at the time then it wasn't psycho-acoustic.

And now you're back tracking on your word just because an amp didn't improve them?

This has absolutely nothing to do with the difference between the SA1000 and SA5000, and rather sounds like a rash decision on your part (because you were unhappy with product X, you're narrowing everything down so that you're left with the bare minimum...product Y).

Err...I'm a little confused. What exactly do you mean? What would product X be (Can't be SA5k's since I was never unhappy with them to begin with)?

Jul 6, 2006 at 1:39 AM Post #87 of 249
X = M3
Y = SA1000

You're unhappy with the M3, thus you're purging all your audio equipment to live with just the SA1000.

When at the time of the SA5000 purchase you said you were happy with the difference between the SA1000 and SA5000. By your logic in this thread, if there was a difference immediately after you bought a product then there was in fact a real life difference...and not psycho-acoustic.

Hence I'm wondering why you want to get rid of the SA5000. Not that complicated
Jul 6, 2006 at 1:39 AM Post #88 of 249

Originally Posted by Mercuttio
Sad thing is, the WOW factors come fewer and farther between as you scale up. Seems like a lot of stuff later on is fine tuning to your own ear for more lasting comfort listening. The WOWs come more often at the beginning of the trip, when you try out different sound signatures.

And yeah, what others said... there's no point in discounting any sound signature because you "think" you won't like it. Based on descriptions here, I thought the DT880 was for me. Turns out I was a Gradohead. Never woulda figured that out by description alone.

And damn it, I still haven't been WOW'd by the Omega II! What amps are you punks listening to this thing on?!


I've listened to it on a Headamp KGSS. Versus my current system it doesn't impress me as much anymore, but it still has a different sound signature that I like in a lot of ways.
Jul 6, 2006 at 1:39 AM Post #89 of 249

Originally Posted by Azure
Err...I'm a little confused. What exactly do you mean? What would product X be (Can't be SA5k's since I was never unhappy with them to begin with)?


SA5K doesn't like some amps and sources. It's really kind of picky. I found it listenable out of most things, but I couldn't get it to sing in my home setup.

Why move back to the SA1k again? I know it's 80% of the performance (so you say) but if you like the SA5K, why would you do that...? Downgrades are MUCH harder than you think. You'll probably spend a lot of time looking for that 20% without knowing it, and being dissapointed.
Jul 6, 2006 at 1:41 AM Post #90 of 249
I think the key thing here is not about the amp, it's about the listener.

Summary of below post:
Crap in, crap out
Amplifier is not = Magic box

Many people have commented on the synergy between the M3 with those opamps and the sa5ks. (verbally and in this forum). People have also commented on sennheiser/M3 combinations.

The M3 has a distinct sound signature depending on what chips you put in it, however, underlying all this it has it's own "sound".

An amplifier is just that, a box for amplifying a signal. It is not some magic box that is going to make things unbelievably "wow". A crap amp will simply amplify the signal and make it dull. A good amp won't clean up the signal but it will keep it (as close to) intact as possible while providing power to the headphone/speakers.

Yes there will be distinct differences, yes there will be nuances in the sound that come out more by virtue of having better current capacity and voltage swing, yes you will be able to turn it up LOUDER and it won't distort. However, what we are really talking about here is essentially something that turns a small signal into a bigger signal. You put crap in, you get crap out. If you're listening to 128kbps mp3s you're going to hear mp3 artifacts and a bit of blur and shimmer. You cannot expect an amplifier to magically alter the sound to remove the blur.

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