Looking for new Headphone/Headset
Mar 27, 2013 at 10:20 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 9


New Head-Fier
Jul 29, 2012
Hey Everybody,
I've been looking for a good new Headphone or Headset because my old PC360 is kinda dead after about 3 years (sometimes it only got sound on one side and the cable is also kinda curling up).
So far I know that the HD598 caused my ears to become very itchy so that one is a no go.
Also have had a Beyerdynamic DT990 Pro, i liked this headphone it was good but the ear pads started to flatten pretty quickly (after about 3-4 months of use they became uncomfortable) also I didn't know there were coiled and non-coiled versions so I went blindly with the annoying coiled one... So that's a no go either (still have it have it though and still use it but use my PC360 for on my computer (where I'm the most at and where this headphone/headset is gonna be for).
Also tried the newer PC363 D version from Sennheiser it sounded slightly better then the PC360 but the cable was to short (i think it was maybe 2m if not only 1.5m).
Now yesterday I received the last one I tried: Philips X1/00. It sounds amazing, its a nice design, the cable is braided, the plug is robust, comes with a 3.5mm adapter, comes with a cable management tool, and was pretty comfy too... But just like with the HD598 it started to itch... But the weird part is that both the PC360, PC363 D and DT990 Pro should have the same material as the X1/00 and HD598? So I'm not sure what causes it to itch...
So now I'm looking for a new Headphone/Headset and I listen mostly to digital music (Trance, Dub step(I'm not a fan of dub step but do like some songs), Techno etc.) but I sometimes listen to things like Ozzy Osbourn and such but the focus is mostly on digital music. The Philips had a nice bass and clear sound (although the bass could be a tad less but I didn't mind it so much)
Whats also important is that I use it for gaming (and voice chat but I got a clip on mic if its gonna be a headphone) (but I think most headphones/headsets that have good sound quality are good for gaming especially if you got a good surround emulator). 
The sound card I use is an ASUS Xonar Essence STX (I haven't done anything to the card though its still as it was when i bought it about 3 years ago (By the way off topic question, can a sound card coil whine? because some games leave a coil whine in the microphone (I myself won't hear it if I'm not close to the sound card itself or have microphone monitoring off) but others in voice chat do hear it). 
My budget would be max 300 euros (that be arround 360 dollars) slightly over is not a problem if its worth it.
Hope someone can help me out with the choice :)
PS: Sorry if there are any grammar or spelling error's English is not my main language
Mar 27, 2013 at 1:32 PM Post #2 of 9
My self for gaming and electronic music I use Hifiman he 400's,

Best 399 $ I spent for audio equipment so far

I plug the hifiman in my asus essence st (gain +18 db) and it's just perfect imo
Good bass, nice medium and treble not bright, I can let them on for hours

For gaming it's better than every other headphones I am owning
Mar 27, 2013 at 2:15 PM Post #3 of 9
My self for gaming and electronic music I use Hifiman he 400's,

Best 399 $ I spent for audio equipment so far

I plug the hifiman in my asus essence st (gain +18 db) and it's just perfect imo
Good bass, nice medium and treble not bright, I can let them on for hours

For gaming it's better than every other headphones I am owning

Those sound good but they are a tad on the exspansive side though I know I said slightly more if its worth it but thats alot more (I checked some sites most are 399 euros and importing them would probaly cost me even more)
Also, I saw a HD600 thats inside my budget just wondering if thats still a good choice even though its a pretty old model and if its good for what I'm going to use it for.
Mar 27, 2013 at 3:08 PM Post #4 of 9
Where are you from ??
Mar 27, 2013 at 3:21 PM Post #6 of 9
hd 600's are good but hard to drive, the headphone's plug in the essence stx is capable of handling it anyway but may be not at 100%

Hd 598's are less expensives in Holland good for gaming and music and easy to drive

Some other cans are good also

Do you care about hot treble ?

From France I got my he 400 for 420 $ in 6 days by ups
No tax for me (ask head direct.com to lower the price for duties :cool:)

you won't regret
Mar 27, 2013 at 3:33 PM Post #7 of 9
Sorry for hd 598
you mentioned :
the HD598 caused my ears to become very itchy

Same as hd 600 and 650 then
Mar 27, 2013 at 3:48 PM Post #8 of 9
You can get some Denon AH D 2000 for 270 euros max, and the pads are in leather...
Those have good reputation also
Mar 27, 2013 at 4:02 PM Post #9 of 9
hd 600's are good but hard to drive, the headphone's plug in the essence stx is capable of handling it anyway but may be not at 100%

Hd 598's are less expensives in Holland good for gaming and music and easy to drive

Some other cans are good also

Do you care about hot treble ?

From France I got my he 400 for 420 $ in 6 days by ups
No tax for me (ask head direct.com to lower the price for duties

you won't regret

I would have to save up for that then it is on my list of choices though.
Sorry for hd 598
you mentioned :
the HD598 caused my ears to become very itchy

Same as hd 600 and 650 then

Ah good to know! but I still find it weird that the Beyerdynamic DT990 didn't itch and neither did the PC360 which should also use the same material?
You can get some Denon AH D 2000 for 270 euros max, and the pads are in leather...
Those have good reputation also

Those look good but couldn't find them in any only shops though (but it was a quick search so probaly didn't look well enough haha)
But I do think I prefer open headsets because I don't like it when i can't hear things arround me ofcourse when i listen to music I can't anyways but if its closed and have nothing on then I still can't hear well and thats what I don't like. I know closed have better bass but I don't want heavy bass but I do want to hear bass not that you feel but that you can hear that there is bass (don't know how to explain haha :p

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