Livewires - California Dreamin'
May 14, 2008 at 3:43 AM Post #2,371 of 3,902

Originally Posted by Elluzion /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If i push them hard in my ears and seal it 100%, i lose sound. does this make sense? it feels like they are so sealed and or in my ear that they are blocking noise, it is so hard to explain but it isn't a good feeling because it feels congested.

I don't think you want 100% seal. These are not like wearing earplugs when you go to the drag races. When you push them hard in your ears you could be blocking the sound nozzles with your ear canal not letting the sound flow. On my first pair of LW's the left ear piece would lose all sound when I smiled big or lifted my left eyebrow. This could have been from the ear piece stem being too long or not tilted at the correct angle, thus sounded like the sound nozzles were being covered up.

Mine do fell a little fuller(bigger in size) in my right ear when I first put them in and this has nothing to with the seal. After a they get seated I don't have that sensation any longer and kinda forget they are there.

I think if you have a comfortable fit ( ears not paining at any spots), getting good bass response with them vibrating your bones some, you have a good fit.

Yeah, yeah, I've had those canal phones with the different tips that gave you isolation like you had both fingers stuck hard in your ears, but those usually would not stay seated long. I think it's apples and oranges as customs are there own animal.
May 14, 2008 at 4:05 AM Post #2,372 of 3,902
I found this info on re-dipping in an article on making your own IEM's. Someone might could try this to see if a re-dip might work for you. You would need to plug the nozzles up with something long enough to pull out after the process.

Warning try this at your own risk! That being said after all it's just wax.

- Use two tealight candles and arrange it so that one melts the other still in its metal can. Wait for the wax to melt all the way (and then wait a little more, to get it really hot!), and dip the mold in there momentarily. Shake the excess wax off before it melts and you will have thin coating of wax on the mold. This will increase noise blocking, tighten the fit, and make it easier to put in and take out.

Best of Luck!
May 14, 2008 at 5:11 AM Post #2,373 of 3,902

Originally Posted by StudioAce /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I found this info on re-dipping in an article on making your own IEM's. Someone might could try this to see if a re-dip might work for you. You would need to plug the nozzles up with something long enough to pull out after the process.

Warning try this at your own risk! That being said after all it's just wax.

- Use two tealight candles and arrange it so that one melts the other still in its metal can. Wait for the wax to melt all the way (and then wait a little more, to get it really hot!), and dip the mold in there momentarily. Shake the excess wax off before it melts and you will have thin coating of wax on the mold. This will increase noise blocking, tighten the fit, and make it easier to put in and take out.

Best of Luck!

lol. I would like to see someone try this... interesting..
May 14, 2008 at 6:09 AM Post #2,375 of 3,902

Originally Posted by Elluzion /img/forum/go_quote.gif
^wow those are shaped really weirdly. Hmm idk. Yeah well a re-dip isn't always the solution, if the impression is bad in the first place, a re-dip wont solve it. idk

Everyone's ear is shaped differently and those impressions look fine.
May 14, 2008 at 6:15 AM Post #2,376 of 3,902

Originally Posted by revel67 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
after 4 days of really trying to get a good seal but no luck. I call earpeace to tell then about my problem.
left ear I get about 60% seal....right ear about 90% seal.
I also noticed That the "stews" are way shorter on the Lws. that from my impresions.
here are some pics.
what you guys think!

Your impressions look fine. They were taken to the second bend. All ears are different and some people have very short canals. You cannot compare yours with another. Mine are quite short also.

Speak to Earpeace, a redip may be in order.
May 14, 2008 at 6:20 AM Post #2,377 of 3,902

Originally Posted by StudioAce /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I don't think you want 100% seal. These are not like wearing earplugs when you go to the drag races. When you push them hard in your ears you could be blocking the sound nozzles with your ear canal not letting the sound flow. On my first pair of LW's the left ear piece would lose all sound when I smiled big or lifted my left eyebrow. This could have been from the ear piece stem being too long or not tilted at the correct angle, thus sounded like the sound nozzles were being covered up.

Mine do fell a little fuller(bigger in size) in my right ear when I first put them in and this has nothing to with the seal. After a they get seated I don't have that sensation any longer and kinda forget they are there.

I think if you have a comfortable fit ( ears not paining at any spots), getting good bass response with them vibrating your bones some, you have a good fit.

Yeah, yeah, I've had those canal phones with the different tips that gave you isolation like you had both fingers stuck hard in your ears, but those usually would not stay seated long. I think it's apples and oranges as customs are there own animal.

May 14, 2008 at 9:31 AM Post #2,378 of 3,902

Originally Posted by powertoold /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I wouldn't do it.

I agree, surely the wax would melt again when the livewires are in your ears

If anyone needs adjustment to theirs they shouild definately sent them back to earpiece and have them done properly.
May 14, 2008 at 1:21 PM Post #2,381 of 3,902

Originally Posted by FeedMeTrance /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Art asked if I could take some pics of them iin-ear and John will have a look, I have been given basic sponsor ship from a friendly head-fier! for shipping back

"it's a family affair....It's a family affair...."
May 14, 2008 at 1:42 PM Post #2,382 of 3,902

Originally Posted by FeedMeTrance /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Art asked if I could take some pics of them iin-ear and John will have a look, I have been given basic sponsor ship from a friendly head-fier! for shipping back

You really deserve to get a properly fitted pair, not many other people would have given them as many chances to get it right.

Fingers crossed they'll get it right this time.
May 14, 2008 at 3:33 PM Post #2,383 of 3,902

Originally Posted by FeedMeTrance /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Art asked if I could take some pics of them iin-ear and John will have a look, I have been given basic sponsor ship from a friendly head-fier! for shipping back

FMT... How long is the turn around each time you send them back? You give patience a new meaning.

patience |ˈpā sh əns|
1 the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset : you can find bargains if you have the patience to sift through the dross.
2 FeedMeTrance's wait on Livewires.
May 14, 2008 at 4:38 PM Post #2,385 of 3,902
FMT: "There's gold in them thar Livewires"


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