Linux users unite!
Sep 11, 2013 at 8:47 AM Post #211 of 481
Ohhh, um, after learning some of the commands it's so much faster and easier to do stuff...
Sep 11, 2013 at 3:41 PM Post #212 of 481
I just copy and paste my /home directory to the root of my other drive and set it is /home under fstab, I also deleted the original /home folder. :|

LOL okay. Yeah you'll have to wipe it. Next time be more mindful of stuff like that.
Ohhh, I'm, after knowing some commands it's so much faster and easier to do stuffs.... :/

Please use complete sentences. Your shell in Mint has autocompletion so you can never have an excuse to do this again.
Sep 11, 2013 at 5:09 PM Post #213 of 481
LOL okay. Yeah you'll have to wipe it. Next time be more mindful of stuff like that.

Please use complete sentences. Your shell in Mint has autocompletion so you can never have an excuse to do this again.
1) Yeah... I dun goofed. :p I wanna be able to access root though if this happens again, so no mint for me. :wink:

2) Was on my phone. :frowning2: I'm is supposed to be um. :wink: I'll correct it.
Sep 11, 2013 at 9:11 PM Post #216 of 481
Well technically, it just adds on a different jail mechanism, more like virtualization. Like the next level up from what people use for chroots more often (other than rescuing things that is). It has nothing to do with your issue, it's just that I like rubbing our better stuff in your face :D
Sep 11, 2013 at 9:19 PM Post #217 of 481
Well technically, it just adds on a different jail mechanism, more like virtualization. Like the next level up from what people use for chroots more often (other than rescuing things that is). It has nothing to do with your issue, it's just that I like rubbing our better stuff in your face :D
:| Well, Funtoo seems pretty cool, also has stuff for x86_64 intel i seriesss and stuff, sub thingies... seems really cool! :D
Sep 11, 2013 at 9:24 PM Post #218 of 481
The cflag presets for architectures are pretty pointless unless you're cross-compiling across machines, just use march=native - it's more optimized (not that it matters). 
Not that it matters. The bigger benefits to compiling is for getting rid of or enabling features that usually don't get compiled into stock binaries. Optimizing things stopped mattering a long time ago. And you're more prone to break things with esoteric cflags.
Or if you're referencing to something else, they use the stock kernel and stock gcc.
Sep 11, 2013 at 11:23 PM Post #219 of 481
:| I don't understand any of this... Anywho, what do you think of e17?
Sep 12, 2013 at 1:31 AM Post #220 of 481
To put it simply - don't screw around with cflags too much.
E17 is nice. Visually it's super customizable. Which is good because the default shape of the buttons is a bit weird for me. But you can change that. I've not played around with it much as every time I do I get overwhelmed by the amount of stuff I can change. It can be as simple or as garish as you wish.
The FiiO E17 is also nice.
Sep 13, 2013 at 7:47 AM Post #221 of 481
Funtoo didn't like all my uefi bios shizz, so I went with the triedp and true, arch! :D
Sep 13, 2013 at 1:36 PM Post #222 of 481
Due to problems with Microsoft I have installed a new version of Linux. This is the portable version VERY easy to install/use as you keep it on a memory stick.for those worried about 2 systems working on 1 PC. Its called -Linux Live usb Creator 2.8.23. Official site=
Sep 13, 2013 at 7:22 PM Post #223 of 481
To make it easy on the UEFI, GRUB2 has its problems, but is easier to update than rEFInd.
Linux Live is great. Very easy to use. Unetbootin doesn't work as well on Windows anymore - even worse on Linux as it hasn't been updated for quite some time and hasn't kept up with polkit. So there's a lot of breakage there.
Sep 14, 2013 at 6:35 PM Post #224 of 481
So I updated my kernel to 3.11 yesterday. Seemed fine at first, until...
Kernel panic, apparently garbage within the initramfs (yes I still use an initrd). I wondered why. Then I realized that I enabled lz4 compression in the config as it had just come out in 3.11. Which was not the problem in this case - the problem was that I enabled lz4 in the mkinitcpio options as well. Went back to lzop and all is fine. No wonder it worked fine on the other distros!
More good news - the LED hardware display for wifi is working fine for the default Broadcom driver now. Rfkill is working well with it apparently. Bad news, the proprietary 6.2 blob isn't working anymore - though that hardly matters as the default built-in driver is so much easier to work with.
And just found this - 
Looks useful. Does Rich Text so you could do offline H-F posts/reviews with it as well. I might just stick to vim and bbcode but for the uninitated and preoccupied, this is great.
Sep 15, 2013 at 2:35 AM Post #225 of 481
my Linux is really screwy... I could originally get mint to work. then had a screwed up funtoo install UEFI error... installed arch but I couldn't get Haskell configured and drivers were screwy, so I gotr manjaro, but it'd only boot into the grub editor, even after 3 different installs... and now mint won't install right... :frowning2:

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