Light Harmonic Geek Wave
Jun 11, 2016 at 2:54 PM Post #3,466 of 5,933
Does anyone have a link for this video...
Really, I have just spent half an hour with Google tring to find it. This after going to the Indiegogo page for the Wave and looking there ,,,
It shouldn't be this difficult.

The video can be found on the Indiegogo Wave Campaign page. Updates, 1 month.
Jun 11, 2016 at 7:56 PM Post #3,467 of 5,933
  The video can be found on the Indiegogo Wave Campaign page. Updates, 1 month.

Thank You!
I did eventually find it.
Jun 15, 2016 at 11:03 AM Post #3,470 of 5,933
Larry posted yesterday in the comment section of the campaign that the Wave 64 would now be getting M.Sata.

That is, indeed, good news!
Jun 15, 2016 at 1:47 PM Post #3,471 of 5,933
Larry posted yesterday in the comment section of the campaign that the Wave 64 would now be getting M.Sata.

Good news indeed! 
Also I posted some thoughts on the Vibrato and IEM-X's in the V2+ thread. Here's the link for those that are interested:
Jun 18, 2016 at 10:48 PM Post #3,472 of 5,933
Good grief!  I thought Larry and the gang would recover from their previous misstep and send the Verbs packing into obscurity (where they appear to belong) after releasing the Vibrato....  But no, the Verb can still be bought on Amazon, alongside the Vibrato!!  Pretty shameless, I'd say...  I guess they figure some poor schmuck who can't afford the Vibrato will settle for the Verb instead...It looks to me that making money is more important to them than trying to truly provide a quality product....
Jun 28, 2016 at 2:11 AM Post #3,473 of 5,933
I have a Geek Out V2 Signature Edition and I used it with my JH 13 Pro FP (Norne Therium balanced TRRS cable). 
It was good but the sound didn't have enough body and I thought to myself, if this is as good as it gets, I think I am going to swear off mobile setups completely. It couldn't hold a candle to my HD800/Ether/HE-1000 setups. Wasn't even close. Didn't offer anything. 
Then I had a Norne TRRS to dual 3 pin XLR Therium interconnect built and used the GO V2 SE as a DAC for my Cavalli Liquid Carbon. 
I then had yet another Therium interconnect created to convert RSA kobiconn to TRRS. 
THIS setup sounded FANTASTIC. 
It made me wonder about my upcoming Wave XD. Would I like the sound straight out of headphone out? Or would I prefer it with an amp? I started wondering about potential stacks and I was thinking that the Cypher Labs Duet seemed like something that would work for me. The heft might become a bit much but sound wise, unless the Wave XD is going to sound much better than the GO V2 SE (it might, being dual mono and all) I might consider a Duet as a potential pairing. Thoughts? 
PS: I didn't read through the 230+ pages before posting this so my apologies if someone had already brought up this topic. 
Jun 28, 2016 at 7:25 AM Post #3,474 of 5,933
I have a Geek Out V2 Signature Edition and I used it with my JH 13 Pro FP (Norne Therium balanced TRRS cable). 

It was good but the sound didn't have enough body and I thought to myself, if this is as good as it gets, I think I am going to swear off mobile setups completely. It couldn't hold a candle to my HD800/Ether/HE-1000 setups. Wasn't even close. Didn't offer anything. 

Then I had a Norne TRRS to dual 3 pin XLR Therium interconnect built and used the GO V2 SE as a DAC for my Cavalli Liquid Carbon. 

I then had yet another Therium interconnect created to convert RSA kobiconn to TRRS. 

THIS setup sounded FANTASTIC. 

It made me wonder about my upcoming Wave XD. Would I like the sound straight out of headphone out? Or would I prefer it with an amp? I started wondering about potential stacks and I was thinking that the Cypher Labs Duet seemed like something that would work for me. The heft might become a bit much but sound wise, unless the Wave XD is going to sound much better than the GO V2 SE (it might, being dual mono and all) I might consider a Duet as a potential pairing. Thoughts? 

PS: I didn't read through the 230+ pages before posting this so my apologies if someone had already brought up this topic. 

I have a similar experience...use the Geek Out Signature Edition V1, which isn't balanced. Didn't particularly do amazingly well with my various headphones (HEK, HE-560, acs Encore, many others), and I always hated the volume/PC issues (to this day, haven't figured out the settings that allow me to get sound out of the rest of the PC, only get sound out of JRiver into the GO, with a Regen in between), so, as the v1 is single ended, I started using it line out into my MicroZOTL2, mostly for the volume control, to avoid the default full volume blasts I was getting directly out of the GO periodically (I also have a Liquid Carbon, like the ZOTL better, but that's a different can of worms...). Well, using GO SE v1 as just a dac was a major improvement, the sound of the GO through the ZOTL into the above headphones, or the Omni, is much better, very satisfying indeed. But, it seems logical it should be are upgraded in a more expensive amp (the Signatures, while more that the regular edition, are still at the lower end of high end audio gear), there is more room to separate components that can degrade sound when too close, more power, etc. The cigarette lighter sized usb amp/dac is basically an all in one for convenience, and has to involve design compromises, especially in power, I'd think. It's easier to carry around than a stack of stuff. But, I don't think LH Labs would tell you it's supposed to be the equivalent of, say, the Vi Dac, or the fully tricked out Pulse (and, while those contain headphone amps as well, I'm sure LH Labs would tell you the separate headphone amps are a step up from the all in one unit, and the headphone amp included is for convenience, but can be bettered. Logically, the transformer would be a limiting factor in shrunk gear, no?). So, as with most things audio, you pays yer money, you makes yer choices. Not that it is impossible to make an integrated amp/dac that sounds good. While I didn't get a chance to compare it to other gear, I did get a listen to the Macintosh MHA-100 in Stereo Exchange in Manhattan, and it sounded great with the HEK. But, it is $4500, and definitely NOT transportable...
Hoping the Wave will do better as an amp as well, there is more isolation planned according to Larry, but it's a wait and see situation, still not likely to be able to make a portable, 1 piece unit that sounds as good in the amp section as a ZOTL or a Liquid Gold.
My $0.02
Jul 11, 2016 at 11:57 PM Post #3,475 of 5,933
New update from LHLabs on the Wave.  Lots of good tidbits.
Dear Wave Backers,

I just came back from a nice and long Asia business trip for visiting several important manufacturing vendors and IC providers. We have visited Taipei, ShenZhen, Beijing, and send one man to Tokyo. While the software team keeps pushing finish up the remaining milestones. We learned from past experience, to shorten the delivery time to our backers, the support from supply chain and precise flow is as important as how fast we could finish the design.

So here is what we got.

(1) The 5'' touch screen vendor in ShenZhen already built us a testing kit/tool so when we QC the screen, it will be a lot faster. And we are working with them about how to more securely put the screen inside the chassis with a nice damping metal frame. 

(2) Murata in Japan (one of the top passive components manufacturer in the world) introduce us their new "zero vibration noise" capacitors. We tested in Geek Out 2A and Source. And we will put it in test on Wave, of course, and expect the have a very nice result .

(3) mSATA vendors. For all backers that above Wave 64, we will include mSATA drive in M.2 form factor. And we already contact two very expert vendors in Taiwan who has long experience about the portable device usage of their mSATA devices. 

(4) WiFi/Bluetooth antenna vendor. They are helping to give us a lot of technical measuring methods and few good examples to make sure we got the best antenna for wave.

 All above manufacturers and vendors related information will help us to facilitate the mass production process smoother and avoiding any unnecessary delay. And all of above don't involved any PCB related changes and while we are working on EP3 PCB now. We are close to have conclusion if we need just one more or two more iterations of PCB. 

For mechanical design part, our engineer is working closely with CNC factory to stream line the internal support structure too. Yes. Even Geek Wave 64 will have aluminum alloy chassis with a stylish design. What we learned from the lasted 3D printing technology for durability help us to totally skip this direction in Wave chassis design. Go back to the "traditional" way of CNC aluminum chassis is the way it is.

Next update will be related to the all test results of EP3 and detail design of chassis.




I really appreciate getting let in on the details... it helps me with the wait.  

Jul 12, 2016 at 3:45 AM Post #3,476 of 5,933
Honestly I´m struggeling a bit with Larry´s comment regarding the mSATA
(3) mSATA vendors. For all backers that above Wave 64, we will include mSATA drive in M.2 form factor. And we already contact two very expert vendors in Taiwan who has long experience about the portable device usage of their mSATA devices
Does that mean that
i) GW 64 won´t have any mSATA drives at all or
ii) GW 64 will have mSATA but not in M.2 form factor???
I´m a bit puzzled because 28 days ago Larry mentioned that GW will have mSATA.

So is this still the case??
Jul 12, 2016 at 4:57 AM Post #3,477 of 5,933
Another bit of info from Larry in a reply in the comment section:
"The chassis design internally structure will be confirm by the end of this month, if bound anything need to change, two to three more weeks. Outside design will need one to two more iteration. Plus all other elements, if it doesn't require all software functions to be completed. I think late Aug to early Sep. should be there. We are really pushing hard on this project."
Let's see if we indeed get to see a finalized design in September. After several design changes (I looked through old updates today and there are many pictures) I'm curious what the final version will look like.
Jul 12, 2016 at 9:06 AM Post #3,479 of 5,933
I'm curious also!  The GW 64 may not include a drive but will it include a socket so you can use an mSTATA M.2 Form Factor drive that you purchase on your own?
  Honestly I´m struggeling a bit with Larry´s comment regarding the mSATA
(3) mSATA vendors. For all backers that above Wave 64, we will include mSATA drive in M.2 form factor. And we already contact two very expert vendors in Taiwan who has long experience about the portable device usage of their mSATA devices
Does that mean that
i) GW 64 won´t have any mSATA drives at all or
ii) GW 64 will have mSATA but not in M.2 form factor???
I´m a bit puzzled because 28 days ago Larry mentioned that GW will have mSATA.

So is this still the case??


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