Lets Talk Metal
Sep 7, 2013 at 5:05 PM Post #11,401 of 29,694
Seems like a lot of head fi-ers are into metal. I've never been into it at all, but I do enjoy early Metallica and Pantera. I'm going to use this thread to try and explore metal and see what you guys love about it. There's a daunting number of subgenres so this is no easy task. Any recommendations on how to proceed?

It might be helpful to decide if you want to listen to current releases or go to the classics. Considering metal has technically been around since the late 60's, there's a lot of history.
I would say the first step would be to decide if you are ready to listen to extreme metal (Death Metal, Black Metal, Hardcore) vs what we refer to as "clean singing".
My suggestion would be a little of both. There are a ton of metal websites with reviews, end of the year "best of" lists.
Picking up on Recarmoose-he's a good resources-there are some indisputable essential releases that are easy to find on line and we can turn you onto them.
In addition to:
Slayer's Reign in Blood and Black Sabbath (in addition to Master of Reality, I would include Paranoid and Heaven and Hell-with Dio on vocals), I would suggest in the classic Brit Metal or NWBHM:
Motorhead's No Remorse-one of the greatest compilations ever
Iron Maiden-Number of The Beast, Power Slave and/or Piece of Mind
Judas Priest-Metalogy is a terrific box set-Stained Glass is sometimes mentioned as one of the best classic metal albums
I'd pick a couple of classic thrash albums in addition to Slayer such as:
Metallica's Master of Puppets and Ride the Lightning
Anthrax-Persistence of Time (a personal favorite)
Megadeth (Peace Sells, but Who's Buying and/or Rust in Piece)
maybe explore some alt metal:
Tool, Isis, Kyuss and Neurosis are indespenible to my collection
If you like the Sabbath sound...explore DOOM-too many choices for me to start. 2012's Pallbearer was a very popular release.
And, if you have any interest in extreme metal, at the minimum I would suggest:
an easy gateway drug to extreme metal if you like prog would be:
Opeth (Blackwater Park or Ghost Reveries). You could even start with Porcupine Tree's In Abstentia which is not metal but, Stephen Wilson who fronts PT produced Blackwater Park, and his work is exceptional.
Melodic Death Metal (fairly easy on the ears for a virgin)-At The Gates, Amon Amarth and Dark Tranquility are hard to beat.
If you want to jump straight into what we might call brutal DM-Recarmoose will tell you exactly what to put in your ears.
And do try some Black Metal. There's almost too much out there to say where to start. But a few ideas are:
Emperor and Immortal-early important milestones. Get a recommendation for Immortal-they are killer, but they have a few stages which are quite different. I'm fond of an album called At the Heart of Winter. If you can tolerate nails on a chalkboard-Darkthrone are seminal...but be forewarned....they are an acquired taste-A Blaze in the Northern Sky and Under a Funeral Moon are kind of the big ones from them. Satyricon's Dark Medieveal Times is also really good.
A number of prog BM-Enslaved is the big hitter in the field-really great band.
Aggaloch as mentioned before-perhaps the best American BM band IMO. Recent Marduk is also favorite....strap yourself in though-they will destroy your soul and you might not get it back.
And there are people much more knowledgeable than me that can point you into all kinds of weird, atmospheric BM which is epic and chilling and totally worth your time.
If you are interested in hardcore with metal influences-Converge is the place to start IMO....well, in the punk field which has greatly influenced metal, everyone should hear a little Ramones!
Just a few of my ideas....
Sep 7, 2013 at 5:09 PM Post #11,402 of 29,694
Ive been enjoying a lot of lo fi black metal recently.Old school stuff like immortal,darkthrone,satyricon and emperor.I never thought i would turn to this but there is so much atmosphere and feeling there.Ive been playing the old albums not the new

Sep 7, 2013 at 5:21 PM Post #11,403 of 29,694
  Ive been enjoying a lot of lo fi black metal recently.Old school stuff like immortal,darkthrone,satyricon and emperor.I never thought i would turn to this but there is so much atmosphere and feeling there.Ive been playing the old albums not the new

This is just too damn funny xD
Sep 7, 2013 at 5:56 PM Post #11,404 of 29,694
  I would say the first step would be to decide if you are ready to listen to extreme metal (Death Metal, Black Metal, Hardcore) vs what we refer to as "clean singing".

"Extreme metal" =/= harsh vocals.
As for the suggestions, I would add post rock/metal as a good gateway drug, so long as you like instrumental music. I think the hardest part for most people to get over is the vocals. Harbour of Devils by What the Blood Revealed was my favorite from last year.
Sep 7, 2013 at 6:30 PM Post #11,405 of 29,694
Remember, hardcore is punk, not metal. To be one of those annoying genre specifists, it is metal-core. The hyphen is very important lest ye fall into All That Remains and Killswitch Engage.

Sep 7, 2013 at 7:44 PM Post #11,406 of 29,694
I really like where they are going with this but....the sound is just abysmal. Seriously. What were they thinking?
Sep 7, 2013 at 8:22 PM Post #11,407 of 29,694
  Remember, hardcore is punk, not metal. To be one of those annoying genre specifists, it is metal-core. The hyphen is very important lest ye fall into All That Remains and Killswitch Engage.

I avoid the word metal-core because it has negative connotations. Bands like Converge, Trap Them and All Pigs must Die have an equal footing in metal in my view. Look up Hardcore under punk genres on-for instance-Allmusic.com-and you will see bands such as The Dead Kennedy's, Minor Threat, and Minute Men.
Then, do a search for Trap Them or Converge and you will see multiple genres: Hardcore Punk/Heavy Metal/Alternative Metal/Indie/speed and thrash/grindcore/post hardcore/punk/newave.
My point is there is a significant difference between Converge and the Meat Puppets. I would also suggest that none of the bands I've just mentioned are Metalcore-but I'm sure it's a debatable point

Sep 7, 2013 at 8:25 PM Post #11,408 of 29,694
But that is my point, there is metalcore and then there is metal-core. Shai Hulud is an example of metal-core, As I Lay Dying is metalcore. And just to be clear, metallic hardcore is the implication
This is beautiful but I refuse to believe that is a real drummer

Sep 7, 2013 at 9:19 PM Post #11,409 of 29,694
  But that is my point, there is metalcore and then there is metal-core. Shai Hulud is an example of metal-core, As I Lay Dying is metalcore. And just to be clear, metallic hardcore is the implication
This is beautiful but I refuse to believe that is a real drummer

Gotchya. I wasn't quick enough to read the difference between metal-core and metalcore. That is a fine point on the genre ball point pen.
Sep 7, 2013 at 9:36 PM Post #11,410 of 29,694
But that is my point, there is metalcore and then there is metal-core. Shai Hulud is an example of metal-core, As I Lay Dying is metalcore. And just to be clear, metallic hardcore is the implication


This is beautiful but I refuse to believe that is a real drummer

It's an amazing album! But it isn't recorded very well IMO, I get a lot of clipping

PDH is a one man band so yup, probably a drum machine
Sep 7, 2013 at 10:08 PM Post #11,411 of 29,694
  But that is my point, there is metalcore and then there is metal-core. Shai Hulud is an example of metal-core, As I Lay Dying is metalcore. And just to be clear, metallic hardcore is the implication

Please tell me you're not serious. I'm probably what would be considered one of those "annoying genre specifists", but even I draw the line at metalcore and metal-core. 
That's a bit ridiculous. What happened to just "good metalcore" and "bad metalcore"?
Sep 7, 2013 at 10:11 PM Post #11,412 of 29,694
Yes it's probably too much classification wise
Sep 8, 2013 at 3:06 AM Post #11,414 of 29,694
  I really like where they are going with this but....the sound is just abysmal. Seriously. What were they thinking?

God yes.. The dynamic range for the album is 3.. How can it be 3? Even I could have done a better job..
I sent a message asking them to re-master or re-record and fire the guy who mastered it. Its so claustrophobic.. Oh my god!!!
Sep 8, 2013 at 7:43 AM Post #11,415 of 29,694
God yes.. The dynamic range for the album is 3.. How can it be 3? Even I could have done a better job..
I sent a message asking them to re-master or re-record and fire the guy who mastered it. Its so claustrophobic.. Oh my god!!!

Dave and I constantly say its not about the numbers.

DR3 is ridiculous. Reminds me of the Aosoth record which is another mastering disaster.

Total screw up. Period.

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