Lets Talk Metal
Apr 11, 2012 at 10:26 AM Post #5,896 of 29,693
"Kaaoszine.fi will be streaming The Weight Of Oceans, the whole album, until the release in one week. Starting today.
Follow the link to start streaming:" http://kaaoszine.fi/ennakkokuuntelu-mourning-the-weight-oceans/
Apr 12, 2012 at 3:54 AM Post #5,897 of 29,693

First album from a relatively new black metal from my country. Band name is inspired by an Ebony Lake song. Depressive black metal with some really interesting atmospheric layering. Don't use a bright headphone though. :) 
Apr 12, 2012 at 7:33 PM Post #5,901 of 29,693

If there are people who just passed over this, I really think they should give it a listen. To me, it's way too damn good to miss.

Oh, I did listen but forgot to comment. It was indeed very good, but also the kind of metal I rarely listen anymore.
Apr 13, 2012 at 3:53 AM Post #5,903 of 29,693
My album I released last year, melodic death with various influences, mainly Wintersun/Norther/CoB.

Apr 13, 2012 at 4:05 AM Post #5,904 of 29,693
Man... I've been on a complete USBM spree lately.  One album that has sent me on a rollercoaster of emotions was Panopticon's latest album "Social Disservices" disseminating the cold, ruthless mental health system from his personal experience. The album is a myriad of songwriting, sounding like good ole "Collapse"-style whirlwind-like black metal, some BAN industrial tendencies, some sweet, hopeful melodies interwoven with dsbm bits, and even some brass instruments! The last song is a true monster, perhaps one of the best atmospheric black metal songs I've heard in terms of variety and song-writing. Here's the first song off the album. Also, I love when a one-man band can play every instruments including drums like a champ.

EDIT: Also, I wanted to give a shout-out to a young new band, The Great Old Ones from France, from whom I've pre-ordered their debut LP. Some sick atmospheric black metal/post-metal for such a new band.

Apr 13, 2012 at 11:28 AM Post #5,905 of 29,693

Man... I've been on a complete USBM spree lately.  One album that has sent me on a rollercoaster of emotions was Panopticon's latest album "Social Disservices" disseminating the cold, ruthless mental health system from his personal experience. The album is a myriad of songwriting, sounding like good ole "Collapse"-style whirlwind-like black metal, some BAN industrial tendencies, some sweet, hopeful melodies interwoven with dsbm bits, and even some brass instruments! The last song is a true monster, perhaps one of the best atmospheric black metal songs I've heard in terms of variety and song-writing. Here's the first song off the album. Also, I love when a one-man band can play every instruments including drums like a champ.

EDIT: Also, I wanted to give a shout-out to a young new band, The Great Old Ones from France, from whom I've pre-ordered their debut LP. Some sick atmospheric black metal/post-metal for such a new band.


The Great Old Ones is awesome, I can NEVER get enough Lovecraft-influenced metal, I'm also pre ordering their LP.
Apr 13, 2012 at 5:24 PM Post #5,906 of 29,693

EDIT: Also, I wanted to give a shout-out to a young new band, The Great Old Ones from France, from whom I've pre-ordered their debut LP. Some sick atmospheric black metal/post-metal for such a new band.


I hate teasers like this. Give us full songs to judge damnit! But in any case, I sense much potential here. Looking forward for hearing more.
Apr 13, 2012 at 7:52 PM Post #5,907 of 29,693
Apr 15, 2012 at 7:12 AM Post #5,908 of 29,693
I like the Dodecahedron album. It's atmospheric and very solid at the same time. Also Aosoth's III has been on the turntable quite a few times lately. The instrumental version rocks too!
Apr 16, 2012 at 12:33 PM Post #5,909 of 29,693

Haha, sorry MaZa! Here's their bandcamp with two full songs. :p http://thegreatoldones.bandcamp.com/

Thanks. :D Not bad at all. I'm also sucker for Lovercraftian stuff.
Here is some black metal from Ukraine, Ygg.

Also here is a new song from Nile, played live. Sounds very good! Looking forward to their new album sooo bad!

Here is different vid from same song. Just posting because some riffs are clearer in this one, sound is just more distant.

Apr 17, 2012 at 9:51 AM Post #5,910 of 29,693
DISCLAIMER: Please don't shoot me:
Once upon a time I had an audio cassette:

And today, I remembered a song from it.  


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