Lets Talk Metal
Jul 14, 2011 at 8:49 PM Post #3,557 of 29,693
Yo Alghazanth, I think you'll approve.
****ing awesome melodeth for you, you Afbro-American
Imperanon (I'm about to punch a hole through my ceiling son)

Skyfire (arguably the most musical out of all the melodeth bands):

Mercenary (I'm sure you know how I feel about vocals, but the rest makes up for it):

Dude we gotta go to lunch sometime and form a mobile hatefortress in the car with our combined music, driving at the speed of hate with wheels of black fire and windows tinted blacker times the blackest black times infinity.

Imperanon broke up...bummer....this stuff is good...
Jul 14, 2011 at 8:59 PM Post #3,559 of 29,693

Lol I've already seen all three of those.
I can't go freakin Vegan either, I love meat and nothing but veggies would totally kill my muscles. Fortunately I've found following the Vegan Black Metal chef's recipes and just substituting every major ingredient with Human, Goat, and/or Necroyeti flesh works wonders.
I already told ya about my HDP vs other amps/dacs comparisons at my friend's place brosama bin laden. It's just that since I'm about to settle down with the couple cans that the prospect of also upgrading to a high end amp seemed like a very good idea. But then I found the optical thing and someone told me he couldn't tell the difference between his HDP and 160D, and that was via USB. So I'm good for now mang.
If you buy one of those $8500 power cables forged in the flames of Hell by the most powerful of Necrowizards and wrapped in Moongoat flesh, then I'm sure you could transfer immense hatred of all things to any component that may receive it. Your iBasso and X-Fi would be as furious as the Dark One himself. But not because of the Necrocable, it's just really sick of your Grados lolol
Nothing is more grim than school and acoustic guitars.

No like, I'm pretty sure I'd be happy with HE-500's for multiple reasons. They really sounded good to me, probably the best looking headphones I've worn, and I can replace my DAC/amp with just one of these instead of running all this silly headamp nonsense

Actually the x-fi pulls dac AND amp duty. The opamp and power filter cap upgrade did wonders to it and the ibasso is just a little toy I have. The ibasso is also upgraded too though.
I can't believe you haven't gotten into tubes yet though and you like metal. The WA6 and WA22 I heard we're pretty awesome. I'm debating selling my body for a Mapletree but for now, warm opamps are going to be the best I can do.
Jul 14, 2011 at 9:17 PM Post #3,562 of 29,693

No like, I'm pretty sure I'd be happy with HE-500's for multiple reasons. They really sounded good to me, probably the best looking headphones I've worn, and I can replace my DAC/amp with just one of these instead of running all this silly headamp nonsense

Try some Stax, trust me. You wouldn't think it would be, but the Omega 2 is a serious metal headphone. Plus, if you wear it with wet hair, you get bloodrocuted. That's metal.
Jul 15, 2011 at 10:02 AM Post #3,564 of 29,693

i still think that STax are too soft for metal, i greatly preferred the LCD-2's, havent heard the H-500's though

The JH3A/J16P combination is probably the best heavy metal setup I have ever heard. I know I have a bit of the new toy enthusiasm going on but its just mind boggling how much information is conveyed with this compact system.

I listened to Megadeth for about 3 hours (RIP all the way through) on the HE90's (the complete system). I like the JH3A better. And I couldn't say that with my Qualia's connected to a Apogee MiniDac/SFT Dynamight/SACD-1 system I had a while back. I thought that system was exceptionally detailed but the HE90 was still a lot better (especially in the soundstage department, only the R10 approaches it).

But I like the JH3A better...

The JH3A has a 'darks and brutals' knob (bass control). The more you turn the knob, the more your ears get bloodtrocuted. Its amazing how much depth that little bass knob gives you depending on track. Seriously, the JH3A is the future of headphones. Hands down. Think about it: A completely flat 5-23khz curve which you can tune to what YOU like to hear. Basically imagine a system where you can kinda master the track yourself with a few simple high-level parameters. Ultimately that's what the JH3A is all about. Its more revolutionary than people really understand.

I will post a more thorough JH3A for Metalheads review soon. I need to let the sound signature settle, get over the new toy enthusiasm, and listen more.
Jul 15, 2011 at 1:04 PM Post #3,566 of 29,693

i still think that STax are too soft for metal, i greatly preferred the LCD-2's, havent heard the H-500's though

Depends on how much bass you want. With a decent amp the O2 is not a bass light headphone, the amount of and quality of the bass easily trounces just about every traditional open dynamic. It won't match the LCD-2 in that department, but will take the lead in the rest of the spectrum. It's not a great chug chug metal headphone, but with something like Opeth or Barren Earth? Oh yeah. There's also a lot less weight on your head than with the planar headphones, which means more comfort.
Jul 15, 2011 at 1:19 PM Post #3,567 of 29,693

The JH3A/J16P combination is probably the best heavy metal setup I have ever heard. I know I have a bit of the new toy enthusiasm going on but its just mind boggling how much information is conveyed with this compact system.

How does a custom molded UE or JH feel in the ear compared to a typical Etymotic or Shure? I've never liked the latter at all, but I haven't tried a custom made IEM because if you don't like it, well you're kinda SOL.
Jul 15, 2011 at 6:18 PM Post #3,568 of 29,693
How does a custom molded UE or JH feel in the ear compared to a typical Etymotic or Shure? I've never liked the latter at all, but I haven't tried a custom made IEM because if you don't like it, well you're kinda SOL.

When the fit is right, its totally comfortable. You can listen for hours (I have) without any real fatigue. My right ear is adjusting a bit. Not the fit internally, but the tip of that part on your ear that pointy and triangular feels annoyed at first (then it just settles).

I have had a lot of time with the O2's and as you said, for Opeth/Barren Earth. Oh yea.

I do find the O2's a tad darker than most though (that might be ampage). Not HD650 veiled but compared to the HD800 definitely. I thought the treble extension of the HD800s was better than the O2s. YMMV.

But you are 100% right about the bass. The O2's bass trounces most open air dynamics. Very few really can do bass as well as a quality Electro.

Electrostatics are known to have very fast attack/decay characteristics that very few open air dynamics approach. The O2s were no exception.

I am curious how good new set is. At 5k though, Stax really priced it out of the market in my opinion. Time will tell.
Jul 15, 2011 at 6:25 PM Post #3,569 of 29,693
Forgot about this thread. The usual posts are the typical Death Metal affair, so I tend to avoid it.
The new Altar of Plagues is fantastic, much better than their earlier releases (and I enjoyed those)

Jul 15, 2011 at 6:57 PM Post #3,570 of 29,693
Has anyone been listening to the new Tyr album? I think its pretty rad. I got it in the mail about a week ago and have only started listening to other things today. 

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