Lets Talk Metal
Jul 15, 2011 at 7:02 PM Post #3,571 of 29,693

Depends on how much bass you want. With a decent amp the O2 is not a bass light headphone, the amount of and quality of the bass easily trounces just about every traditional open dynamic. It won't match the LCD-2 in that department, but will take the lead in the rest of the spectrum. It's not a great chug chug metal headphone, but with something like Opeth or Barren Earth? Oh yeah. There's also a lot less weight on your head than with the planar headphones, which means more comfort.

i tested them out with the BHSE at canjam, and it was after hearing the LCD-2's which i thought were stellar for metal, the Stax have almost no impact, they're too polite for metal i think.

How does a custom molded UE or JH feel in the ear compared to a typical Etymotic or Shure? I've never liked the latter at all, but I haven't tried a custom made IEM because if you don't like it, well you're kinda SOL.

i would tell people not to listen to metal with universals at all. The sound bores arent big enough, and the complexity of metal gets completely distorted trying to come through. The problem for me when picking metal headphones is that i compare them the the JH-13's which i think are pretty much amazing for metal. the LCD-2's were the first fullsized can that i thought could compete...but then i went upstairs and listened the 3A

The JH3A/J16P combination is probably the best heavy metal setup I have ever heard. I know I have a bit of the new toy enthusiasm going on but its just mind boggling how much information is conveyed with this compact system.

I listened to Megadeth for about 3 hours (RIP all the way through) on the HE90's (the complete system). I like the JH3A better. And I couldn't say that with my Qualia's connected to a Apogee MiniDac/SFT Dynamight/SACD-1 system I had a while back. I thought that system was exceptionally detailed but the HE90 was still a lot better (especially in the soundstage department, only the R10 approaches it).

But I like the JH3A better...

The JH3A has a 'darks and brutals' knob (bass control). The more you turn the knob, the more your ears get bloodtrocuted. Its amazing how much depth that little bass knob gives you depending on track. Seriously, the JH3A is the future of headphones. Hands down. Think about it: A completely flat 5-23khz curve which you can tune to what YOU like to hear. Basically imagine a system where you can kinda master the track yourself with a few simple high-level parameters. Ultimately that's what the JH3A is all about. Its more revolutionary than people really understand.

I will post a more thorough JH3A for Metalheads review soon. I need to let the sound signature settle, get over the new toy enthusiasm, and listen more.

exactly! the amount of information that the 3A can convey is mind boggling. when i listened to Antithesis by Origin on the demo system, it was the very first time that it wasnt just a wall of sound coming at me, each instrument actually has its own space and so did the singer, it was one of the most amazing things i had ever heard, and no fullsized rig at canjam could compare. not even the LCD-2s which jsut 15 minutes earlier i had decided i was going to be buying, but not any longer. im just saving for a 3A setup. Phase accuracy is more important for metal i think than for anything else, because it really allows you to dig deeply into those congested recordings and make sense of them.
they are quite simply the best metal headphones ever
Jul 15, 2011 at 7:12 PM Post #3,572 of 29,693

Has anyone been listening to the new Tyr album? I think its pretty rad. I got it in the mail about a week ago and have only started listening to other things today. 

i also have been enjoying it for the last several weeks. I put up a song from it several pages back.
i also started listening to Dan Dankmeyer last night, his new cd Origins is pretty awesome instrumental

oh and all his music is free on bandcamp!
Jul 15, 2011 at 8:16 PM Post #3,573 of 29,693

How does a custom molded UE or JH feel in the ear compared to a typical Etymotic or Shure? I've never liked the latter at all, but I haven't tried a custom made IEM because if you don't like it, well you're kinda SOL.

You don't necessarily have to order customs from JH/UE/Westone.
They feel quite amazing, you can literally have them in for hours at a time, with no soreness because it doesn't really feel like you're just plugging your ears with a foreign object. It's just cradled in there and the seal is amazing!
Fisher audio does reshells of your existing IEM's as well. Just buy a pair of IEM's you really like and I think it was like 100 bucks for the service. I got a pair of SF.5's reshelled when one of my housings broke. They'll sound more or less the same except with a much better seal. I'd like to say that Etymotic stock fit is already pretty close to being as comfortable though. The new models don't insert as deep as I thought.
Jul 16, 2011 at 1:31 PM Post #3,575 of 29,693
. Phase accuracy is more important for metal i think than for anything else, because it really allows you to dig deeply into those congested recordings and make sense of them.
they are quite simply the best metal headphones ever

You, Dave, and I have to meet at some metal show at the bar and talk music and cans (either kind).

I can not stress how right Soup is regarding phase accuracy and dynamic range for heavy metal. Its really the first time I have listened to a lot of HM uncompressed. The instrument separation is so outrageously good that even on a couple of Insomnium tracks I just stopped what I was doing (some of our developers aren't cognizant that %lu in a printf statement is not necessarily 64-bit on all architectures and hence cross builds spew out ugly warnings) that my jaw dropped.

Let me give you one example:


This is the track that a lot of DT fans mention that LaBrie kinda summons Dave Mustaine in the middle of the song (around 7:15ish). Uh, until I heard the JH3A, I would have to respectively disagree. It now kinda sorta sounds like Dave but definitely LaBrie. I just couldn't believe it.
Jul 16, 2011 at 3:59 PM Post #3,577 of 29,693

This is the track that a lot of DT fans mention that LaBrie kinda summons Dave Mustaine in the middle of the song (around 7:15ish). Uh, until I heard the JH3A, I would have to respectively disagree. It now kinda sorta sounds like Dave but definitely LaBrie. I just couldn't believe it.

Yeah I hear a bit of Mustaine there. What's strange is that the riff there is so reminiscent of Metallica - it's like oil and water. Heh. I would like to make it to a meet sometime. I'm in upstate, not that far away from NYC. I wouldn't bring my Omega 2 and KGSSHV with me, but I'm planning to have a LA2000 or LA7000 made to use with my HM-801 and I could definitely bring those. As good as the JH system may be, I'm just not sure I want to take the plunge on that yet.
Oh, you guys will probably get a kick out of this: "Getting into Deathcore". One of the reasons I love metalstorm. You can just feel the snark dripping off the page. http://www.metalstorm.net/pub/article.php?article_id=949
Jul 16, 2011 at 5:00 PM Post #3,578 of 29,693

Yeah I hear a bit of Mustaine there. What's strange is that the riff there is so reminiscent of Metallica - it's like oil and water. Heh. I would like to make it to a meet sometime. I'm in upstate, not that far away from NYC. I wouldn't bring my Omega 2 and KGSSHV with me, but I'm planning to have a LA2000 or LA7000 made to use with my HM-801 and I could definitely bring those. As good as the JH system may be, I'm just not sure I want to take the plunge on that yet.
Oh, you guys will probably get a kick out of this: "Getting into Deathcore". One of the reasons I love metalstorm. You can just feel the snark dripping off the page. http://www.metalstorm.net/pub/article.php?article_id=949

arent the LA7000's like 1500 bucks after all is said and done?
eh, i think hes trying to hard, Thats Not Metal is much better written and much funnier overall i find.
Jul 16, 2011 at 5:08 PM Post #3,579 of 29,693
This evening, while drinking Vodka I have been listening some old Dimmu Borgir. It has been YEARS since I listened to those albums last time... As much as I dislike Dimmu in general nowadays, they actually had a clue what the hell they were doing back then. Enthrone Darkness Triumphant and Stormblåst still has the same charm that they had when I was a snotty nosed teen back then.
-10 brutals points for me.

Jul 16, 2011 at 5:30 PM Post #3,580 of 29,693
-10 brutals points for me

I think the fact that Dimmu Borgir became popular and left the underground is what has given such a bad taste in their mouths when Dimmu is mentioned. I personally don't care for any of their stuff really, but them being looked so downed upon is really annoying. You didn't lose any brutal points, you lost TR00 KVLT points
Jul 16, 2011 at 5:41 PM Post #3,581 of 29,693

I think the fact that Dimmu Borgir became popular and left the underground is what has given such a bad taste in their mouths when Dimmu is mentioned. I personally don't care for any of their stuff really, but them being looked so downed upon is really annoying. You didn't lose any brutal points, you lost TR00 KVLT points

That is true. It is quite usual that whenever Dimmu comes into discussion people tend not to be very objective. This often extends to their old albums too, which IMHO are quite good. Riffs are good and well arranged, Shagraths voice is excellent (and mostly without FX chip thank god. In song Succubus In Rapture he actually SINGS instead of just screaming straightforwardly)... As I said, Dimmu had a clue what they where doing back then. Not so much nowadays.
Jul 16, 2011 at 5:52 PM Post #3,584 of 29,693

While I can't take Dimmu Burger seriously anymore, In Sorte Diaboli did get me into BM. And even now, that particular album and Stormblast are pretty decent.
But my god is Abrahadabra terrible.

Hey, who takes Dimmu seriously anyway...?  (well, I did as a teen
) Mourning Palace, together with Arcane Lifeforce Mysteria and Dark Funerals Apprentice Of Satan and Satyricons Mother North are the ones that got me into black metal. Saw the music videos few times in TV and I was slowly but surely hooked.
Oddly enough I like Abrahadabra more than In Sorte Diaboli, but I think both of them suck arse. One just sucks with slightly smaller vacuum than other.

Jul 16, 2011 at 5:56 PM Post #3,585 of 29,693

yeah im too picky in my black metal to like Dimmu Borgir, they're about as cliché as it gets for BM i think. though they have had several really good drummers with them, like the dude that did Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia

Ah, Nicholas Barker. It is actually quite insane that he is not in any band as a constant member, so to speak. He has been in atleast 10 different bands but no more than 2-3 albums. I wonder why? I would think that his almost pixel perfect drum-machine (or so he sounds like on CD) like drumming would be quite sought after.


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