Lets Talk Metal
Aug 23, 2015 at 11:26 PM Post #20,131 of 29,701
  Haha come on, ALL? There's no style you aren't a fan of? From drone doom all the way to pornogrind? 

I luv it allll, mannn!

(But if you want to throw out some stuff you think I wouldn't like, feel free to share. And obviously, there are certain bands, albums, and songs I dislike, but not entire metal subgenres.)
Aug 23, 2015 at 11:52 PM Post #20,132 of 29,701
I luv it allll, mannn!

(But if you want to throw out some stuff you think I wouldn't like, feel free to share. And obviously, there are certain bands, albums, and songs I dislike, but not entire metal subgenres.)

I mean I'm just wondering if, seriously, from:




All good? If so, hey! Awesome! I've just never met a metalhead who legitimately enjoyed EVERY subgenre. XD
Aug 24, 2015 at 12:09 AM Post #20,133 of 29,701
  I mean I'm just wondering if, seriously, from:
All good? If so, hey! Awesome! I've just never met a metalhead who legitimately enjoyed EVERY subgenre. XD

Heck yeah, I loved all that! And we're barely scratching the surface of subgenres here. I'm a true metal freak, and I love most other types of music too. (Of course, I like certain things more than others. That Helloween video was pretty cheesy.)
By the way, I've been a huge Xasthur fan since 2004. I have the demo version of that Subliminal Genocide album, in addition to tons of other rare stuff. (Though I did sell off much of my music collection recently.) I've purchased Sunn O))) albums as well, including the limited two-disc edition of Black One.
Aug 24, 2015 at 12:20 AM Post #20,134 of 29,701
Heck yeah, I loved all that! And we're barely scratching the surface of subgenres here. I'm a true metal freak, and I love most other types of music too. (Of course, I like certain things more than others. That Helloween video was pretty cheesy.)
By the way, I've been a huge Xasthur fan since 2004. I have the demo version of that Subliminal Genocide album, in addition to tons of other rare stuff. (Though I did sell off much of my music collection recently.) I've purchased Sunn O))) albums as well, including the limited two-disc edition of Black One.

Dayum! I admit I like MOST metal, but some stuff I just generally don't like. Symphonic, power, and drone are amongst them. I was just trying to give a cross section of some different stuff, haha.
Xasthur's amongst my favorites, but again I'm huge into black metal overall, with a bend towards both depressive and post. SPEAKING OF...
Advent Sorrow - As All Light Leaves Her

It's like old-school Shining with more black metal.
Aug 24, 2015 at 12:24 AM Post #20,135 of 29,701
  Dayum! I admit I like MOST metal, but some stuff I just generally don't like. Symphonic, power, and drone are amongst them. I was just trying to give a cross section of some different stuff, haha.
Xasthur's amongst my favorites, but again I'm huge into black metal overall, with a bend towards both depressive and post. SPEAKING OF...
Advent Sorrow - As All Light Leaves Her
It's like old-school Shining with more black metal.

So...I'm assuming you are familiar with Silencer.

In case you didn't know, black metal is the main metal subgenre I am knowledgeable about, though I like melodic death metal a bit more overall.
Oh! Do you like Tristania at all? Because they're symphonic gothic metal, but mix in other influences too, like black, death, and doom.
Aug 24, 2015 at 12:26 AM Post #20,136 of 29,701
So...I'm assuming you are familiar with Silencer.

In case you didn't know, black metal is the main metal subgenre I am knowledgeable about, though I like melodic death metal a bit more overall.
Oh! Do you like Tristania at all? Because they're partially symphonic gothic metal, but mix in other influences too, like black, death, and doom.

Hahaha the legend of Nattramn! The man with pig hands! XD
Death, Pierce Me was an album I couldn't get into for the longest time until the vox just "clicked" one day, now I think it's a landmark album. Sure, the stories about the guy are certainly BS and he's probably a guy who's in a bunch of other bands but wanted an anonymous project, but that doesn't change how rad DPM is. Speaking of absurd vocals, I almost linked Fleurety to see what you thought of that, but now I got a feeling you not only know them but love them!
Tristania is all right. I just have a hard time with melodramatic symphonic. It's not that it's bad, more like it feels... forced? Overacted? Something like that. 
Aug 24, 2015 at 12:35 AM Post #20,137 of 29,701
  Hahaha the legend of Nattramn! The man with pig hands! XD
Death, Pierce Me was an album I couldn't get into for the longest time until the vox just "clicked" one day, now I think it's a landmark album. Sure, the stories about the guy are certainly BS and he's probably a guy who's in a bunch of other bands but wanted an anonymous project, but that doesn't change how rad DPM is. Speaking of absurd vocals, I almost linked Fleurety to see what you thought of that, but now I got a feeling you not only know them but love them!
Tristania is all right. I just have a hard time with melodramatic symphonic. It's not that it's bad, more like it feels... forced? Overacted? Something like that. 

The band split up supposedly because Nattramn was institutionalised, but apparently he is back now with an industrial/dark ambient project called Diagnose: Lebensgefahr.

Not sure if you knew about that project (I bought the CD), but it appears that he really was institutionalized at one point. (Or maybe I'm not as skeptical as I need to be.)
Now if you really want to get into some weird ****, check out Stalaggh. They supposedly got a bunch of mental patients temporarily released, then put them all together in a basement to go crazy, and recorded albums with their...um..."vocals"...along with random strange noises and pseudo-BM riffs.
So yeah, in my book...the weirder, the better...sometimes. If you heard some of the "music" I've made up in my head, even you might recoil in terror...or perhaps laugh yourself silly. lol (But I compose music in all sorts of styles, not just metal.)
Yeah, some symphonic stuff is forced and cheesy, but Tristania usually isn't like that, at least for me.
Aug 24, 2015 at 12:39 AM Post #20,138 of 29,701
Not sure if you knew about that project (I bought the CD), but it appears that he really was institutionalized at one point. (Or maybe I'm not as skeptical as I need to be.)
Now if you really want to get into some weird ****, check out Stalaggh. They supposedly got a bunch of mental patients temporarily released, then put them all together in a basement to go crazy, and recorded albums with their...um..."vocals"...along with random strange noises and pseudo-BM riffs.
So yeah, in my book...the weirder, the better...sometimes. If you heard some of the "music" I've made up in my head, even you might recoil in terror...or perhaps laugh yourself silly. lol (But I compose music in all sorts of styles, not just metal.)
Yeah, some symphonic stuff is forced and cheesy, but Tristania usually isn't like that, at least for me.

From what I understand, Stalaggh was more of a psych "therapy" thing for the patients where they got to release themselves through the various screams and whatnot. Kind of a neat album, not terribly fun to listen to even if what you want it "terror" music, haha. I'll go for Gnaw Their Tongues if that's what I'm aiming for. 
I loves me some weird-ass music, but I admit the music itself needs to carry its weight, too. I mean, Burzum wouldn't be as fascinating if those four albums hadn't been friggin' amazing. 
Aug 24, 2015 at 2:30 AM Post #20,139 of 29,701
I think he just meant that he couldn't tell it was a female growling; not that it was bad. (I think it's easy to tell that it's a female growling in Arch Enemy, though. hehe)

What I was trying to say was with "M" I can hear that it IS a female in the growls. Again this could be just me and my perception. I have an open mind and I don't care if it is a man or a woman singing. I just look at everything as art and a form of expression. I'm totally sure that the female growlers are just doing what they want. They are not trying to sound like men singing they are just emerging and finding their place in the art form. Of course a woman's voice is going to be different than a mans voice, so we as listeners win because we get more variety in the art form. More colors, so to speak.

It kind of came to me when I heard this chick on YouTube singing a cover Black Metal song. I'm pretty sure it was a Burzum song? Anyway something just happened and I realized that a talented female could bring a cool new vibe to old Burzum songs and Black Metal in general. Deep down I feel females could be just as powerful as male vocals in the genre.

Still I may be a little prejudiced, the community may be a little prejudiced about female vocals. I just did a web search and found hundreds and hundreds of new metal bands with female vocals that I never knew about. Would I think they would have a better chance of being successful by having a male vocalist instead? I think maybe, but still I would need to hear the band first. I try to look and listen to the band and the bands sound as a whole package. I think most would say Arch Enemy became a successful band after they dropped their male vocalist? Still maybe the band would have eventually become popular with any good vocalist. There was maybe a time in 2004-2006 when Arch Enemy was considered one of the top extreme metal bands in the world? So the gender of the vocalist maybe does not matter as long as the band clicks.

Still even if a woman could sing like King Diamond AND was the singer, I don't think it would be the same. There is actually a female King Diamond cover band right now! Lol.
Aug 24, 2015 at 2:41 AM Post #20,141 of 29,701
Aug 24, 2015 at 3:01 AM Post #20,142 of 29,701

Watched. Queen Diamond, eh?

Not too bad. Not digging the vocalist. Seems like she's hitting the wrong notes a lot of the time (from memory). And at no point does she play "bone guitar" :blink:

I mean, really...

Aug 24, 2015 at 3:13 AM Post #20,143 of 29,701
What I was trying to say was with "M" I can hear that it IS a female in the growls. Again this could be just me and my perception. I have an open mind and I don't care if it is a man or a woman singing. I just look at everything as art and a form of expression. I'm totally sure that the female growlers are just doing what they want. They are not trying to sound like men singing they are just emerging and finding their place in the art form. Of course a woman's voice is going to be different than a mans voice, so we as listeners win because we get more variety in the art form. More colors, so to speak.

Right but what does it MATTER if you can tell? If the music is good, what does it matter if you feel there's a proper correlation between the singer's gender and the sound you hear? That's all I was getting at. 
Aug 24, 2015 at 3:49 AM Post #20,144 of 29,701
Watched. Queen Diamond, eh?

Not too bad. Not digging the vocalist. Seems like she's hitting the wrong notes a lot of the time (from memory). And at no point does she play "bone guitar" :blink:

I mean, really...


Ha, I'm with you. I actually have a hard time getting into cover bands in general. For some groups like the Doors I see why it's important. How else can you come close to seeing the Doors live?

But, it is a cool novelty to have bands like Lez Zeppelin. I guess if you were in a bar, it would be a good bar experience.
Aug 24, 2015 at 4:09 AM Post #20,145 of 29,701
Right but what does it MATTER if you can tell? If the music is good, what does it matter if you feel there's a proper correlation between the singer's gender and the sound you hear? That's all I was getting at. 

I agree if the music is good it does not matter. A female has to work harder I would think to make it in extreme metal. Still it is harder for them to be respected? Then there is a point to where they are just so great that they win, no matter what.

Off the top of my head I can only maybe name off 5 or 10 female fronted bands? That's just me and my extreme metal collections? It is maybe a new field for them? Strangely other genres like Motown, Pop and Jazz seem to have a better %.

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