Lets Talk Metal
Dec 30, 2015 at 3:25 PM Post #21,766 of 29,719
  Your friend is in Aevangelist? Nice! Speaking of which: members of Crowhurst, Caina and Aevangelist are writing a collab release. Can hardly wait to hear it.

Why am I not surprised you know that band? XD
I've known him since 2005 or so. He's such a prolific musician with endless projects.
That page doesn't show how extensive the discographies are. For example:
Here's an even more obscure very-interesting one-man black metal band:
He personally sent me all his music back when we were discussing releasing it on my would-be record label that didn't work out. I don't even think you can get all his albums from anywhere, but they have some truly awesome moments.
Dec 30, 2015 at 4:25 PM Post #21,767 of 29,719
  Since we do discuss headphones here from time to time (and I left the headphones for metal thread), here are some brief impressions of my newest:

Why? You were so involved in it.
Dec 30, 2015 at 7:59 PM Post #21,769 of 29,719
Defo man. Portal's "Swarth" is still their magnum opus to me (opinions will vary!). 

Antedeluvian and Impetuous Ritual should be on the list, too. IR is actually formed from the rhythm section of Portal. 

Checking out the last HOP four.

2003 – Disturbance (Xtreem Music)
2005 – Pageantry For Martyrs (Xtreem Music)
2008 – The Vile Conception (Unique Leader Records)
2010 – Paradogma (Unique Leader Records)
2012 – Sedition (Prosthetic Records)
2014 – Regicide (Prosthetic Records)
Dec 31, 2015 at 12:28 AM Post #21,771 of 29,719
This song reaches levels of production quality and musical skill previously unknown to the metal world at hand. IMO

@Redcarmoose Tell me you are joking. This is the song which is being played when i click on the above link

Dec 31, 2015 at 12:49 AM Post #21,772 of 29,719
  @Redcarmoose Tell me you are joking. This is the song which is being played when i click on the above link

This is the correct one:

Sounds kinda cheesy...but still interesting, and you can tell they're talented. But "reaches levels of production quality and musical skill previously unknown to the metal world at hand"? That's just silly.
Dec 31, 2015 at 7:25 AM Post #21,774 of 29,719
Power Metal, anyone?


Dec 31, 2015 at 8:50 AM Post #21,776 of 29,719
This is the correct one:

Sounds kinda cheesy...but still interesting, and you can tell they're talented. But "reaches levels of production quality and musical skill previously unknown to the metal world at hand"? That's just silly.

Dec 31, 2015 at 10:40 AM Post #21,777 of 29,719
Happy New Year

[VIDEO][https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UXAUkUpTW4Q [/VIDEO]
Dec 31, 2015 at 3:49 PM Post #21,780 of 29,719
  It's that time of year when everyone creates a list, therefore beginning the fun and painstaking process of weeding thru them all to find out what I missed!
Not meant to be comprehensive, but some quick picks that I really enjoyed ​in 2015:
London by Voices - I loved this album, and as a bonus I learned that I live under a rock and didn't know about Ackercoke. Thoroughly enjoying "Words That Go Unspoken, Deeds That Go Undone" by Ackercoke at the moment, so I don't know if that adds to me ranking London higher, but doesn't hurt.
Dim and Slimeridden Kingdoms by Slugdge - If I was forced to pick one AOTY, I would probably say this record is my top ****, I mean slime.  Their entire catalog is superb, hopefully available on CD someday.
Infinite Fields by Irreversible Mechanism - I eat Tech Death for breakfast, so picking a top Tech Death album is difficult for me since it's my favorite field of study, but I can certainly recommend this album without hesitation.
Gateway to the Antisphere by Sulphur Aeon - High on some lists already but I feel mistakenly missing from a lot others.  Buy it if not just for the album art!
The Anthropocene Extinction by Cattle Decapitation - A popular pick, but I love the records these guys are putting out - I do rather enjoy the concepts they focus on too.
Autumn Eternal by Panopticon - Personally Panopticon's 2014 album "Roads to the North" was a top pick of mine last year and I think I enjoyed it more.  Nevertheless, I'd like to agree with other lists and try to get as much attention as possible so he creates 13 more albums.
Qliphoth by Cloud Rat - I'm not positive I know what grindcore punk is, but I like Cloud Rat.
Anyone else?

Nice list - I am still working on mine and hope to post it here soon (cross-posted my nominations for most infectious songs at No Clean Singing some weeks ago). Slugdge, Cattle Decap and Sulphur Aeon will be there.
Since you like Voices, you will for sure like the debut records released by Antichrist Imperium and Shrines some months ago. Same guys as in Voices and Akercocke with a very similar sound and style.

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