Lets Talk Metal
Dec 28, 2015 at 12:45 PM Post #21,706 of 29,719
  I cant stand with high screech vocal in black metal. That's why I try to dig some of raw black metal music but cannot stand with vocal. The most annoying screech is Dani Filth. The best growl that I have heard is Mikael Akerfeldt from Opeth. I miss old Opeth

I listen to more black metal than any other metal genre, and even I am not a big fan of Dani Filth's goofy high-pitched squeals, though I still like them and Cradle Of Filth as a whole. But Cradle is more like extreme gothic metal than black metal. (Or rather, they started out as death metal, than changed to symphonic black metal, then progressed into extreme gothic metal.)
I prefer more serious, scary-sounding BM vocals. Here are a few awesome tracks to give you an idea of what I mean:
Antaeus: Inner War
Limbonic Art: Dynasty Of Death
Naglfar: Odium Generis Humani
DHG (Dødheimsgard): Traces Of Reality
Abigor: Crimson Horizons And Ashen Skies
Rotting Christ: Rege Diabolicus
Summoning: Nightshade Forests
Lengsel: Coat Of Arms
Emperor: Wrath Of The Tyrant [Emperor EP version]
Darkthrone: Transilvanian Hunger
Opeth really doesn't come close to the more extreme death metal when it comes to growls, grunts, etc. Funny thing is, I read in an interview that it actually hurts his throat less to growl than to sing!
Dec 28, 2015 at 2:19 PM Post #21,707 of 29,719

Dec 28, 2015 at 2:45 PM Post #21,708 of 29,719
Dec 28, 2015 at 3:04 PM Post #21,710 of 29,719
Dec 28, 2015 at 4:10 PM Post #21,711 of 29,719
I listen to more black metal than any other metal genre, and even I am not a big fan of Dani Filth's goofy high-pitched squeals, though I still like them and Cradle Of Filth as a whole. But Cradle is more like extreme gothic metal than black metal. (Or rather, they started out as death metal, than changed to symphonic black metal, then progressed into extreme gothic metal.)
I prefer more serious, scary-sounding BM vocals. Here are a few awesome tracks to give you an idea of what I mean:
Antaeus: Inner War
Limbonic Art: Dynasty Of Death
Naglfar: Odium Generis Humani
DHG (Dødheimsgard): Traces Of Reality
Abigor: Crimson Horizons And Ashen Skies
Rotting Christ: Rege Diabolicus
Summoning: Nightshade Forests
Lengsel: Coat Of Arms
Emperor: Wrath Of The Tyrant [Emperor EP version]
Darkthrone: Transilvanian Hunger
Opeth really doesn't come close to the more extreme death metal when it comes to growls, grunts, etc. Funny thing is, I read in an interview that it actually hurts his throat less to growl than to sing!

Thank you for the great list.
From list above, I only heard Summoning, Emperor and Darkthrone. I like Agalloch style and I think this is the most accessible black metal band.
I'm not fond with Cradle of Filth. They release mediocre stuff after Cruelty and the Beast. Although I'm not into Dani's annoying screech.
Dec 28, 2015 at 4:39 PM Post #21,713 of 29,719
  Thank you for the great list.
From list above, I only heard Summoning, Emperor and Darkthrone. I like Agalloch style and I think this is the most accessible black metal band.
I'm not fond with Cradle of Filth. They release mediocre stuff after Cruelty and the Beast. Although I'm not into Dani's annoying screech.

Be sure to hear 'em all.
normal_smile .gif

I love Summoning so frikkin' much! Agalloch is cool too. Dimmu Borgir is much more mainstream and arguably more accessible.
  I refuse to accept the idea that Midian is not Cradle's crowning moment. |:|

Haven't heard that one in years. I don't listen to Cradle all that often, honestly, and when I do, it's usually highlight tracks from various albums...but I did buy nearly all their stuff 'cept for the newest material. (Only saw that one music video.)
Dec 28, 2015 at 5:01 PM Post #21,715 of 29,719
I really like rotting christ and summoning. That atmosphere feel when listen to summoning is awesome.

You should check out these bands related to Summoning, listed in order of my preference.
Some of them have (or had) one or both Summoning members, while others are related to related bands such as Abigor. (Silenius was Abigor's vocalist from 1994 to 1999.)
Dec 28, 2015 at 5:05 PM Post #21,716 of 29,719
Thanks for posting this! First time I've heard of Allegaeon. Gotta love a metal band that doesn't take themselves too seriously.


hehe I like that about them too, they are kinda goofy 
?It is supposed to be out Feb. 5th.

ooh I can get behind that 
Dec 28, 2015 at 5:38 PM Post #21,717 of 29,719
You should check out these bands related to Summoning, listed in order of my preference.
Some of them have (or had) one or both Summoning members, while others are related to related bands such as Abigor. (Silenius was Abigor's vocalist from 1994 to 1999.)

Thank you very much for links
Really cool ambient stuff. Does not make me sleep like Sunn O did.
Dec 28, 2015 at 5:57 PM Post #21,718 of 29,719
  1. The Principle of Evil Made Flesh (1994) Their closest to nordic black.
  2. Dusk... and Her Embrace (1996) Their masterpiece.
  3. Cruelty and the Beast (1998) The album which made them famous.
  4. Midian (2000) The hardest and fastest, favorite of the fans in 2000. A much loved COF record.
  5. Damnation and a Day (2003) A big change being with Sony and having a live orchestra for the first time, maybe only time. Not that great.
  6. Nymphetamine (2004) A dark era for the band, now only loved by teen retail clerks and 13 year old mall goth girls.
  7. Thornography (2006) Same as above, only farther down the hill.
  8. Godspeed on the Devil's Thunder (2008) A fine comeback and perfect or close to perfect release.
  9. Darkly, Darkly, Venus Aversa (2010) Crap
  10. The Manticore and Other Horrors (2012) More Crap
  11. Hammer of the Witches (2015) Best album from them since 1996.
Dec 28, 2015 at 9:01 PM Post #21,719 of 29,719
RIP Ian Fraser "Lemmy" Kilmister.
All the alcohol could not preserve you forever.
Dec 28, 2015 at 10:02 PM Post #21,720 of 29,719

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