Lets Talk Metal
Dec 27, 2015 at 5:06 PM Post #21,676 of 29,719
Pretty sure  it is steve jobs and his apple "buds" that officially ruined good mastering. Brick walled music sounds better out of the buds.
Dec 27, 2015 at 5:13 PM Post #21,677 of 29,719
That, my friend, is an insidious conspiracy indeed.
(Or in some cases pure laziness on the part of the creators.) I mean, what's the harm in giving everyone the best version of a recording in the first place? It's not like better mastering sounds worse (than inferior mastering) on inferior equipment.
Oh wait...I know! They make more money from convincing people to buy multiple versions of the same album! The plot thickens...along with their wallets. (I'm referring more to record labels than artists.)

Actually, a "full" recording can end up sounding quiet and thin at low bitrates with bad headphones. It's been shown psychologically that we hear "louder" as "clearer". That's how the whole loudness wars thing started. If I play you two mp3s, one with a 5% volume boost, that one will sound "better" just by virtue of hearing "more" of it. So when you're listening on those crummy Samsung earbuds, having the sound compressed to hell will make it sound better since there's nothing that ends up being quiet and lost. And, honestly, 95% of people do not care about it. They'll pay lip  service to "compression" and "dynamic range" but given the albums they won't shy from the "bad" one. People care FAR more about quality of recording than quality of mastering. An album with full, lush instruments compressed to hell will sound nicer to most than an album with perfectly natural dynamic range but lifeless instrumentation.
Dec 27, 2015 at 5:21 PM Post #21,678 of 29,719
  Pretty sure  it is steve jobs and his apple "buds" that officially ruined good mastering. Brick walled music sounds better out of the buds.

Actually, a "full" recording can end up sounding quiet and thin at low bitrates with bad headphones. It's been shown psychologically that we hear "louder" as "clearer". That's how the whole loudness wars thing started. If I play you two mp3s, one with a 5% volume boost, that one will sound "better" just by virtue of hearing "more" of it. So when you're listening on those crummy Samsung earbuds, having the sound compressed to hell will make it sound better since there's nothing that ends up being quiet and lost. And, honestly, 95% of people do not care about it. They'll pay lip  service to "compression" and "dynamic range" but given the albums they won't shy from the "bad" one. People care FAR more about quality of recording than quality of mastering. An album with full, lush instruments compressed to hell will sound nicer to most than an album with perfectly natural dynamic range but lifeless instrumentation.

Good point 
Dec 27, 2015 at 5:25 PM Post #21,679 of 29,719
  Actually, a "full" recording can end up sounding quiet and thin at low bitrates with bad headphones. It's been shown psychologically that we hear "louder" as "clearer". That's how the whole loudness wars thing started. If I play you two mp3s, one with a 5% volume boost, that one will sound "better" just by virtue of hearing "more" of it. So when you're listening on those crummy Samsung earbuds, having the sound compressed to hell will make it sound better since there's nothing that ends up being quiet and lost. And, honestly, 95% of people do not care about it. They'll pay lip  service to "compression" and "dynamic range" but given the albums they won't shy from the "bad" one. People care FAR more about quality of recording than quality of mastering. An album with full, lush instruments compressed to hell will sound nicer to most than an album with perfectly natural dynamic range but lifeless instrumentation.

Guess many people don't make use of their volume control.

Dec 27, 2015 at 6:59 PM Post #21,680 of 29,719
Guess many people don't make use of their volume control.

LMAO I know it's weird as hell isn't it? But that's how it all started. Record companies would groove their records to play louder in jukeboxes and those records got played more than others. Things just snowballed from there.
It can be proven anecdotally. Try it out sometime. Tell someone you're going to do a test of two mp3s and ask if one sounds better. Just play the same one over and over, but call it A when it's at one volume level and B when it's at another. Chances are they're gonna tell you the louder track sounds better, but if it's a subtle difference they won't know it's just boosted slightly.
Dec 27, 2015 at 7:57 PM Post #21,681 of 29,719
Anyone craving for some twisted Gorguts-esque Deatch Metal?

Dec 27, 2015 at 9:26 PM Post #21,683 of 29,719
My song of the year :)

The guitar sound, the build up, the acoustic beginning .. My Oh My !!!

That was incredible! I mean, I've heard dozens of bands play that kind of music like crap. But there's just nothing like hearing Masters lay it down like that!
Dec 28, 2015 at 12:36 AM Post #21,690 of 29,719

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