La Figaro 339
May 24, 2011 at 10:24 PM Post #361 of 6,909

thanks for the opinion. From all I've read, the HE-500 is probably where I'll dip my ortho-toe in first.

If you prefer the 702's to something like the D7000's then I would say go for the HiFiman phones.
For what it's worth, I think Fang has done a great job creating his brand and my dealings with him have been nothing but positive. They have great customer support here in the US. I bought a used pair of HE5-LE's and one of the hardware pieces failed. He replaced it with a brand new pair and the whole process only took three weeks. You can't ask for more than that.
May 25, 2011 at 12:19 AM Post #362 of 6,909
sorry guys no update yet the shop's display has not been returned yet from the loaner..hopes he returns it back soon..sorry guys..but from what i heard from the owner of the shop 339 and HE-500 is a good synergy...
May 25, 2011 at 3:21 AM Post #363 of 6,909

 Do you guys believe this amp can run 8/10 hours a day without problems?
 I'm thinking of adding it to my system but I'm a little worried about what may happen to this product on the long run...
 If more people could write about the synergy between this amp and DT880/600 (my actual headphone) and K701(previous), I'm all ears.

In weekends I easily run it for 8 hours or more. Haven't had any problems at all doing that. The amp gets hot pretty quick anyway, even the volume controls.
I'll try to mesure some temparatures this weekend if I don't forget
As I (and other posters)said before  the 339 is a very good match with 600ohm Beyers. It finally delivers the punch and everything else they need. Imho it makes it sound the way it should (DT990/600). I'm pretty sure that would be the same for the DT880.
I fully agree with Mambosenior a few posts back "The LF339 has been nothing but a joy to own and listen to"
I'm still waiting for the tube cage tho :wink:
May 25, 2011 at 7:17 AM Post #364 of 6,909
everyday...yes everyday i turn my amp around 8-10 problem at all only it gets hot like a microwave hahaha but i put one 6cm fan just right at the middle of the vents to suck the hot air really helps a lot..
May 27, 2011 at 9:26 PM Post #366 of 6,909
Nein! No LCD-2 for me or any other ortho. Since I couldn't grow an extra set (or two) of ears, I decided to part with the HD-600. I've been having a very interesting time listening to the AKG-702, through the LF339, A-gd C-2SA, and even the DV3322 (may be up for sale soon). What I do like about both the 702 and the HD-800 is the wide and deep soundstage, and spectacular detail through the amps I presently own. The HD-600 is pretty remarkable also but I hate seeing it sitting there without being used. Shame on me that the resident Tsarina found I also had a brand new PH-3000 stuck in a closet.
(She did bubble over with approval and satisfaction as she watched me typing in the “For Sale” forum.)
At the moment, after a lot of reading and having been unable to listen to any of the ortho models, I am going to sit and wait a while. I was leaning towards one of the HE models (6 or 500) but am not convinced enough that either of them would provide greater musical pleasure than the HD-800. Let's see what new developments in ortho-land arise in the near future.
Best regards.
May 29, 2011 at 6:48 AM Post #367 of 6,909
I just moved to hr to HK.....and had to leave my home stereo in usa because size of my I am going to go with headphones.....I am thinking of hd800 or hd650  just from reviews I have read...also read they work well with darkvoice....anyone know a dealer in HK....thanks
May 29, 2011 at 1:04 PM Post #368 of 6,909
Just for some comparisons, I've had my LD MK VI running for more than 14 hours a day in balanced operation which runs way hotter than the 339 without any problems. You should be more than fine.
 Do you guys believe this amp can run 8/10 hours a day without problems?
 I'm thinking of adding it to my system but I'm a little worried about what may happen to this product on the long run...
 If more people could write about the synergy between this amp and DT880/600 (my actual headphone) and K701(previous), I'm all ears.

May 29, 2011 at 11:14 PM Post #369 of 6,909
just order from yuking09 he can send it to manila i guess..its better to order than to go to HK saves you a lot of money and time...but if you are interested to go to HK for shopping or business trip while getting the 339 too ill ask the La Figaro BOSS about any dealer or seller in HK area...
I just moved to hr to HK.....and had to leave my home stereo in usa because size of my I am going to go with headphones.....I am thinking of hd800 or hd650  just from reviews I have read...also read they work well with darkvoice....anyone know a dealer in HK....thanks

May 30, 2011 at 4:51 PM Post #370 of 6,909
Thanks for the feedback, guys!
Jun 13, 2011 at 2:30 PM Post #374 of 6,909
I am away from my LF339 until mid-August and do miss it. Listening to my speaker system (no headphones here) has been a pleasure and also enlightening. I am very surprised that my tandem of HD-800-LF339 with associated gear now rivals the speaker set-up in finesse and excitement. I never thought HP listening could accomplish this.
I notice that the thread is still saddled with the erroneous company name. Shame.

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