KOSS A250 from KOSS eBay thread
Jun 11, 2006 at 5:08 AM Post #331 of 701

Originally Posted by kramer5150
Holy Cow!! Has anyone else listened to Clapton unplugged?... WOW Center stage sounds incredible. Lively, dynamic and ever-so present. Very Grado-like.

Youre surrounded however by a vast crowd, with a sense of both near and far field separation I previously have not heard in either my RS1, HF1 or HD580.

Is it just me?

Gotta try this out

Btw, I think the A250's really don't syngernize well with SS amps. Out of my Zhaolu I think they are very very bright, and very dry on the mids.
Jun 11, 2006 at 7:26 AM Post #332 of 701

Originally Posted by kramer5150
Youre surrounded however by a vast crowd, with a sense of both near and far field separation I previously have not heard in either my RS1, HF1 or HD580.

Is it just me?

No, the upper end detail is crazy. Reminds me of my first move toward high end cans, going from my portaPro to the SR-80. The detail with these A/250's can be surprising. Going back and forth between my K601 and the A/250, I noticed that I can hear everything the same, but you almost have try harder with the AKG's. The KOSS's just shove it up into your ear before you even know what happens. They are very cool because they have the in your face sound of a Grado, but with more detail and soundstage. What they don't have that my HF-1's have is heart. They try really hard, but they are almost too analytical. I was watching a DVD of Jazz Casual this evening. As soon as the disc began, I realized the older recording was going to rip my ears apart with hiss, using my A/250's. After trying a few things, I ended up busting out the K601 to take the edge off the material.

I guess the best way to describe these A/250's is DETAILED. I swear if you want to listen into a recording, these are a surefire way to do it.

Best $48 I have ever spent...
Jun 11, 2006 at 8:12 AM Post #333 of 701
Surprising synergy with PAV2 and A250's. Was a bit surprised as I been ignoring my pocket amp for awhile and mainly hearing hornet or portaphile depending on the headhones.

But I tried the Xin super mini and thought it sounded great so i tried the pockect amp and was a bit shocked how good it sounded. Most can's it dampens the mids and highs as it is a warm sounding amp. But A250's strong mid and treble just really come through smoother. Was hearing some Bad Company on the Super Mini, changed over to PAV2 and I could actually hear more guitar snarl and tones that I had not heard before.
surprised the heck out of me how synergistic it really was. Some have said the A250 has a bit of a thin sound compared to for example Seens or some AKG's....well PAV2 just rounds out and deepens the sound and makes these A250's really great for Rock

So far so good

I can easily imagine these are great with tube amps. They need that warm amp to just fill out and really groove.
Jun 11, 2006 at 8:32 AM Post #334 of 701

Originally Posted by Rickio
Surprising synergy with PAV2 and A250's. Was a bit surprised as I been ignoring my pocket amp for awhile and mainly hearing hornet or portaphile depending on the headhones.

But I tried the Xin super mini and thought it sounded great so i tried the pockect amp and was a bit shocked how good it sounded. Most can's it dampens the mids and highs as it is a warm sounding amp. But A250's strong mid and treble just really come through smoother. Was hearing some Bad Company on the Super Mini, changed over to PAV2 and I could actually hear more guitar snarl and tones that I had not heard before.
surprised the heck out of me how synergistic it really was. Some have said the A250 has a bit of a thin sound compared to for example Seens or some AKG's....well PAV2 just rounds out and deepens the sound and makes these A250's really great for Rock

So far so good

I can easily imagine these are great with tube amps. They need that warm amp to just fill out and really groove.

Yep, they are just slightly thin and 'plasticky' sounding. I wish there was a better way of saying it than 'plasticky', but that conveys a certain impression to me, so maybe it does to someone else as well.

Not a serious issue - this is their weakness to my ears, but no bigger a weakness than any of those found in similar quality (not price) headphones. I'm not sure how much time I'd spend with them considering my other options, but I can see why many could really love these headphones.

Here's to the new full size design they are supposedly working on, which I will hereby term the KOSS MB1. I don't know what the MV1 stands for, but the MB1 clearly stands for massive bass.
Jun 11, 2006 at 9:30 PM Post #338 of 701

Originally Posted by TheSloth
I'm quite shocked - I come to head-fi today and find that this thread is no longer on the front page. Shame on you all, team koss.

Just send a pair of A250s my way, and I assure you I'll keep this thread on the front page for a while!

(Or at least persuade Koss to ship outside the US of A, too, next time...

Jun 12, 2006 at 5:57 AM Post #339 of 701

Originally Posted by prona
Oh darn it. Am I too late to grab a pair of these? I don't see them on Koss's Ebay Outlet store anymore...

Just buy yourself a pair of the A130s. At this point I am 85% sure that they are the exact same headphones with somewhat different padding. After 20-40 hours of hard burn-in their sounds become nearly indistinguishable.

I'll get some comparisons up here sometime this week, as soon as I have time.
Jun 12, 2006 at 5:58 AM Post #340 of 701

Originally Posted by dave al'orange
Just buy yourself a pair of the A130s. At this point I am 85% sure that they are the exact same headphones with somewhat different padding. After 20-40 hours of hard burn-in their sounds become nearly indistinguishable.

Right, and then get out the drill and open the backs.
Jun 12, 2006 at 7:01 AM Post #341 of 701

Originally Posted by wualta
Did anyone ever say how much the Koss originally sold for? I don't think they were ever as expensive new as the HD 580/600/650, were they?

I think the $250 was MSRP?
Street prices were around $135.

I think?
Jun 12, 2006 at 4:03 PM Post #342 of 701

Originally Posted by kramer5150
Curious what amps are you guys using with your A250?

The sound great with my Millet, earmax and guzzler G-moy. My pimeta and mints are too harsh and aggressive.

Original Master Amp, my pimeta is too bright with these 'phones.
Jun 12, 2006 at 11:52 PM Post #343 of 701
I got some really bad awful distortion from my right driver. I hope it's just music related.
Jun 13, 2006 at 12:45 AM Post #344 of 701

Originally Posted by Lostlamb
I got some really bad awful distortion from my right driver. I hope it's just music related.

Jun 13, 2006 at 1:06 AM Post #345 of 701

Originally Posted by kramer5150
I think the $250 was MSRP?
Street prices were around $135.

I think?

Back then when the Canadian dollar was at it's lowest value they were going
for $200-250 Can . They also had a surround sound headphone called the
R (some number) that looked similar to these. The Source store is currently asking $150-200 Can for these discontinued surround headphones. The stores here sell discontinued products for exhorbitant prices. What a racket this city is.

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