Kennerton ODIN, MAGISTER, VALI, Magni, Gjallarhorn, Rögnir, Thridi, Wodan, Thekk, and Thror Discussion.
Nov 29, 2020 at 7:51 AM Post #3,886 of 10,070
I have another hypothesis: Pierre liked the JM horns so much he decided to be the sole owner in all France and therefore roasted them in his forums so nobody has the slightest interest in them 😂. On a serious note I think he did not bend the metal band. In his review /comparison of the unmodified Gjallarhorn and the Magni he did not do it, and I think both headphones benefit as well of a correct clamp. That or he did get a defective pair, who knows... I'm here enjoying Cathedral's Carnival Bizarre 🤟

I think Pierre Paya in his inflammatory review of the Kennerton Gjallarhorn JM Edition used faulty headphones because it does not say that it has less bass than the standard version (unmodified), but that there aren't bass...
and that he prefers to use a Sennheiser HD-660S instead.

By the way, I reproduce below the bass response of the Sennheiser HD-660 S versus Gjallarhorn GH50 (unmodified), knowing that the version modified by Kennerton using John Massaria's acoustic modifications has on average 3 to 4 dB less bass (below 200 Hz) and sub-bass than the unmodified version.

In no case does the Gjallarhorn JM Edition have less bass than a Sennheiser HD-660S (not to mention its texture and precision), either under 200 Hz or even more under 50 Hz.

I deduce that the headphones tried by Pierre are either defective or with an inadequate clamping force causing the bass level to drop and unbalancing the sound.


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Nov 29, 2020 at 8:00 AM Post #3,888 of 10,070
Very BIG question this Pierre Paya’s test...
Who will discover the secret first ?
That’s the question...
Well, to be sincere I would like to hear the answer from Paya himself. Somebody should ask him in French haha. I'm not saying this in an inquisitive way, I just cannot understand why he had such a bad experience and I want to help him if he is willing to.
Nov 29, 2020 at 9:07 AM Post #3,889 of 10,070
Hi everyone,

I have already asked him but for him it's not a clamping problem, the pads sealing is good for him, and he confirms that he does not like the mod for his tastes, that the interest of the sound of the original model is lost (again it only concerns him even if it is weird this such great disappointment compared to yours completely different).
Nov 29, 2020 at 9:57 AM Post #3,890 of 10,070
Hi everyone,

I have already asked him but for him it's not a clamping problem, the pads sealing is good for him, and he confirms that he does not like the mod for his tastes, that the interest of the sound of the original model is lost (again it only concerns him even if it is weird this such great disappointment compared to yours completely different).
He must have gotten defective pair or, again, the clamp is not optimal. I would love to see how the headphones sit on his head. Out of the box I thought the clamp was right too, but the slightest head move made them move up and down and I realized they were not closing like they were supposed to. The reason for me saying this is that there cannot be such a dramatic downfall from the GH 50 to the JM Edition. He liked the GH 50 yet dismiss the JM with a two song test... Something is off but maybe it's just his perception, who knows... Thanks for asking him anyway!
Nov 29, 2020 at 10:28 AM Post #3,892 of 10,070
Pierre Paya is a real Headphones Pro, who knows better than most of us what is a headphone, any how, it is NOT such a BIG deal !
You are right, it's not such a big deal. Everyone to his own taste. I just wanted to confirm he did not bend the metal band, and he just confimed it, apparently because he thinks the clamp is good enough for him. Touché! (one of the only french words I know how to use lol :o2smile:)
Edit: As I said earlier I do consider Pierre a well educated listener and I enjoy some of his commentary on youtube (with english subtitles).
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Nov 29, 2020 at 2:18 PM Post #3,893 of 10,070
Hi everyone,

I have already asked him but for him it's not a clamping problem, the pads sealing is good for him, and he confirms that he does not like the mod for his tastes, that the interest of the sound of the original model is lost (again it only concerns him even if it is weird this such great disappointment compared to yours completely different).

Hi Milan.

Not too disappointed by the cancellation/deferral of the music concert in Lyon (France) "The World of Hans Zimmer - A Symphonic Celebration"?

You know that I no longer intervene on the MoC forum following our different appreciation of the Mysphere3, Pierre and me.

However, you will be able to tell Pierre, that if he doesn't look at the cosmopolitan Head-Fi forum (which he snubs), for his general culture, he can have a look at this Russian blog, with an "independent" expertise of a guy named Boizoff, all the most serious, of the Kennerton Gjallarhorn JM Edition, which he even prefers to the Kennerton Wodan (which however takes the drivers of the Kennerton Odin mk3 Thridi).

First, his listening (of Boizoff), seems to me more serious and documented than his own, and above all much less expeditious. Every word counts.

Very friendly. :)
Nov 29, 2020 at 3:19 PM Post #3,895 of 10,070
HI Eric!

Yes, it's a pity to not assist at this concert, but it's understandable with the actual situation:sweat_smile:


The Concert is postponed to September 2021.

I hope that between now and then, thanks to the vaccination campaign which is announced in France at the beginning of 2021, the concert will not be cancelled (again) following a fourth wave of Covid! :triportsad:

PS: Thanks! :)
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Nov 29, 2020 at 3:38 PM Post #3,896 of 10,070
Hi Milan.

Not too disappointed by the cancellation/deferral of the music concert in Lyon (France) "The World of Hans Zimmer - A Symphonic Celebration"?

You know that I no longer intervene on the MoC forum following our different appreciation of the Mysphere3, Pierre and me.

However, you will be able to tell Pierre, that if he doesn't look at the cosmopolitan Head-Fi forum (which he snubs), for his general culture, he can have a look at this Russian blog, with an "independent" expertise of a guy named Boizoff, all the most serious, of the Kennerton Gjallarhorn JM Edition, which he even prefers to the Kennerton Wodan (which however takes the drivers of the Kennerton Odin mk3 Thridi).

First, his listening (of Boizoff), seems to me more serious and documented than his own, and above all much less expeditious. Every word counts.

Very friendly. :)
That was a really good review. Seem to have the same issues with the mid range as I found and similar ideas regarding low and high frequencies. RME ADI-2 is all but old though :D
Nov 29, 2020 at 4:22 PM Post #3,897 of 10,070
Well exiting day for me. I traded my Wodan. Hated to do it but because of it was able to order a Gjallarhorn JM Raspberry Jam edition. Then in unexpected fashion I was offered a Thekk in the Stablized Blue edition. I promptly sold my Stellia and purchased it.

Red and Blue on the way..... Very excited.
Nov 29, 2020 at 7:16 PM Post #3,898 of 10,070
Hi, for those of you interested in Kennerton Vali, I have one that I want to trade for a closed back headphone. I hate to let it go but because I listen close to my wife she always asks me to lower the volume, so I think it is time for me to trade it for a closed back
Nov 30, 2020 at 12:50 AM Post #3,899 of 10,070
I was about to place an order for the Gjallarhorn GH50 JM Edition, but then I realized I will be wearing glasses most of the time. There will most likely be a slight gap between the glasses frames and the earpads.

Since this headphone is so fit/seal dependent and you need to bend the headband to get the best audio quality, is it not a wise decision to purchase this? Anyone wearing glasses with GH50 JM Edition can test if you suffer heavy audio quality loss?
Nov 30, 2020 at 2:15 AM Post #3,900 of 10,070
I was about to place an order for the Gjallarhorn GH50 JM Edition, but then I realized I will be wearing glasses most of the time. There will most likely be a slight gap between the glasses frames and the earpads.

Since this headphone is so fit/seal dependent and you need to bend the headband to get the best audio quality, is it not a wise decision to purchase this? Anyone wearing glasses with GH50 JM Edition can test if you suffer heavy audio quality loss?

Good question.

The late Tyll Hertsens on Innerfidelity had already (empirically) answered the question.
But, impossible to find his initial message on the web; the new Innerfidelity site was massacred by its new owner who erased all the old Tyll archives .
Only this photo remains ...


From memory (of the article of Tyll on the question), there existed on the FR measurements of the headphones, sometimes spectacular falls of the response in the bass; of certain headphones, more than others, for the wearers of glasses, especially with thick branches, with unsealing of the pads by these branches of glasses.
It seems to me that some electrodynamic headphones were much more sensitive to this drop in bass response than other headphones (as isodynamic headphones with large drivers?).

I also wear glasses and I own the Thror, the Thekk and I owned the Magni V2.

Indeed the Magni V2, which shares the same driver and the same pads as the Gjallarhorn (standard and JM Edition), is very sensitive to the waterproofness of the pads, and even more to the pressure of the pads applied on the temples. The bass drop includes bass and sub bass.
Planar headphones (Thekk, Thror, Odin) are much less sensitive to bass drop in people who wear glasses; the unsealing of the pads results in a drop in level limited to sub-basses (under 50 Hz) (and not bass between 50 and 200 Hz).

However, the Magni pads (like the Gjallarhorn) are much thicker, softer (and flaccid) and more flexible than those of the ECL-01 pads (more firm and stiff) equipping the new Odin Thekk/Thror/Wodan, and can be "molded" onto a thin (not too thick) branch of a pair of glasses, as long as sufficient clamping pressure is applied: this should normally strongly limit the degradation of the bass response of these closed electrodynamic headphones, by accentuating the clamping, in wearers of glasses with thin branches.
Otherwise, the solution remains to remove glasses (if possible) or to wear contact lenses.

Finally, the unmodified version of the Gjallarhorn, should suffer less from wearing glasses because of its "natural" bass boost (+ 4 dB) compared to the JM Edition version (because of this light unsealing of the earpads by the branches of glasses, especially if thick).

Last word to say: "who can more can less": if for some reason the owners of the Gjallarhorn JM Edition complain about a lack of bass, it seems to me that the modification of the headphones proposed by John Massaria, and taken up by Kennerton with their official "JM Edition" version is perfectly reversible: it would be enough to remove the damper discs stuck on the wood horn to go back to the standard version; unless the modification is deeper and more complex than it sounds. To meditate.
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