Keep UM2 or Exchange Em
Oct 24, 2006 at 1:08 AM Post #31 of 87

Originally Posted by atx
Sounds like the iM716. UM2 is too dark for you.

If he EQs for bass on the UM2 the isn't the iM716 going to be massively unsatisfying in terms of bass?
Oct 24, 2006 at 1:21 AM Post #32 of 87

Originally Posted by animalsrush
The only upgrade i would do is get ES2 .. Otherwise i am happy with my UM2s

I second this. If you are thinking of upgrading or going with custom tips I would go with complete customs if it is in your budget.
Oct 24, 2006 at 1:25 AM Post #33 of 87

Originally Posted by devilsadvocate
If he EQs for bass on the UM2 the isn't the iM716 going to be massively unsatisfying in terms of bass?

That's right, UM2 has very solid bass, and they adapt well to heavy EQing. I don't think any single-driver IEM can keep up with dual-driver IEMs in bass, even with EQ.

EDIT: If you really want alot of bass w/o distortion, I would suggest you get Xin amp that has bassboost, it really works.
Oct 24, 2006 at 1:26 AM Post #34 of 87

Originally Posted by chef8489
I second this. If you are thinking of upgrading or going with custom tips I would go with complete customs if it is in your budget.

Spending money on E500? might as well get ES2!
Oct 24, 2006 at 3:37 AM Post #35 of 87

Originally Posted by jlingo
Actually for Dance, R&B, I also agree that Super.Fi 5 Pro may sound better. Since it doesn't emphazise on the midrange, it has strong bass as well as sparkling extended high. Usually this character suits very well dance and R&B music. I also find that Super.Fi 5 Pro has a wow factor, great soundstage, and music very fast, texture is very good. But for vocal the midrange is a bit shy. I could also get fatigue but not as bad as E500. Isolation in Super.Fi 5 Pro is disaster in my opinion. Customs, Ety, UM2 have amazing isolation. Even E500 doesn't have as good isolation.

I find UM2(UM56) is not as detailed but the midrange is very addicting and very sweet!! I can't stop listening to vocal from them. The midrange itself worth keeping. It's very involving unbelievable! So when I'm listening to Opera like IL Divo or Vittorio Grigolo, ah sooo beautiful!! The bass of UM2 is there but it's a bit loose especially with comply tips. So it depends on the type of music you are listening as well. I can go on for full day of comfort listening no fatigue.

E500 is treble is still a bit rolled off compared to Super.Fi 5 Pro, the bass quality is the best out of the three. very tight, very deep and low, and strong!! It's amazing. but midrange a bit sharp and harsh to me. The high, also either not sharp or splashy, I got fatigue after couple hours of listening to E500.

Finally, someone who feels just how I do. I like lesser presence in the midrange [most people here recommend the E4C over the Super.Fi 5 pro] and the E4C didn't do anything for me. I like more musical presence and don't want the vocals to be overpowering. I own the Super.Fi 5 pro and I love them so much, that I bought the limited edition Triple.Fi 10 pro. I can't wait any longer, I need to receive them --- very very very soon --- they still haven't mentioned the date but they ARE shipping out the end of October and tomorrow is already the 24th, so how much longer?!?!?! Yes, the E500 might fit better and look better, but I'm a UE guy, and I will ALWAYS prefer UE sound to Shure sound, until Shure comes up with something that makes me change my mind. Having not heard the E500, I'm sure they sound fantastic, and the bass is probably more subwooferish like than the Triple.Fi but I want the accuracy and presence that I get with my Super.Fi 5 pro, and the triple driver experience can only enhance that. Even people who have the UE-10 customs [which the Triple.Fi is based on technologically and virtually identical except for the custom fit] usually prefer the sound to the E500, and I'm not talking about custom fit, just sound quality here. Someone just mentioned this the other night in a thread. When you're in the mood for more midrange, go with the Shure. If you like a lesser presence in the mids but more precise and defined sounds in the low and high end, go with Ultimate Ears Super.Fi 5 pro, Triple.Fi 10 pro, or any of their customs. If you are a total basshead, then try the 5 EB. I love bass, but the way I have my rig configured, I get perfect bass from my 5 pros. I think the EB would be a little overkill and lacking in other areas.
Oct 24, 2006 at 5:24 AM Post #36 of 87

Originally Posted by IPodPJ
Finally, someone who feels just how I do. I like lesser presence in the midrange [most people here recommend the E4C over the Super.Fi 5 pro] and the E4C didn't do anything for me. I like more musical presence and don't want the vocals to be overpowering. I own the Super.Fi 5 pro and I love them so much, that I bought the limited edition Triple.Fi 10 pro. I can't wait any longer, I need to receive them --- very very very soon --- they still haven't mentioned the date but they ARE shipping out the end of October and tomorrow is already the 24th, so how much longer?!?!?! Yes, the E500 might fit better and look better, but I'm a UE guy, and I will ALWAYS prefer UE sound to Shure sound, until Shure comes up with something that makes me change my mind. Having not heard the E500, I'm sure they sound fantastic, and the bass is probably more subwooferish like than the Triple.Fi but I want the accuracy and presence that I get with my Super.Fi 5 pro, and the triple driver experience can only enhance that. Even people who have the UE-10 customs [which the Triple.Fi is based on technologically and virtually identical except for the custom fit] usually prefer the sound to the E500, and I'm not talking about custom fit, just sound quality here. Someone just mentioned this the other night in a thread. When you're in the mood for more midrange, go with the Shure. If you like a lesser presence in the mids but more precise and defined sounds in the low and high end, go with Ultimate Ears Super.Fi 5 pro, Triple.Fi 10 pro, or any of their customs. If you are a total basshead, then try the 5 EB. I love bass, but the way I have my rig configured, I get perfect bass from my 5 pros. I think the EB would be a little overkill and lacking in other areas.

A stronger midrange is crucial when listening to vocals, you don't want the background overpowering the vocal to the point that you can't hear what the singer is singing because the guitar is too loud. I find this annoying with certain types of music on those IEMs. I prefer my UM2s, they have a better balance in the mids than E4 and SF5P, let alone the fact that the mids on UM2 sound way better than those.

BTW, have you ever heard those IEMs that you mentioned about? You never heard E500 but are criticizing its bass. You should hear them first. Their bass is articulate, not "subwooferish", and by saying "I will ALWAYS prefer UE sound to Shure sound" just shows that you don't really know Shure sound. Shure is all about midrange, a good and solid midrange that you cannot find in your SF5Ps, and not necessarily mean that they are unbalanced.
Oct 24, 2006 at 6:16 AM Post #37 of 87

Originally Posted by derek8555
Shure is all about midrange, a good and solid midrange that you cannot find in your SF5Ps, and not necessarily mean that they are unbalanced.

I prefer UM2 midrange than E500.
It's smoother and sweeter I think. It's got more body to it. I just ordered custom sleeves for E500 from Sensaphonics. I will see how it goes.
Oct 24, 2006 at 9:37 AM Post #38 of 87

Originally Posted by codine
I think 2 days is a little early to tell, try the shure soft flex tips, they are the best with the UM2 imo.

I've had UM2's for a couple of weeks now and they just seem to sound better every time I use them, dunno about burn in or if they are burning my ears in or what but they have really grown on me.

Totally agree
Oct 24, 2006 at 2:02 PM Post #39 of 87

Originally Posted by jlingo
I prefer UM2 midrange than E500.
It's smoother and sweeter I think. It's got more body to it. I just ordered custom sleeves for E500 from Sensaphonics. I will see how it goes.

Same here, I prefer my UM2s over the Shures too!

But I still find E500 has a larger soundstage and is more balanced in the upper frequency. Does UM56 increase UM2's soundstage?
Oct 25, 2006 at 12:43 AM Post #41 of 87
Anymore opinions ? It would be awesome if someone who has both can give me a little review about em
. I have to make a decision by tomorrow to get a special price for E500.
Oct 25, 2006 at 1:34 AM Post #43 of 87

Originally Posted by plywood99
Have you read the EarphoneSolutions review? They rated them just about the same...


Yes, that's why I bought UM2. Now I realized that it's all about personal taste. I know that I like bass(also another reason I chose UM2), but I also like highs. Whenever I listen to UM2, I usually change my Ipod's eq to treble boost or acoustic from R&B. Is this because UM2 lack highs ?
Oct 25, 2006 at 1:42 AM Post #44 of 87

Originally Posted by Fr3sH
Yes, that's why I bought UM2. Now I realized that it's all about personal taste. I know that I like bass(also another reason I chose UM2), but I also like highs. Whenever I listen to UM2, I usually change my Ipod's eq to treble boost or acoustic from R&B. Is this because UM2 lack highs ?

I have a pair of um2's being shipped to me in the morning, based off that review. I hope they don't sound treble muted...

Oct 25, 2006 at 1:47 AM Post #45 of 87

Originally Posted by Fr3sH
Yes, that's why I bought UM2. Now I realized that it's all about personal taste. I know that I like bass(also another reason I chose UM2), but I also like highs. Whenever I listen to UM2, I usually change my Ipod's eq to treble boost or acoustic from R&B. Is this because UM2 lack highs ?

Although iPod's EQ might give you a bit treble boost, it's at the expensive of sound quality... try rockbox+hd EQ, it does not distort sound like the software EQs and tend to sound brighter to my ears. And also play around with different ear tips. I would suggest you to try Shure clear flex.

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