Just in, Grado 325i's ROCK
Feb 5, 2008 at 5:23 PM Post #16 of 52

Originally Posted by mathmanx /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Every hour on these 'phones impresses me more... I want to hear the RS1 and GS1000, but I can't concieve of the sound being better.... MAYBE different, but not better. I hope to be proven wrong :p

Same here. I'm listening to The Island of St. Hylarion, music from Cyprus in the early 15th century (Ensemble PAN, on the New Albion Records label): complex harmonic male vocals w/harp, flute, viella and slide trumpet accompaniment. This is about my fourth time through the entire disc so far today w/the SR-325i, and it seems like I'm getting a little "more" each time.

The 325i are the best stock-configured headphones I've heard to date. Amazingly and effortlessly enjoyable, with a nice sense of soundstage width, layering/depth and spatial queueing! I think I can wait a little longer before trying either the RS-1 or the GS-1000. : )
Feb 5, 2008 at 7:26 PM Post #17 of 52
Heh, I sure can't. I'm visiting boston, so I'm stealing that oppurtunity to visit spearit audio and audition both cans (rs-1 and gs1000). I'll post a report afterwards
Feb 5, 2008 at 8:01 PM Post #18 of 52
Grados must rock. The Mcintosh amp shop where I live sells them only. Unfortunately, they only go up to 125's.
Feb 5, 2008 at 8:14 PM Post #19 of 52

Originally Posted by headphonejunkie /img/forum/go_quote.gif
As for 650's sounding better than the 325i's. I would have to say that every headphones has its perfect setup. I would like to see a comparison between grados and senns with perfect rigs for both.

I too would agree with you, i do not know how people feel the little dot 2 (original version) synergises with these two pairs of headphones, but i have to say, i do not think either is better than the other, they are just so different, its great! getting bored of a certain favourite album you have listened to for the hundredth time? simple, just switch the headphones around and you have a completely different sound!

I do find them slightly fatiguing after a while, but then again, i do listen at quite high volumes and to mainly fast paced rock...
Feb 5, 2008 at 8:32 PM Post #20 of 52

Originally Posted by mathmanx /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Heh, I sure can't. I'm visiting boston, so I'm stealing that oppurtunity to visit spearit audio and audition both cans (rs-1 and gs1000). I'll post a report afterwards

last time I was at Spearit they didn't have the GS1000. They will let you audition the RS-1 though.

There's a small audio store called "The Audio Lab" I believe, its located in "The Garage" in Cambridge, and they have the GS1000.
Feb 5, 2008 at 8:35 PM Post #21 of 52
Gah... i'm kinda wishing I bought th 325i instead of the ms2.... I'm impressed with the ms2 but I now feel that the 325i would be better suited for my tastes. Im still using my sr60 as often as my ms2, solely for rock-ish music.
Feb 5, 2008 at 9:28 PM Post #22 of 52
Actually, I called spearit today and specifically asked about auditioning both phones, and they told me they had them in stock for demo. Maybe I'm just lucky with my timing, if they don't normally have them for demo. Qaudio didn't have either, though the owner was willing to call a friend who had one to let me try it (he seemed like a very nice fellow).
Feb 5, 2008 at 10:42 PM Post #23 of 52
Anyone know of any places in the hartford connecticut area where I can audition rs2's,rs1's,gs1000's. I would love to know of a place if there is one.
Feb 7, 2008 at 11:52 AM Post #24 of 52
Just got my 325's. Big difference from my 225's. The 225's were on the dark side while these are on the light side using 80's as a reference point. I think the 225's were more dark than these are light though.These are nice. I only have 2 hours on them so I will let them break in for a while. I can tell already that these are great for jazz straight out of the box. Nice.
Feb 7, 2008 at 12:33 PM Post #25 of 52
Congratulations, HPJ! My 325i have been getting a lot of head time recently, especially with early (pre-Baroque) ensemble music. Very transparent, delicate and finely detailed headphones, indeed!

I have some Dave Brubeck on tap for later today! : )
Feb 7, 2008 at 2:18 PM Post #26 of 52
I see what you were saying about classic rock sounding great. I don't even think these need a burnin. The 225's sounded a little off when I first bought them. These sound very good right out of the box.Some songs are sounding bright though but I only have 3 hours on these so far.I hate to say it but a little tweak of the treble with EQ and everything sounds great.Its nice to have the option if you want to get that extra top end when you want it.
Feb 7, 2008 at 3:59 PM Post #27 of 52
Everything seems tighter and snappier than my 225's.
Feb 7, 2008 at 4:05 PM Post #28 of 52

Originally Posted by kingkevo25 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Gah... i'm kinda wishing I bought th 325i instead of the ms2.... I'm impressed with the ms2 but I now feel that the 325i would be better suited for my tastes. Im still using my sr60 as often as my ms2, solely for rock-ish music.

Actually I feel just the opposite. I had the opportunity to audition both the ms2 and the 325, but preferred the ms2 because the 325 was just a tad fatiguing to my ears. The ms2 had a bit more warmth, with a tamer bass...and I am a grado person too.
Feb 7, 2008 at 5:40 PM Post #30 of 52
There is the detail I was missing with the 225's. I found it.

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