It's official... iPad!!
Jan 30, 2010 at 6:23 AM Post #271 of 379
this thing is going to make the most excellent remote for my music server too. I agree it will be the apps that make this thing killer and there will be MANY apps.

whats with all these people that clearly havent got any interest to buy this and havent got any experience of it, commenting on the functionality of something that doesnt exist and all because IT ACTUALLY ISNT WHAT YOU THINK IT IS. it is NOT a netbook and it is not trying to be, get it through your skulls and stop whining about it failing when it wasnt even trying, if anyone has the tech and infrastructure to make a fullsize multimedia tablet PC its apple, but that is not the aim here. to make a fully functional computer plus audio and graphics hardware with a fullsize touch screen is going to cost a LOT more money, be much bigger and previous attempts to make one have resulted in almost no sales.

this will increase the exposure to this type of product and because of it maybe some day even you guys will get something you want. this will be to test the waters, so I dont think i'll get this one (i'll repeat this mantra until the day I buy one) but you can bet once this gets market penetration and people start demanding more fully functional computer in this package, it WILL happen. in the meantime you will see a few me too products and the iPad store will go OFF

even without digital output (it may still be doable, we dont know yet) using my existing LOD to FiQuest and JH13 or HD600 this thing will make a great travel companion

regarding the no notes feature, that is just plain BS, there will be notes apps in no time and I dont know about you, but I can type a lot faster than writing
Jan 30, 2010 at 9:45 AM Post #272 of 379

Originally Posted by qusp /img/forum/go_quote.gif
this thing is going to make the most excellent remote for my music server too. I agree it will be the apps that make this thing killer and there will be MANY apps.

whats with all these people that clearly havent got any interest to buy this and havent got any experience of it, commenting on the functionality of something that doesnt exist and all because IT ACTUALLY ISNT WHAT YOU THINK IT IS. it is NOT a netbook and it is not trying to be, get it through your skulls and stop whining about it failing when it wasnt even trying, if anyone has the tech and infrastructure to make a fullsize multimedia tablet PC its apple, but that is not the aim here. to make a fully functional computer plus audio and graphics hardware with a fullsize touch screen is going to cost a LOT more money, be much bigger and previous attempts to make one have resulted in almost no sales.

this will increase the exposure to this type of product and because of it maybe some day even you guys will get something you want. this will be to test the waters, so I dont think i'll get this one (i'll repeat this mantra until the day I buy one) but you can bet once this gets market penetration and people start demanding more fully functional computer in this package, it WILL happen. in the meantime you will see a few me too products and the iPad store will go OFF

even without digital output (it may still be doable, we dont know yet) using my existing LOD to FiQuest and JH13 or HD600 this thing will make a great travel companion

regarding the no notes feature, that is just plain BS, there will be notes apps in no time and I dont know about you, but I can type a lot faster than writing

beside that i agree with most of what you said. We know it not trying to be a notebook but the fact is when you take that away from the Ipad it's nothing more than a larger Itouch + 3g.

Regarding Notes yes you can type faster but if your trying to do math equations/take down chemistry or physics equation and what not im sure being able to write the equation is faster than holding down Alt+which ever number give you the symbol
Jan 30, 2010 at 10:39 AM Post #273 of 379

Originally Posted by comatoast /img/forum/go_quote.gif
beside that i agree with most of what you said. We know it not trying to be a notebook but the fact is when you take that away from the Ipad it's nothing more than a larger Itouch + 3g.

Personally the only reason I would actually consider buying one is because I have fancied an e-reader for quite some time, and the wow factor of internet surfing on one of these with a/v whatever makes me want one. I do think these things will be everywhere eventually, as they seemed to have hit a decent price point and wow factor relatively speaking.

I never got an iPhone because I didn't want to sign a 2-year data plan; I prefer pre-paid GSMs with wi-fi on my smartphone but I've always envied the functionality of the iPhone/App Store. I did consider jail-breaking but there was never one I wanted to hassle with it until the 3g and then it was too much of a hassle

So the iPad gives me a relatively poor e-reader as it uses LCD vs. e-ink, but what a cool a/v web-surfing wireless picture frame gadget doohicky for runnin' lossless iTunes. I'd rather have a new amp for now, but I got my eye on this baby, who knows.

And 100s of 1,000s of applications that will probably run more than one at a time someday

For a real upgrade in the dual-booting division, I am taking another look at that Modbook. Seems like they've come down a bit in price since a few months ago.
Jan 30, 2010 at 10:50 AM Post #275 of 379

Originally Posted by Uncle Erik /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Here are some reactions to another "useless" Apple product that was a gimmick only produced for fanboys and people too stupid to buy anything else.

"250 million ago". Awesome
Jan 31, 2010 at 2:16 AM Post #276 of 379

Originally Posted by Uncle Erik /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Here are some reactions to another "useless" Apple product that was a gimmick only produced for fanboys and people too stupid to buy anything else.

yep. it was useless to the billion Windows users with USB ports back in 2001 and just as useless as the iPad now when everyone is buying inexpensive netbooks that do more than this appliance. iPôd wasn't a hit until Apple ported it to Windows. Period.

This thing will sell in the 200+ Apple stores and apple website thanks to the marketing juggernaut from Cupertino, but the moment it goes to the Best Buy, Walmart and RadioShack of the worlds alongside fully featured laptops and netbooks price, compatibility, features, openness, commonplace and familiarity of these portable PCs will eat the iPaid alive.


But, I don't know if this appliance is really competing with portable computers because it is just a slave of a PC.
Jan 31, 2010 at 3:06 AM Post #279 of 379

Originally Posted by lwells /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If it ran on the Nvidia Tegra platform, I would be very interested

That would give it some decent potential.

I was kinda hoping for something more than a big screen itouch...
Jan 31, 2010 at 3:23 AM Post #280 of 379

Originally Posted by qusp /img/forum/go_quote.gif
this thing is going to make the most excellent remote for my music server too. I agree it will be the apps that make this thing killer and there will be MANY apps.

whats with all these people that clearly havent got any interest to buy this and havent got any experience of it, commenting on the functionality of something that doesnt exist and all because IT ACTUALLY ISNT WHAT YOU THINK IT IS. it is NOT a netbook and it is not trying to be, get it through your skulls and stop whining about it failing when it wasnt even trying, if anyone has the tech and infrastructure to make a fullsize multimedia tablet PC its apple, but that is not the aim here.

And that's what I so utterly hate and despise about the ipad. It is by no means a product with any real innovation (perhaps except the A4 cpu, not that you'll be able to stress it too much) and with very significant limitations. Yet almost without doubt developers will develop a LOT of apps for it anticipating a large consumer base, the consumers then buy it for the apps, the developers make even more apps and we have a vicious cycle going.

And why does this affect us? All of us with our other tablets will simply get the short end of the stick in terms of added functionality and other companies will be discouraged from investing in fields where apple might step into Now that was fine back when apple actually innovated (a la iphone) but when the world can't see past the apple logo for a rather lousy product, we have a problem.

Just to clarify, I do concur it probably will be successful.
Jan 31, 2010 at 4:10 AM Post #282 of 379

Originally Posted by itsborken /img/forum/go_quote.gif
iPad? Sorry, I have to yawn. Another expensive toy to sit in the closet and eventually be sold on eBay for a hefty loss.

I doubt.

Apple's stuffs rarely lose much value when resold.
Jan 31, 2010 at 4:30 AM Post #284 of 379

Originally Posted by Ricardo Dawkins /img/forum/go_quote.gif
yep. it was useless to the billion Windows users with USB ports back in 2001 and just as useless as the iPad now when everyone is buying inexpensive netbooks that do more than this appliance. iPôd wasn't a hit until Apple ported it to Windows. Period.

This thing will sell in the 200+ Apple stores and apple website thanks to the marketing juggernaut from Cupertino, but the moment it goes to the Best Buy, Walmart and RadioShack of the worlds alongside fully featured laptops and netbooks price, compatibility, features, openness, commonplace and familiarity of these portable PCs will eat the iPaid alive.

But, I don't know if this appliance is really competing with portable computers because it is just a slave of a PC.

Just curious, have you spent much time with an iPhone or Touch? How about the rest of you who are ripping into the iPad? My guess is that you have not and never intend to spend any time using Apple products. That's OK. You can buy what you want.

I've had an iPhone on me 24/7 for about 30 months now. I probably have put close to 5,000 hours of use on an iPhone. Trust me, it is usable and highly useful. If it wasn't, I would have put it on eBay a couple of years Go and gone back to the adequate RAZR.

One thing that holds the iPhone's system back is screen size. You can't mKe it much bigger, but I've thought many times that a bigger machine with the same software and apps would be wonderful.

You can make negative checklists about any product. I kicked arou d the idea of an eeePC for a while now, but ultimately decided that I'd rather take a full-fledged laptop along than a netbook. But because the iPad uses 3G, it immediately becomes more attractive for travel. And because the iPhone works so well for me - and millions of others - I appreciate having all the features along with a bigger screen.

I think Apple wanted to appeal to people who already enjoy the iPhone and Touch. You may or may not be in that group. But lots of people are.
Jan 31, 2010 at 4:32 AM Post #285 of 379

Originally Posted by ilney /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Well, if it runs Windows 7, I'll be very interested

It's not even x86. It's like an ARM processor isn't it?

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