It's official... iPad!!
Jan 29, 2010 at 9:18 PM Post #256 of 379
I hope camera manufacturers start omitting mini-USB ports on their cameras now. Jeez guys! You can just buy a Canon adaptor! Nobody minds that ... look how well HTC did with extUSB!!
Jan 29, 2010 at 10:48 PM Post #257 of 379

Originally Posted by grokit /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I personally find it hilarious that the Windows Defenders are so insecure that they have to come here and attack the the Apple Fanboys, like a bunch of pissed-off gangstas.

Without calling out anyone personally, why even participate in a thread like this if you're only going to be a Negative Nellie?

Is is just to cr@p all over our Cheerios?

You don't see Apple fans coming over to the "How do I bypass my crappy Windows OS to avoid latency and interference and get decent sound out of my PC while running iTunes?" threads to make fun of you, do you?

Defenders attacking Fanboys when they still have 9 to 1 market superiority is very curious and insecure (Psychology 101). Come to think of it, it's Reactive vs. Proactive--kind of like the Microsoft vs. Apple mentalities in general, respectively.

I don't think that any of us who are genuinely excited about this new and ground-breaking product that is just the beginning of a whole new computing paradigm will be sorry to see you leave if you do choose to espouse your negativity elsewhere; don't let the door hit you in the you-know-what on the way out and we will have even more fun without you

Re: your comment about -why post if you are gonna be negative Nellie, and -implying that we should leave and take negativity elsewhere.

I'd like to point out that this is a tech forum. A place to discuss positives and negatives about products, and share experiences and help each other out.

I only started to use forums lately --- in response to my dissatisfaction with my stupid Bose products... and found out that I've been ripped off royally: deceived, misslead, and overcharged... with the help of these types of forums. FROM NOW ON, ANY PRODUCT I BUY - ESP WITH TECH EQUIPMENT... I CONSULT MY FELLOW HEADFIERS OR OTHER FORUMS.

Seriously --- I would have never found out the truth about Bose and why I felt that there's something missing in my music untill I researched it.

Now let me ask you, why shouldn't our negative comments on a product be posted... and that we should take our neg comments elsewhere?? Ok - if there are personal attacks and unnecessary comments - then fine, they are uncalled for. But calling us [ppl who dissagree with this Ipad] "pissed off, curious, insecure Windows Defenders" is uncalled for.

I'm not pissed of, insecure or curious... and although I like using and prefer Windows - I seldom defend it -lol.

Anyways... as for the IPad,... I [we] call it for what it is. It is OVERPRICED. It is an UNDERACHIEVER. it is HEAVILY MARKETED [apple did a great job-props to them for doing so well]. ---reminds ME OF BOSE-**** PRODUCTS!!!

I'm a support-tech rep for a large company currently and I know alot of ppl including myself rely on forums - info sharing on Web to help with troubleshooting certain items. I appreciate the comments - negative or Positive - as it helps everyone make a good decision ---especially in tight economies. ie. I would have never known about brands and products from AKG, Audioengine, Paradigm, DAC solutions, etc if it weren't for these forums. If I wanted only positives... I'd go to the company websites -LOLMAO- great info there!
In my job, and outside of work, I get ppl, friends, family asking me: why do your equipment sound soooo much better? - or why does your Laptop operate so much more efficiently ... etc.etc. --- I'd always answer: cuz I did the research before buying: you can't just buy any product based on what you've been pitched at the store: or what marketing ads say!!!

I'm not saying that the IPAd is not gonna sell and do well. - but it is like a Bose product - overpriced and underachieving + overhyped... FOR BOSE OUTSELLS MOST AUDIO PRODUCTS- LOL.
I do think that this Ipad will sell well -like Bose products... ... and it will make alot of companies [not just apple] - millions*each year. Google, and ANY business that is ON THE WEB will benefit from higher usage of the Internet >>pushing business on the net >>pushing the economy forward! --NOT ON MY EXPENSE- SO Poor suckers [i was one for buying Bose] or PPL with extra $$$ WILL spend! --- GReat!!! Awesome!!! Thank-you Apple!!! Amen!

Do apologize for long post-rant.

ps. I do own and owned lots of apple products... and although I prefer Windows, I am open minded to try any innovative product. But this does NOT mean that I'd buy an IPAd or IMac or Macbook at their current price and specs and offerings.
Jan 29, 2010 at 11:15 PM Post #258 of 379

You cant efficiently take notes on it since it doesnt have a stylus, its a capacitive touchscreen which is good for finger input only. Artists make up a big chunk of mac users, and this product was supposed to allow them to draw on, yet this leaves them in the cold.

I'm a graphic design student and I do plan on using the iPad to take notes in class and sketch. There are already styluses out for the iPhone/iTouch. No doubt there will be styluses for the iPad. There are already apps for the iPhone and iTouch that allow you to write directly on the screen with your finger or with a stylus and there are apps that allow you to draw on the iPhone/iTouch. If you watched the whole video of the iPad's unveiling you would've seen the 'Brushes' app and it's developer being featured on it and talk about how he plans on making developments for the his Brushes app to fully take advantage of the iPad and there will probably be more similar apps, writing and drawing, to follow by many other app developers.

Artist Jorge Colombo has painted three covers for The New Yorker using the Brushes app on the iPhone and many more are featured on his website. Imagine what artists can do on the iPad just because it has a bigger screen and it's extreme portability compared to other tablets.

Like I said before, the app developers will define the iPad. I've seen many creative and innovative games/apps for the iPhone/iTouch and I'm looking forward to what these creatives will come up with for the iPad.
Jan 29, 2010 at 11:49 PM Post #259 of 379
"If you don't have any thing good to say, don't say it"

Especially if you've never seen/touched/used said piece of equipment.

The key words in your reply are, "and share experiences"; do you have any with the iPad?

If so, a world-wide audience is anxiously waiting to hear about them...


Originally Posted by LUCIDD /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Re: your comment about -why post if you are gonna be negative Nellie, and -implying that we should leave and take negativity elsewhere.

I'd like to point out that this is a tech forum. A place to discuss positives and negatives about products, and share experiences and help each other out.
ps. I do own and owned lots of apple products... and although I prefer Windows, I am open minded to try any innovative product. But this does NOT mean that I'd buy an IPAd or IMac or Macbook at their current price and specs and offerings.

I also use Mac & Windoze platforms (among others), and my $80 second-hand circumural Triports are the very best for listening to compressed music straight out of my Nokia 5800 S60 music phone. Not that I ever do that

Lots of money for marketing?
But the quality doesn't suffer proportionally because of "quantity of scale" IMHO.

It's hard to argue with success, not that stops anyone from trying

Jan 30, 2010 at 12:15 AM Post #260 of 379

Originally Posted by grokit /img/forum/go_quote.gif
"If you don't have any thing good to say, don't say it"

Especially if you've never seen/touched/used said piece of equipment.

The key words in your reply are, "and share experiences"; do you have any with the iPad?

If so, a world-wide audience is anxiously waiting to hear about them...

I also use Mac & Windoze platforms (among others), and my $80 second-hand circumural Triports are the very best for listening to compressed music straight out of my Nokia 5800 S60 music phone. Not that I ever do that

Lots of money for marketing?
But the quality doesn't suffer proportionally because of "quantity of scale" IMHO.

It's hard to argue with success, not that stops anyone from trying


Well... to answer your question, I do not have experience with the Ipad.
But it doesn't take a genius to figure out how it is going to work. --- especially when I've had ipod,iphone first gen, second gen, 3g, 3gs ... and love it!
Lets just say I have a good Idea... having a laptop, used netbooks, ... I think we can all agree how this ipad will work - afterall, we do have all the specs of it. And If we've used the Iphone or Itouch before... It won't be too much different. The larger screen will be nice

Anyways... Like it sed, I do think the Ipad will sell well. ...
But point taken. When It comes out, I'll give it a try. I will actually use it for a week - and then return it if I don't like it.

And as for your quote on : CAN'T ARGUE WITH SUCCESS??
LETS shift gears:
This is just like saying that you cannot argue with BOSE'S SUCCESS*
Do they have good products? -=some are=- but HOW DO THEY COMPARE? - How are they priced??
Can't argue with BOSE's success. OK.
Whatever we think of Bose = doesn't matter.. They are still selling lots of krattp to the unsuspecting/uninformed consumer - and staying ON TOP*.
Point is: Bose did not get to where they are because of good quality, competitive products. WHICH IS IMPORTANT TO THE CONSUMER: AND MAYBE TO HEADFIERS??? MAYBE??

I disagree with Bose and Apple's marketing strategies [they are not the only ones though]. Very transparent [am I the only one who sees thru all the marketing BS and sees a product for what it really is?]. >>All for bottom line$$. Well that's business right? Corporate America - stays greedy and unchallenged by the consumer [cuz we're easily sold? acquiring all this shiny stuff we don't need... consuming consuming consuming]. Great, wonder when's the next recession due to this greeeed?
Jan 30, 2010 at 12:53 AM Post #261 of 379
I for one have been selling old but still outstanding items to fund the purchase of this and my JH 13pros. I gave my Touch to my little sister who wouldn't leave home without it. From Apple's video it seems to me that it would be a device i would use regularly and a great asset when traveling.
Jan 30, 2010 at 2:00 AM Post #263 of 379

Originally Posted by TLY /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If these tablet computers that have been around for a year are so great why haven't they been selling at all, if people really wanted a full tablet computer? That's because people don't really need a full tablet computer and Apple knew that.

I'm sorry but our technology just isn't good enough to be able to fit a full operating computer inside of a half inch thick piece of aluminum. Maybe in another ten years. And the App store and iBook store is going to be what's going to make the iPad. Just like the App store made the iPhone and the iTouch, and that's why all those other tablet computers aren't selling, because they don't have the App store.

The only market for a full tablet computer is going to be digital painters and that's it, and that's an extremely small market and even smaller when you consider that probably 90% of those digital painters probably won't make enough to justify paying for a full tablet computer like the iMod or whatever other full tablet computer out there.

Full size Tablet PC aren't aimed at the general public as their sale point they are more aimed towards doctors, students, people who works involve a lot of commuting, engineer, artist and designer. When you look at a tablet PC they aren't built to be powerful they are built to be lightweight and battery efficient. They are also more durable than any normal laptop. In all the Tablet PC market is aimed towards professional and business thus the they carry a premium price tag. When you look at a tablet pc majority of the well built and use one often start @ 1300-1400 for standard config and then exceed to 2-3 grand for more options and docks. When you look at this and let say your just a normal day to day laptop user, your not going to pay that much for something that has less power than a macbook which is 999 or any netbook/notebook you can get for cheaper.

In the sum of this all. Apple could of made the ipad better in that if they basically took the mac and a tablet pc smashed them together and give the price of a 13inch macbook pro and make the whole thing better and mainstream it. Other than that all the Ipad is as of right now is a bigger itouch for more $$$. The iphone imo still outreigns the ipad. If you want 3g get a tether on your iphone to your laptop and wam. Your laptop just became an ipad and some.
Jan 30, 2010 at 2:13 AM Post #264 of 379
This thread really ought the warriors out in force, but I have one question:


Apologies for shouting, team, but the banner at the top says 'Head-Fi : Computer Audio', or something along those lines. This religious war could have been conducted on any number of computer-specific boards. I have spent more than 2 decades in IT, so I'm not a flat-earther, I own two Macs and several PCs : this **** is getting old. Buy the iPAD, dont buy it, but any discussion of its merits should have something vaguely to do with its ability to enhance our love of music. End of sermon.
Jan 30, 2010 at 4:08 AM Post #265 of 379

Originally Posted by LUCIDD /img/forum/go_quote.gif
am I the only one who sees thru all the marketing BS and sees a product for what it really is?

I think that here at Head-fi, we are all audio/tech geeks for the most part, so we have a tendency to lose sight of the fact that most people don't see these products through the same lens we do. When the masses see your typical netbook, they have no idea what they would do with such a thing, why they would want it, or how they would operate it.

And that is the genius of companies like Apple and Bose IMO, by "dumbing these products down", they increase accessibility to, and interest in, these types of products. Then the technology itself becomes much more widespread, and much more useful to everyone, even the audio/tech geeks

And yes, it's profitable for them, which is what capitalism is based on, for better or worse


Originally Posted by estreeter /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Well it's fun anyways, but for more useful information, check out the iPad dedicated music server thread

And for a chuckle, check this out
Jan 30, 2010 at 4:16 AM Post #266 of 379

Originally Posted by comatoast /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Full size Tablet PC aren't aimed at the general public as their sale point they are more aimed towards doctors, students, people who works involve a lot of commuting, engineer, artist and designer. When you look at a tablet PC they aren't built to be powerful they are built to be lightweight and battery efficient. They are also more durable than any normal laptop. In all the Tablet PC market is aimed towards professional and business thus the they carry a premium price tag. When you look at a tablet pc majority of the well built and use one often start @ 1300-1400 for standard config and then exceed to 2-3 grand for more options and docks. When you look at this and let say your just a normal day to day laptop user, your not going to pay that much for something that has less power than a macbook which is 999 or any netbook/notebook you can get for cheaper.

In the sum of this all. Apple could of made the ipad better in that if they basically took the mac and a tablet pc smashed them together and give the price of a 13inch macbook pro and make the whole thing better and mainstream it. Other than that all the Ipad is as of right now is a bigger itouch for more $$$. The iphone imo still outreigns the ipad. If you want 3g get a tether on your iphone to your laptop and wam. Your laptop just became an ipad and some.

Thats exactly what the ModBook is. It's already been made and it looks pretty efficient. Why would Apple waste money to remake this.
Jan 30, 2010 at 4:21 AM Post #267 of 379

Originally Posted by comatoast /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Apple could of made the ipad better in that if they basically took the mac and a tablet pc smashed them together and give the price of a 13inch macbook pro and make the whole thing better and mainstream it.


Here you go, been out for years but never "mainstreamed"
Jan 30, 2010 at 4:22 AM Post #268 of 379

Originally Posted by TLY /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Thats exactly what the ModBook is. It's already been made and it looks pretty efficient. Why would Apple waste money to remake this.

Jan 30, 2010 at 5:10 AM Post #270 of 379
I might start reading books again if I get an iPad. I've been wishing there was an iPhone with a larger screen for a while now.

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