Isn't it illegal...?
Mar 29, 2008 at 4:29 AM Post #91 of 113

Originally Posted by Assorted /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I don't think it would hurt to ask you kindly to remove those, slightly dergradatory words like "What" or "bitch". It makes yourself look real immature, and it isn't necessary.


Originally Posted by Assorted /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You don't have to be mature to be intelligent or witty. Nor do you have to be immature to swear.

First of all, if they are only SLIGHTLY derogatory to begin with, why mention it at all? There's definitely more important things to spend your energy b*tching about (whoops I swore

Secondly, you stated that "it makes yourself [you] look immature" -- Phrasing it in such a way implies you believe this to be an objective truth. eg- "Bees make honey." If you believed it to be an objective truth that this individual appears immature for swearing (or at least expressed yourself in such a way), why do you later claim swearing and maturity are un-related? Furthermore, what data do you have that can show that Person Who Swears -> Appearance of Immaturity?

A more apt statement would have been: "In my observance of your words and/or actions, I feel that you are immature based on your use of what I consider profanity."


Originally Posted by Assorted /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Sduibek, I see you making a lot of speculations; myself believing that illegal downloaders are evil

Yes, you used thickly-layed sarcasm to demonstrate how juvenile or perhaps immoral their actions are. I made the point that this is nothing compared to the real issues our world faces -- in other words, regardless of how objectively immoral/bad free downloads are (or are not) there are things FAR more immoral/bad in the world, and THESE issues are the issues that would behoove theatrics and rhetoric mid-discussion.


Originally Posted by Assorted /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I was just exercising exaggerated rhetoric

I would have described it as "over-dramatic"


Originally Posted by Assorted /img/forum/go_quote.gif
to counter some of these "excuses" which I personally find, petty.

That's great, you can believe whatever you wish. But you don't think it's wrong to use over-the-top, dramatic wording and examples to counter someone else's beliefs? (that BTW are just as valid as your own) The way you phrased things came off very strongly, and whether it was rhetoric or not, the bottom line is you're talking about downloading music. Not something that really requires theatrics to prove a point. (although the RIAA would disagree with their "Would You Steal A Car?" TV commercials) You can be sensible/reasonable without going into theatrics/rhetoric while still disagreeing with the individuals in this thread. I personally find it petty to use exxagerating rhetoric to belittle someone for swearing, their beliefs on illegal downloads, and their disrepect for authority figures/Government. Didn't you go to High School? Don't you remember being a teenager? Seriously...

[size=small]EDIT: I find your incorrect use of commas and tense to be offensive and I would please appreciate the discontinued use of mangled English Grammar as soon as is humanly possible.
Mar 29, 2008 at 4:38 AM Post #92 of 113
On an only slightly related but very awesome note, there was an article printed recently talking about a study conducted -- this study showed that workplaces in which swearing was allowed have higher morale
Mar 29, 2008 at 6:45 AM Post #93 of 113

Originally Posted by Assorted /img/forum/go_quote.gif
From the sound of the various posts, I'm assuming it's "OK" to actually "break the law" if it's justified... for convenience/economic sake. Not everything is black and white.

Lesson learned?

1. If you think the government is cheating/lying/blackmailing/deceiving you, or simply gone morally bankrupt, it is perfectly justified to set your standards to the same level as theirs, and do unto them what they have done unto you.

2. If it is extremely inconvenient, there is always the "downloading alternative", illegal or not, since it is perfectly justified for you to enjoy the same privileges other people have.

3. Doing community service, volunteer work, and visiting the elder home to play cards makes up for all of the petty internet crime you do.

4. The music industry is enticing you to illegally download by providing flawed delivery methods, so all the more reason to do so. By illegally downloading content, you are starting a new generation of paperless information -- think of the environmental benefits!

Thanks everybody, sure is a very different culture from what our schools have us believe. Laws are bendable and subtle, everything has an implied meaning and are not meant to be taken literally.

not the most effective way of getting your point across, i must say. does your denunciation of stooping to other people's levels preclude deriding and trivializing other opinions that don't jibe with yours?

if you choose to see the world as black & white, that is your prerogative and i can respect that. but obviously you are not the final word on social ethics and conduct, and shouldn't pretend to be so.

imho, laws are bendable (tax season may as well be called "law-bending season"), a healthy lack of respect for government is the foundation for an autonomous society, not believing everything the schools tell us allows the cultivation of free thinkers, and censorship is just another flimsy attempt to control minds.

so i guess we'll agree to disagree.
Mar 29, 2008 at 6:04 PM Post #94 of 113
This is a family forum, swearing is not allowed period. Swearing also is very strong impression of a weak mind. This is not your workplace, the playground, or some random Internet blog, this is the largest onsite forum on the Net and which is also a family oriented one at that..period.

I myself do not see think that people are less cool or important because he/she may donate or not and only mentioned it because it was another factor to consider in a member's point of view.


Originally Posted by pez /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I really could care less what people think about the phrase "What", if it was that offensive, I would have already changed it, I can understand "b****" though.

Yeah, I see you changed it already. I stated that it was somewhat offensive and could understand how others thought it would be totally offensive in a way,but this is the world we live in today. Wear it in school on your Tshirt, write it on your folder, but on a family site this type of language seems unfit and somewhat amiss.

Originally Posted by Sduibek /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I know plenty of intelligent, witty, mature individuals that enjoy swearing, cursing, profanity and other pleasures of Language.

Good for you, sure you are not alone here. This is a family forum.


Originally Posted by pez /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Haha, yes, almost like they think they're above everyone else...hmmm.

Seems the above jargon was posted towards me, if worries. I don't think I am better than anyone else here and really question this post of yours above. I have donated here and think it important for many reasons, but others do not have to this and I do not think it this is so. I was simply bringing up points that seemed fitting for the discussion. I have not only donated to HeadFi but also have held multiple giveaways in the past to new and upcoming members equaling hundreds of dollars. I also recall a time when this forum allowed such language, however, presently this is not the case. Jude works really hard and dumps thousands into this forum a year to keep it afloat and so respect should be due to the acceptable use policies set forth, and not swearing is included. Just because I think the world may be getting more dumb in our social patterns of texting, communicating, or other, and use of acronyms for profanity does not mean I enforce or police some higher standard for everyone else and including myself at the same time, just interesting enough to discuss it is all. Some of the greatest attributes of this place are the community and knowledge share, yes, but also because of the communication process and the way members relate to one another on like topics and differing opinions. This is all done without profanity which is a good thing.

Swear away, download 3 billion songs, make fun of others for having an opinion different than yours, do not donate here, care as little as you like about the world and those that encompass it, buy up all the rarest headphones you want, I really do not mind. Just have some perspective would be my thought.


Originally Posted by acidbasement /img/forum/go_quote.gif
We seem to differ on whether or not the end justifies the means. Music industry people say that downloading music is bad because it has resulted in a decline in music sales - essentially people in general are not buying what they listen to. I agree 100% with this, but if a person downloads music and this does not cause him/her to purchase less, the argument from the music industry does not apply. Many people (myself included) claim they purchase more music than they would in a world without file sharing, because they are able to expose themselves to more music that they like enough to buy. The end justifies the means. Yes, I have probably sinned and broken the law, but I have not hurt anybody, and that is good enough for me. What you seem to be saying is that the action of downloading music is more important than the result.

This is a place to be able discuss topics of interest, and downloading music does not interest me if it is illegal. It is wrong the way many see it.

Many of the posts in this thread bearing significance to the OT seem to be already stated, with this I digress.

Cool beans everyone, enjoy the weekend!
Mar 29, 2008 at 6:20 PM Post #95 of 113
No, we just live in a world that happens to be so serious, if you look at someone differently they get pissed, or if you differ their opinion, there HAS to be something wrong with it. So this is why things can't even be played off for humor anymore. I think when people don't understand the whole idea of something, and then they criticize, it just makes them ignorant.
Mar 29, 2008 at 8:53 PM Post #96 of 113
If file sharing is illegal, why are they allowed? I can see both sides to this but let's say a band in Russia has no coverage in Brazil. Someone hears something they like from a file share. They research it and find a source to purchase more than the file share has available with better quality. Did the artist/RIAA win or loose? If it weren't for some of the file share programs, no one would know other artists existed. RIAA controls for your market. If the issue is digital mirror of original content, limit bit rate. We are always hearing how bad 128k sounds by the group here.

As a child of tape and record, we always taped shows on TV via VCR for timeshifting and made tapes for portable use in our cars. As hobbyists, we shared tapes or recorded each others albums. This never got anybody arrested. If it were truly known, it helped sell music because everybody wore the tape out and went out to buy the album.

If the music wasn't worth a crap or only had one or two songs worth listening to, the album didn't get sold. When the RIAA started selling 5-6 songs per album, they were stealing from us. I'm sure the artist wanted to put out a better product. After all, it was their artistic piece. But the RIAA made them break it up for more profits.

I know this is off topic but is part of the dialog in the thread. It just burns me to hear judgment on something just because someone had enough money to make it a crime. Go after the profiteer and terabyte thiefs, leave the hobbyist alone.

I know there are argumentative sides against my opinions and this is only an opinion so don't blow a gasket if you disagree. Be respectful and state your side. Don't be judgmental, because it is hypocritical to choose what laws you want to abide and which ones you don't. (my world is filling up with cig. butts but no one gets arrested for littering)
Mar 29, 2008 at 10:25 PM Post #98 of 113
Please, let's get back to whining about taxes and the evasion thereof.
Mar 29, 2008 at 10:43 PM Post #99 of 113
lol tk3, you're right, but so many good points are being made
. In fact torrents and limewire, etc aren't illegal, but burning cds to sell them off of it is.
Mar 29, 2008 at 11:07 PM Post #100 of 113

Originally Posted by PhaedrusX /img/forum/go_quote.gif
not the most effective way of getting your point across, i must say. does your denunciation of stooping to other people's levels preclude deriding and trivializing other opinions that don't jibe with yours?

if you choose to see the world as black & white, that is your prerogative and i can respect that. but obviously you are not the final word on social ethics and conduct, and shouldn't pretend to be so.

imho, laws are bendable (tax season may as well be called "law-bending season"), a healthy lack of respect for government is the foundation for an autonomous society, not believing everything the schools tell us allows the cultivation of free thinkers, and censorship is just another flimsy attempt to control minds.

so i guess we'll agree to disagree.

Well spoken

In regards to my post on the matter above -- To those wondering if swearing is "not something for work" check this out: workplace swearing morale - Google Search


Originally Posted by Audiofiler /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Swearing also is very strong impression of a weak mind.

On what basis do you make this statement? Studies and research, or subjective (and thus potentially flawed) observation?
Mar 30, 2008 at 3:24 PM Post #101 of 113
CBC used to have (maybe still does?) a radio show called "And Sometimes Y", on which every week they discussed some different facet of the English language with various experts. It was a very good and thoughtful show. In one episode they discussed profanity, and the main conclusion was that, while current English profanity has mainly to do with body parts and their functions, it has not always been this way and it is changing fast. You don't have to go too far back in time to find that the F-bomb was once perfectly acceptable slang, and the words that got people in real trouble were generally to do with religion (similar to French today). This is why we have words like "heck", despite its obvious root not being considered all that offensive today, at least compared to the obvious root of "frick".

So today, where is profanity headed? The experts on the show (and I agree with them) were of the opinion that ethnic and otherwise derogatory slurs were the new swear words on the block, with the N-bomb having already replaced the old F-bomb as the worst of the bad words. I noticed last week that words that always used to be bleeped out on CBC radio (s*** and screw, to be precise) now tend not to be, but other words like b**** and n***** are. So, considering that, the popularity of the acronym 'What' seems to me to be completely in accordance with the way English is heading as a language.

Discuss, and try not to resort to petty defensive insults.
Mar 30, 2008 at 8:27 PM Post #102 of 113

Originally Posted by Audiofiler /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Swearing also is very strong impression of a weak mind.

This statement leaves a very strong impression of a weak mind.


Originally Posted by pez /img/forum/go_quote.gif
No, we just live in a world that happens to be so serious, if you look at someone differently they get pissed, or if you differ their opinion, there HAS to be something wrong with it. So this is why things can't even be played off for humor anymore. I think when people don't understand the whole idea of something, and then they criticize, it just makes them ignorant.

That's just this forum
Mar 30, 2008 at 11:24 PM Post #104 of 113

Originally Posted by acidbasement /img/forum/go_quote.gif
CBC used to have (maybe still does?) a radio show called "And Sometimes Y", on which every week they discussed some different facet of the English language with various experts. It was a very good and thoughtful show. In one episode they discussed profanity, and the main conclusion was that, while current English profanity has mainly to do with body parts and their functions, it has not always been this way and it is changing fast. You don't have to go too far back in time to find that the F-bomb was once perfectly acceptable slang, and the words that got people in real trouble were generally to do with religion (similar to French today). This is why we have words like "heck", despite its obvious root not being considered all that offensive today, at least compared to the obvious root of "frick".

So today, where is profanity headed? The experts on the show (and I agree with them) were of the opinion that ethnic and otherwise derogatory slurs were the new swear words on the block, with the N-bomb having already replaced the old F-bomb as the worst of the bad words. I noticed last week that words that always used to be bleeped out on CBC radio (s*** and screw, to be precise) now tend not to be, but other words like b**** and n***** are. So, considering that, the popularity of the acronym 'What' seems to me to be completely in accordance with the way English is heading as a language.

Discuss, and try not to resort to petty defensive insults.

That's actually quite interesting, thanks for the read
That is what it's all about -- intelligent people trying to discuss things objectively and/or reasonably. EDIT: Heck, you don't even have to be extremely intelligent, as long as you can be reasonable and lucid

Thanks again for the input,
Mar 30, 2008 at 11:40 PM Post #105 of 113
As a Canadian who love buying stuff from the another side of the border, I am willing to pay the custom tax.
But the thing that really bothers me is the Brockage COD.

I bought a K701 on ebay and was shipped to Canada via UPS declared value of $279. The custom fee was only $15, but the the COD was $50!!! so it ended up costing me $330 for the 701.

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