Ipod classic - rockbox - its happening.
Feb 24, 2012 at 9:54 AM Post #436 of 3,645
the337 - That is exactly what I did - saw this development and bought a brand new Classic 160g, two weeks ago. All loaded up with flac, databased, album art, a few themes, etc. I've had a very few minor glitches when copying more than ~ 10g of music from my desktop (Ipod would freeze but always came back to life with a re-boot). 
Feb 24, 2012 at 3:54 PM Post #437 of 3,645
excuse my ignorance, but how do you actually get rockbox on your ipod after the dl.....do you just drag and drop the files into the IPOD? sorry, i'm new to rockboxing
Feb 24, 2012 at 6:19 PM Post #439 of 3,645
Glad to see the latest generation working well...was just thinking this morning that mine is getting a tad long in the tooth (purchased in 2007) but was loathe to buy a new one for fear it wouldn't take Rockbox...
I am still running a beta version by Castor, the guy who made the L-R patch and a few other bits and pieces. It seems to be doing great...once he's happy with it he wants us to share it here. Will be sure to get it up as soon as he gives the green light.
Feb 24, 2012 at 11:34 PM Post #440 of 3,645

there's a new build available at: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/26417574/rockbox_builds/rockbox-ipod6g-d8fd988M-120222-with_patches.zip
it includes the most recent rockbox source code (as of now) + some patches that are included in the archive for reference.
please test and comment!

this build is working great on my 2009 160 gb , as i use only flac files i did run 10 hours non stop and the battery still goin strong
fantastic really and a big thanks   to all the people involved.
I use to have rockbox running on a ipod video for a long time and cant remember getting 10 hours runtime with flac files
excuse my ignorance, but how do you actually get rockbox on your ipod after the dl.....do you just drag and drop the files into the IPOD? sorry, i'm new to rockboxing

Is not that dificult really even on the main site is listed as installing should be to a advanced user
take a bit of time there and yes you do only use drag and drop files , no conversation betwen files at all, like itunes or  3th partys 
Feb 25, 2012 at 10:01 AM Post #441 of 3,645
I rockbox-ed my 160g "thin" ipod (LCD type 2) about two weeks ago with the version from spikeh. This latest patched version from user890104  seems to work the best of the last few that were posted. For me, the "frozen screen updates" issue "while playing" is fixed. Key click works. Battery life seems good. Four and a half hours of FLAC and I'm still at about 83%. I've been able to load several of the themes for the Ipod Video and they all work great. Oh, and FLAC sounds great. I love being able to drag and drop folders and files into my iPod.  I'm very happy. Thanks to all who have worked on this project.
Feb 25, 2012 at 4:17 PM Post #442 of 3,645
How do you go about installing the user89 patch?
Any guidance?
I rockbox-ed my 160g "thin" ipod (LCD type 2) about two weeks ago with the version from spikeh. This latest patched version from user890104  seems to work the best of the last few that were posted. For me, the "frozen screen updates" issue "while playing" is fixed. Key click works. Battery life seems good. Four and a half hours of FLAC and I'm still at about 83%. I've been able to load several of the themes for the Ipod Video and they all work great. Oh, and FLAC sounds great. I love being able to drag and drop folders and files into my iPod.  I'm very happy. Thanks to all who have worked on this project.

Feb 25, 2012 at 5:34 PM Post #443 of 3,645

How do you go about installing the user89 patch?
Any guidance?


If you have a previous version of rockbox installed and running, just extract the archive into your ipod's root folder. If not, follow the guide at http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation
About the build I previously posted, it includes patches by Cástor Muñoz and Albert Barca. Here are the exact links of the patches:
Cástor Muñoz:
iPod Classic/6G: swap L-R audio channels (patch v2, it is now accepted)
iPod Classic/6G: holdswitch PMU polling crashes (patch v1, it is a workaround, a better solution should be found)
iPod Classic/6G: cpu freq scaling (patch v2)
iPod Classic/6G: charger detection (patch v1)
IPod Classic/6G: LCD sleep (patch v2, it is now accepted)
iPod Classic/6G: hardware click support (patch v1, it was already accepted when i compiled my build, providing the link for reference)
Albert Barca:
iPod Classic - limit volume to +6db (patch v1)
iPod Classic - battery capacity update (patch v1, it was already accepted when i compiled my build, providing the link for reference)
Thank you everyone for testing!
Feb 27, 2012 at 10:48 AM Post #444 of 3,645
The improvement in run-time is very impressive !!
I'm shuffling FLAC and wavpack tracks for 16-18 hours on a 120GB Classic with displaytype 1 .
But to my ears something happened to the sound, it sounds more 'digital' (harsh) than it used to .
The build without the volume-patch sounded fine ..
Feb 27, 2012 at 10:58 AM Post #445 of 3,645
just a quick question, does it still support apple lossless like original firmware? As most of my music is in apple lossless. I want to install rockbox but i have applecare support plan, and i dont want to breach warranty really.

Also hows the EQ, does it have crossfeed?

Feb 27, 2012 at 11:18 AM Post #447 of 3,645

just a quick question, does it still support apple lossless like original firmware? As most of my music is in apple lossless. I want to install rockbox but i have applecare support plan, and i dont want to breach warranty really.
Also hows the EQ, does it have crossfeed?

Most of my music is also in Apple Lossless. I installed yesterday user89's build and I've been very happy. And yes, it does still support Apple Lossless files 

Feb 27, 2012 at 12:39 PM Post #448 of 3,645
Hey all.
I'm new to this site :)
Back in September 2011, I Rockboxed my 160GB iPod Classic because I, too, had many FLAC files and wanted actual support for FLAC on my iPod.
I had previously used Rockbox for my 5Gen iPod Video and absolutely loved it. Going into Rockbox with the iPod Classic, I knew it was unstable. After a month, I decided to go back to the original firmware because my audio was too choppy and it would freeze after 30 minutes of play. It was also a constant battle for my computer to recognize my iPod -or vice versa.
Now that I have stumbled upon this site, and read that there's a newer version and patches to the iPod, I just want to ask a few questions as to whether I should go back to Rockbox.
1. Does the iPod Freezing still constantly happen or is it less occurring now? This is the most important to me since I usually have my iPod hooked up to speakers and having my iPod freeze after 30 minutes and begin stuttering like a scratched CD is the major reason I stopped using Rockbox.
2. Is Video Playback supported? This is somewhat  important as I usually watch a TV episode of the Office and then go to sleep. I mean, I could watch it on my computer and then fall asleep, but I would prefer laying down and watching it.
3. Last.FM scrobbling. Is it supported now? Not important at all, but would be nice if it worked now.
I don't really care if the themes work or not; I like having simple things.
I'm not expecting perfection or anything like that, but I just want to know more about this newer release. Thanks. :)
Feb 27, 2012 at 1:42 PM Post #450 of 3,645

I do not face any freezing issues now. And no video support yet. Battery run time improved. Stereo channel fixed.

Thank you very much, kind poster.
I'll give it a go again. :)
So in order for me to have the latest and greatest release, I'll have to use the links on the quoted post below me, right?


If you have a previous version of rockbox installed and running, just extract the archive into your ipod's root folder. If not, follow the guide at http://www.freemyipod.org/wiki/EmCORE_Installation
About the build I previously posted, it includes patches by Cástor Muñoz and Albert Barca. Here are the exact links of the patches:
Cástor Muñoz:
iPod Classic/6G: swap L-R audio channels (patch v2, it is now accepted)
iPod Classic/6G: holdswitch PMU polling crashes (patch v1, it is a workaround, a better solution should be found)
iPod Classic/6G: cpu freq scaling (patch v2)
iPod Classic/6G: charger detection (patch v1)
IPod Classic/6G: LCD sleep (patch v2, it is now accepted)
iPod Classic/6G: hardware click support (patch v1, it was already accepted when i compiled my build, providing the link for reference)
Albert Barca:
iPod Classic - limit volume to +6db (patch v1)
iPod Classic - battery capacity update (patch v1, it was already accepted when i compiled my build, providing the link for reference)
Thank you everyone for testing!


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