iPhone is Go Go GO!
Jan 9, 2007 at 9:58 PM Post #61 of 198

Originally Posted by Digitalbath3737 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I couldn't get service in my own house. I've had almost every cell phone service and cingular is the only one that I couldn't get service in my own house with. Not to mention the number of dropped calls I got even when the bars where full. My virgin mobile (runs on sprint lines) phone has much better reception.... especially in my own house. Apple made a bad choice going with cingular. Verizon or sprint would have been a much better choice.

Really? I have perfect service with Cingular, it easily bests all of my friends with Verizon, at least where I live (1 hour outside NYC). And to back up what everyone else has said, this is indeed one of the sexiest phone's ever made. Period. Also, I can see your point in saying that Apple made a bad choice with Cingular, as Verizon and Sprint ultimately have wider service, but the truth is, the general public views those companies as mainly a source of businesses products, and that's definitly not the image Apple wanted to create for the iPhone. Plus, GSM SIM cards that reside in Cingular's phones are much smaller than the built in CDMA service with Verizon and Sprint, so Apple could design a phone that is lighter and thinner than if it were to be built around CDMA. All I can say is, come June, I will have one in my pocket
Jan 9, 2007 at 9:58 PM Post #62 of 198

Originally Posted by MrJoshua /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Touch Screen 3.5mm High Res

3.5mm screen? :O THE 21st CENTURY HAS ARRIVED!!!!
Jan 9, 2007 at 9:59 PM Post #63 of 198

Originally Posted by proglife /img/forum/go_quote.gif
It's a product designed by a company who is in the business of making money.

It's not a gift handed down by god which everyone has a right to...it's a product made to turn a hefty profit. If you don't like the model they've presented, bitch about it on a message board....but don't say "OMG. Why would they choose Cingular!? Cingular sucks!"

I am sure that my business model is not the best but here is a little Apple business decision education. The iPod costs roughly $30 to manufacture, they sell for much more. Selling less in qty at a higher price = selling more qty at a lower price. Apple however is "elitist" and they don't care for innovation for the masses. They care about innovation because it draws a profit. Technology in its definition is supposed to benefit man-kind in some way, it is not supposed to only turn a hefty profit. If apple stuck more to making their products compete in a world market maybe they would have more than 5% market share. Also they always cripple their amazing inventions by going corporate and signing up exclusively with one provider. But hey I am not an MBA, what do I know.
Jan 9, 2007 at 9:59 PM Post #64 of 198

Originally Posted by proglife /img/forum/go_quote.gif
It's a product designed by a company who is in the business of making money.

It's not a gift handed down by god which everyone has a right to...it's a product made to turn a hefty profit. If you don't like the model they've presented, bitch about it on a message board....but don't say "OMG. Why would they choose Cingular!? Cingular sucks!"

Uh, hello? This *is* a "message board" and we're all discussing Apple's new product. Summarily dismissing criticisms of the iPhone by basically saying "if you don't like what they're offering, shut up, because *I* like it" reeks of sanctimony. Everyone here is entitled to their opinion of the product, whether you agree with it or not.
Jan 9, 2007 at 10:05 PM Post #65 of 198

Originally Posted by illy2k /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Apple however is "elitist" and they don't care for innovation for the masses. They care about innovation because it draws a profit.


so, you don't think that the guys that designed the iPhone were people like you and I who thought "man, wouldn't it be cool if it did this?!" Of course they care about innovation.

Now, would they produce innovative products if it weren't profitable? Of course not...no major corporation would.


Originally Posted by illy2k /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Also they always cripple their amazing inventions by going corporate and signing up exclusively with one provider.

Surely you don't think they chose to be exclusive to one provider just because they were playing favorites? These big telecom companies are HUGE and in any major business deal such as this, there are a lot of trade-offs and negotiations that have to happen. Cingular, for some reason or another, appeared to be the best option for their model.

They would LOVE to be able to sell a phone to everyone on every network!
Jan 9, 2007 at 10:07 PM Post #66 of 198

Originally Posted by dpippel /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Uh, hello? This *is* a "message board" and we're all discussing Apple's new product. Summarily dismissing criticisms of the iPhone by basically saying "if you don't like what they're offering, shut up, because *I* like it" reeks of sanctimony. Everyone here is entitled to their opinion of the product, whether you agree with it or not.


I'm not dismissing criticisms. It's a message board and when someone states an opinion based on an emotional reaction, I will respond.....because it is a message board, right?
Jan 9, 2007 at 10:09 PM Post #68 of 198

Originally Posted by proglife /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'm not dismissing criticisms. It's a message board and when someone states an opinion based on an emotional reaction, I will respond.....because it is a message board, right?

I was merely trying to point out that your post came across as snobby and elitist. Let's be friends.
Jan 9, 2007 at 10:10 PM Post #69 of 198

Originally Posted by fraseyboy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Well I'm just excited about the 3.5mm screen! Thats like, as big as my fingernail. WOW!!!

That's actually BIGGER than my fingernail!!! Can I play Ghost Recon on the iPhone?
Jan 9, 2007 at 10:10 PM Post #71 of 198

Originally Posted by M0T0XGUY /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Really? I have perfect service with Cingular, it easily bests all of my friends with Verizon, at least where I live (1 hour outside NYC). And to back up what everyone else has said, this is indeed one of the sexiest phone's ever made. Period. Also, I can see your point in saying that Apple made a bad choice with Cingular, as Verizon and Sprint ultimately have wider service, but the truth is, the general public views those companies as mainly a source of businesses products, and that's definitly not the image Apple wanted to create for the iPhone. Plus, GSM SIM cards that reside in Cingular's phones are much smaller than the built in CDMA service with Verizon and Sprint, so Apple could design a phone that is lighter and thinner than if it were to be built around CDMA. All I can say is, come June, I will have one in my pocket

I have to agree. In NYC, Cingular is pretty good, at least for me. I'd say it's 2nd best with Verizon slightly better on an average day. But when the lines get busy, I find Verizon gets more busy tones than Cingular.

I don't find this phone innovative at all. It offers the same functionality as alot of other phones, it just does it a bit different (maybe better). And for those of you who are saying that the iPhone will own because of it's "refined interface", you're passing judgement too quickly. We won't know until someone gets their hands on it. For me, I feel when one device offers too much functionality, it's interface often goes down the drain.
Jan 9, 2007 at 10:14 PM Post #72 of 198

Originally Posted by laxx /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I don't find this phone innovative at all. It offers the same functionality as alot of other phones, it just does it a bit different (maybe better). And for those of you who are saying that the iPhone will own because of it's "refined interface", you're passing judgement too quickly. We won't know until someone gets their hands on it. For me, I feel when one device offers too much functionality, it's interface often goes down the drain.

I think that Apple will probably deliver on the interface, but I still have serious doubts about the screen. Unless it's made of diamond, that sucker is gonna look like crap after a couple of months knocking around in a pocket or a purse.
Jan 9, 2007 at 10:18 PM Post #73 of 198
Oh dear God

After all the initial hype, Im begining to see that it features are still abit average. If you want revolutionary wait for the N95.

Electric Mofo , you know your phones
Got the n73 right now! The n95 looks amazing, the iphone will be easier to use though- better for the general public.
Jan 9, 2007 at 10:36 PM Post #74 of 198

Originally Posted by proglife /img/forum/go_quote.gif
average compared to what?

the iPod's features are "average"....perhaps less than average, but it's the refined interface that makes them so popular (and that's what makes or breaks small, high-tech devices....elegant interface).

Were talking about the iphone not the ipod and the phones average compared to almost all newly released smartphones. Nobody's even used the phone yet and already people are hailing it the most easy to use. How can anything with no 3G and a crummy 2MPX be considered 5 years ahead of its time. Honestly! I just watched the presentation on cnet and I can see why people think steve Jobs is a ****. All things aside the guy is a master at selling the same thing with a differant name.
Jan 9, 2007 at 10:38 PM Post #75 of 198

Originally Posted by Ihatepopupads /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Oh dear God

After all the initial hype, Im begining to see that it features are still abit average. If you want revolutionary wait for the N95.

Electric Mofo , you know your phones
Got the n73 right now! The n95 looks amazing, the iphone will be easier to use though- better for the general public.

Yes probably but 30% of the worlds population have used a Nokia and its OS is already well known, even to average consumers.

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