Introducing the Audeze LCD-R!
Jul 22, 2021 at 8:01 AM Post #286 of 1,648
With the release of this ribbon headphone and Audeze hinting that they are working on something "even more radical" I'm curious as to the possibility of Audeze releasing a headphone with AMT driver technology.
Say what now?
Jul 22, 2021 at 8:17 AM Post #287 of 1,648
Say what now?
Audeze said that they'll release something "even more radical" than thr LCD-R later this year.

Stay tuned 2021 is a year of amazing releases
Jul 22, 2021 at 11:41 AM Post #289 of 1,648
Jul 22, 2021 at 11:41 AM Post #290 of 1,648
Just heard back from Audeze that they hope to get the remainder of the units out by the end of the week. (It's easy to forget that they don't just sell to us fanatics and have other orders to fulfill.)

Thanks to everyone posting pictures and impressions so far! I had also ordered the new XC before this dropped, so I'll be comparing the two once the R comes in. XC is already here.
Jul 22, 2021 at 11:42 AM Post #291 of 1,648
Also, another grill pic

Jul 22, 2021 at 11:45 AM Post #292 of 1,648
Jul 22, 2021 at 11:46 AM Post #293 of 1,648
Just heard back from Audeze that they hope to get the remainder of the units out by the end of the week. (It's easy to forget that they don't just sell to us fanatics and have other orders to fulfill.)

Thanks to everyone posting pictures and impressions so far! I had also ordered the new XC before this dropped, so I'll be comparing the two once the R comes in. XC is already here.
As someone who recently visited Audeze a few weeks ago (I work remotely), I'll tell you, it's a close knit, tight group, and everyone is hella busy. People wearing multiple hats, as they say. :smile:
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Jul 22, 2021 at 12:48 PM Post #294 of 1,648
As someone who recently visited Audeze a few weeks ago (I work remotely), I'll tell you, it's a close knit, tight group, and everyone is hella busy. People wearing multiple hats, as they say. :smile:

Since the LCD-R is a small production run, it makes sense that they'd finish and ship them in batches. It's probably better on the team to dedicate a few production stations to building them rather than the whole floor. Then like MLE mentioned they can swap hats once those are complete and switch the station back to producing one of their other models.
Jul 22, 2021 at 1:05 PM Post #295 of 1,648
This headphone looks sooo good, IMO the best looking in their lineup by far. Pity they only made 67 :frowning2:.

I've had utopia, and currently have empy and diana v2 as well. These are the first cans I've ever felt deserve a stand. Now I just need to figure out which one to get
Jul 22, 2021 at 1:13 PM Post #296 of 1,648
The Omega stands suit the LCD earpads nicely IMO (EDIT: Not a good stand for LCD pads). The AudioQuest stand looked real nice, but it is not available anymore.

Have you heard the HE-1 by any chance? That is the last headphone that I heard that I felt the same way about. The Susvara didn't impress me. The SR007 has too many compromises for my music catalog to be worthy of a one-and-only. Empy was a let down and the Abyss is a wearing nightmare.
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Jul 22, 2021 at 1:45 PM Post #297 of 1,648
The Omega stands suit the LCD earpads nicely IMO. Have you heard the HE-1 by any chance? That is the last headphone that I heard that I felt the same way about. The Susvara didn't impress me. The SR007 has too many compromises for my music catalog to be worthy of a one-and-only. Empy was a let down and the Abyss is a wearing nightmare.

Audezr recommends not compressing the pads on a stand so I'm probabaly aiming for one atht can avoid that. I'm thinking maybe gooseneck if they are in stock? But not sure yet
Jul 22, 2021 at 1:53 PM Post #298 of 1,648
Audezr recommends not compressing the pads on a stand so I'm probabaly aiming for one atht can avoid that. I'm thinking maybe gooseneck if they are in stock? But not sure yet
To me the Woo Audio or SilverStone (Woo Audio knock off?) are the best for Audeze pads. I have both.

Edit: also the contour of the part where the headphones actually hang matches up nice and smooth. This way you you don’t get any creasing or headband bowing/bending from the (considerable) weight of the LCD headphones.

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Jul 22, 2021 at 2:00 PM Post #299 of 1,648
Audezr recommends not compressing the pads on a stand so I'm probabaly aiming for one atht can avoid that. I'm thinking maybe gooseneck if they are in stock? But not sure yet
I don't like compressing my pads when the headphone is not in use either. You can grab something like this or similar.

Jul 22, 2021 at 2:15 PM Post #300 of 1,648
I guess I have been doing it wrong for 5 years since I use an Omega stand. But I also use Dekoni Elite Hybrid pads. Maybe that is why I don't see in compression effects. I have not seen any chatter about the effect on SQ by the new pads on older models.

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