Joe Bloggs
Sponsor: HiByMember of the Trade: EFO Technologies Co, YanYin TechnologyHis Porta Corda walked the Green Mile
6 hours extended listening follow-up with Indigo + RS8's new Dynamic plugin in HiBy Pro Music app:
Dynamic plugin has brought out the best of Indigo's bass and BCD with unexpected fun dynamic bass tuning.
With the default settings, Indigo's mid-bass now has some thunderous punch and texture. I would have never associated PRaT with Indigo but Dynamics adds quite an addictive dose of it. Soundstage reduces slightly in width but still very holographic, layered and deep. I hear a slightly fuller lower mid. There's still good clarity in upper mid with smooth treble. If UM came out with a FiR XE6-like IEM, it could sound like this. Overall quite fun and addictive listening. Hopefully they'll bring this plugin to system-wide level.
Update: Did a comparative listening with Dynamics plugin and UM MEST Mk2. Was able to note the differences between the two MESTs – Indigo and Mk2 – where Indigo has more rumble and impact, more body to lower mids with warmer tonality.
Dynamics showcases Indigo's PRatT with Zero's 7 "400 Blows and "Crush Tape" opening bass – deep, fast, with textural reverb.
Thank you, like a new DAP!
The plugin is really cool, with Focal Stellia, Focal Clear, Zmf Verite Closed. I'll try it with something else, but it's a very useful plugin. Bravo Hiby.
it works perfectlyIt enhances dynamics (punch, snap, PRaT etc.)
So now I can have [dynamic bass and treble] personally adjusted, without any of the bloat (in bass), or any agressiveness (posing as brightness) in trebles.
So now this is a game changer.
This is just an amazing feature!
the effect is just stunning.
Now available as systemwide audio plugin on most HiBy R Android players (audio settings->plugins->DRX10K)
For use with almost any music app, streaming or local.
Combining quality and innovation in audio processing rarely seen even in professional studio audio plugins and easy-as-pie intuitive operation HiBy devices and software are known for, the DRX10K is an all new dynamics adjustment plugin designed to give professional results in the hands of any consumer.
Looking just like your average bass / mids / treble tone control, this is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Instead of adjusting bass, treble etc. in quantity, you will be adjusting their dynamic content, impact and punchiness directly.
PRaT (Pace, rhythm and Timing) is no longer something to hope for and chase after with shots in the dark of source / amp / headphone pairings, but something available at the flick of a slider (usually some boosts of bass and treble dynamics in combo. Mids should usually be adjusted only in moderation.)
Possible use cases:
- Increase bass and treble dynamics (e.g. as per defaults) to increase punchiness of bass and overall impact without coloration of regular passages.
- Decrease bass in EQ (or e.g. Note Thickness in MSEB) and increase bass dynamics in DRX10K to replace muddy bass with punchy bass of same quantity.
- Increase treble in EQ (or e.g. sibilance / air in MSEB) and decrease treble dynamics (to slight negative values) in DRX10K to replace sibilant / spiky treble with similar amounts of sparkly treble with sharp sudden peaks (such as sibilance) decreased.
- Actually your imagination's the limit! Try it and see!
This plugin plus PEQ could be a gamechanger. HiBy needs to pay you more @Joe Bloggs ! Now we wait until it's system wide and I'll be singing its praises from the rooftops.
@gLer now it is
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