Introducing Head-Fi Classifieds!
Oct 10, 2023 at 4:58 AM Post #436 of 454
Hi. Can't contact anyone in the classfeald Have 16 post, 31 days and 2Fa enbled
Pretty sure going by the join-date I'm seeing for you, based on the server time you're on the 30th day now, rather than 31, so it might start working for you tomorrow if "over thirty days" actually means it needs to be day 31.
Nov 7, 2023 at 2:26 PM Post #438 of 454
Been a member for quite some time now. Have had luck with posting ads for sale but now am faced with being unable to post new sales to the site. I have 2FA enabled, I have tried re-setting that and rejoining 2FA. Re-started and Logged back in, waited a few days for initialisation, rebooted but all to no avail.
Could you advise where I may be going wrong?
Many thanks.
Nov 8, 2023 at 9:22 AM Post #439 of 454
Been a member for quite some time now. Have had luck with posting ads for sale but now am faced with being unable to post new sales to the site. I have 2FA enabled, I have tried re-setting that and rejoining 2FA. Re-started and Logged back in, waited a few days for initialisation, rebooted but all to no avail.
Could you advise where I may be going wrong?
Many thanks.
It can take up to an hour after enabling 2FA for Head-Fi Classifieds to fully unlock. Looking at the time of your post you didn't wait the full hour before checking, but you should be good now.
Nov 8, 2023 at 9:51 AM Post #440 of 454
It can take up to an hour after enabling 2FA for Head-Fi Classifieds to fully unlock. Looking at the time of your post you didn't wait the full hour before checking, but you should be good now.
Thank you for a quick response AxelCloris. Unfortunately, the Listing button remains elusive. I have logged out and back in again. Still no way of listing items for sale BUT I can edit my existing listings.....
Nov 8, 2023 at 10:43 AM Post #442 of 454
Ah… OK … that explains it. Thank you very much for your assistance.
Mar 30, 2024 at 8:08 PM Post #445 of 454
To quote the Head-Fi Classifieds FAQ and Walkthrough found at the top of the Classifieds area:
Are there any requirements to post a classified?

Anyone wishing to post a classified must be a member of Head-Fi for more than thirty (30) days, have over fifteen (15) posts, and have two-factor authentication (2FA) enabled on their profile. Any Head-Fi'er who has not yet met all of these requirements will not be able to create a new classified.

Please note: Head-Fi Classifieds are reserved for Head-Fi'ers actively taking part in discussion threads. Rapidly posting to meet the 15 count or posting nonsense/low effort posts to reach the post threshold is not allowed, and will be treated as forum spam. If it is found that a Head-Fi’er reached the requirement by making such posts, those posts may be removed and access to Head-Fi Classifieds may be revoked indefinitely.

Note that once you meet the requirements, it may take up to an hour for the system to update your permissions and allow you access to create a classified.
Apr 17, 2024 at 3:31 PM Post #446 of 454
thanx for the very helpful/thorough 2fa step by step pics

i just enabled my 2fa , as i need to get/buy some stuff here

keep up the good work people
Jun 21, 2024 at 2:40 PM Post #448 of 454
I've been a long time member with 2FA enabled on my account for at least a year but can't post classified ads. Is there some setting I'm missing?
Jun 29, 2024 at 11:12 PM Post #449 of 454
I'm trying to use the 'Free to a good home' feature but the system does not allow me to put in 0.00 for the price...

Nevermind, it worked. I had to actually fill in the negotiability field, even for a free item. I guess I'll take best offer on a zero cost item? LOL
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Jul 25, 2024 at 1:11 PM Post #450 of 454
Would a mod please check my status as I’ve sold and purchased off here many times and also have 2FA active…
However I am unable to reply to for sale posts or actively list a sale?
I have emailed the moderators but not heard back…
Is there anything people may see on my profile I am missing?

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