IMR Audio : Sonic Adventures & Impressions

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Aug 11, 2021 at 9:49 AM Post #3,646 of 19,469
Beautiful and stealthy black.
OOTB with black/black filters there is clearly more bass offered that with the Astra - Which i suspected (and am glad to see) would be the case as these are Bob's main IEM's
Sound exceptional but needs the 'ol burn in :)
The only tiny let down is that they use the same shell as the Astra - I was hoping for a slightly slimmer shell as these will be my 'out 'n' about / holiday IEM's but no biggy



You’re killing me, I’m literally dying for these.

Astra shell? Not the Aten shell?
Aug 11, 2021 at 10:19 AM Post #3,647 of 19,469
Hope do they compare detail wise? They are clearly more detailed than the Elysium to my ears, so interested to know how they stack up vs the Astra?

As a bass fan, I find Bob's middle filter pairing suggested in the booklet (;gunmetal and blue) is perfect for my preferences on the Elan - still plenty of low end, but lots of room for the detailing.
Alreet me babee (Bristol Joke - Used to live there!)
Anyway, only had 5 mins out of the box - will have more time after work on Friday but the details are certainly similar - Where as the Elan does not have the Estat drivers of the Astra but has the CNT as well as the ADLC - I would expect perhaps a tad cleaner, slightly more analytical sounding?
The estats are famed for their true to life presentation of vocals so will be interesting to see how the CNT/ADLC driver compares to them
Also will be using the Elan on a different player + 3.5 unbalanced
I tend to err towards a detailed but warmer sound with a natural tonality of drums so in the past pink and gold seems to have worked for me but these are newer drivers so hard to say.
This tuning is another unique one form Bob that I am new too so as always really looking forward to hearing them once fully formed. but I do very much like he level of low end with the black. I dont think I would want any more bass but maybe not so much less either so...
Will post impressions as we move on :D
Aug 11, 2021 at 10:34 AM Post #3,648 of 19,469
You’re killing me, I’m literally dying for these.

Astra shell? Not the Aten shell?

I'll be your test pilot :)
Actually `i was wrong...
Kinda looks like a hybrid of the two ? -- Astra is the shiny one
PS (In horror...reaches for the nail scissors!)

wl btm 3.jpg

wl btm 2.jpg

wl btm 3.jpg
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Aug 11, 2021 at 11:38 AM Post #3,649 of 19,469
I'll be your test pilot :)
Actually `i was wrong...
Kinda looks like a hybrid of the two ? -- Astra is the shiny one
PS (In horror...reaches for the nail scissors!)

wl btm 3.jpg
wl btm 2.jpg

wl btm 3.jpg

It almost looks like a super sized Aten and Red and Black is perfect.

Lol that is why we slide and glide the scissors to make it neat.
Aug 11, 2021 at 11:57 AM Post #3,650 of 19,469
Lol that is why we slide and glide the scissors to make it neat.
Yes but we is Man - we goes out, clubs animals on head and drags it back for cave lady
we does not think of such fancies as sliding and gliding :D (more to the eyes are going)
Aug 11, 2021 at 8:02 PM Post #3,652 of 19,469
@jon parker It's only 9 minutes from 1999 arguably the best year for Trance (that is 22 years old and still sounds fresh today), my kinda doof doof but includes real instruments and vocals of Shiva herself, the secrets of the universe awaits you.

Here is the official music video edit and 3 minutes.

Here is the original which the above was remixed from (this is from 1993 which unbelievably sounds even fresher today than the above and it is 28 years old)

This is from 1999 as well and the vocals have that ethereal cosmic choir like sound. It is other worldly.
Embracing the goddess energy within yourselves
Will bring all of you to a new understanding and valuing of life
A vision that inspires you to live and love on planet earth
Like a priceless jewel
Buried in dark layers of soil and stone
Earth radiates her brilliant beauty
Into the caverns of space and time
Perhaps you are aware of those who watch over your home
And experience it as a place to visit and play with reality
You are becoming aware of yourself as a gamemaster

Imagine earth restored to her regal beauty
Stately trees seem to brush the deep blue sky
Clouds billow to form majestic peaks
The songs of birds fill the air
Creating symphony upon symphony
The goddess is calling for an honouring
Of what she allows to be created
Through the core-mystery of the blood
Those who own her planet are learning about love

This is the track which started me with the Trance Journey, jeez 1995.

Awesome Trance track
My fingers burn in the breakdown
This part of everything behind me
I fade into off the headlights
Crushing every feeling that's in me
These walls you've built never come down
One's a crowded number when you're one
Lights flicker still in your eyes
All across the ground I own
You hear things that you can't see
Echoes on and off
Thoughts spinning out of me
What's your impulse for me?
Time never leaves until it's over
Shadow falling never stay
Deep treble lights that they cover
Softly slipping down my face
You hear things that you can't see
Echoes on and off
Thoughts spinning out of me
What's your impulse for me?
I'm walking on fire
I'm walking on fire.
Time's never still in my mind
Stay where I belong in your fumes
I'm pushing back deeper lies
Still wait, open to you
You hear things that you can't see
Echoes on and off
Thoughts spinning out of me
What's your impulse for me?
I'm walking on fire.
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Aug 12, 2021 at 12:38 AM Post #3,654 of 19,469
@jon parker It's only 9 minutes from 1999 arguably the best year for Trance (that is 22 years old and still sounds fresh today), my kinda doof doof but includes real instruments and vocals of Shiva herself, the secrets of the universe awaits you.

Here is the official music video edit and 3 minutes.

Here is the original which the above was remixed from (this is from 1993 which unbelievably sounds even fresher today than the above and it is 28 years old)

This is from 1999 as well and the vocals have that ethereal cosmic choir like sound. It is other worldly.
Embracing the goddess energy within yourselves
Will bring all of you to a new understanding and valuing of life
A vision that inspires you to live and love on planet earth
Like a priceless jewel
Buried in dark layers of soil and stone
Earth radiates her brilliant beauty
Into the caverns of space and time
Perhaps you are aware of those who watch over your home
And experience it as a place to visit and play with reality
You are becoming aware of yourself as a gamemaster

Imagine earth restored to her regal beauty
Stately trees seem to brush the deep blue sky
Clouds billow to form majestic peaks
The songs of birds fill the air
Creating symphony upon symphony
The goddess is calling for an honouring
Of what she allows to be created
Through the core-mystery of the blood
Those who own her planet are learning about love

This is the track which started me with the Trance Journey, jeez 1995.

Awesome Trance track
My fingers burn in the breakdown
This part of everything behind me
I fade into off the headlights
Crushing every feeling that's in me
These walls you've built never come down
One's a crowded number when you're one
Lights flicker still in your eyes
All across the ground I own
You hear things that you can't see
Echoes on and off
Thoughts spinning out of me
What's your impulse for me?
Time never leaves until it's over
Shadow falling never stay
Deep treble lights that they cover
Softly slipping down my face
You hear things that you can't see
Echoes on and off
Thoughts spinning out of me
What's your impulse for me?
I'm walking on fire
I'm walking on fire.
Time's never still in my mind
Stay where I belong in your fumes
I'm pushing back deeper lies
Still wait, open to you
You hear things that you can't see
Echoes on and off
Thoughts spinning out of me
What's your impulse for me?
I'm walking on fire.

The Miss Shiva version is amazing. I've never heard it before!
Aug 13, 2021 at 9:51 AM Post #3,655 of 19,469
Thanks mate. That gives me a rough idea. How do the soundstage dimensions compare imaging improved on Astras?
To answer your original q I find tone on the Astra to be superb. I always test with Cornflake Girl as I shared an office for years with a guy who wrote music for ads and had a Bosendorfer piano in there. If anything sounds off across the range I'll hear it there. Also let my sister have a listen to her own stuff and she thought her voice sounded more natural on the Astra than Mest2.

Imaging is on different level totally. I thought Astra had better nano details and imaging than Mest2 so way nwtter than the Rah. Soundstage is as big as it needs to be but not too much. The room is there to be filled if needed. It feels bigger than the Semper here but I think it is due to more details.
Astra has the most pronounced bone conduction effect over the Mest2 or Elysium.
Aug 13, 2021 at 10:19 AM Post #3,656 of 19,469
Beautiful and stealthy black.
OOTB with black/black filters there is clearly more bass offered that with the Astra - Which i suspected (and am glad to see) would be the case as these are Bob's main IEM's
Sound exceptional but needs the 'ol burn in :)
The only tiny let down is that they use the same shell as the Astra - I was hoping for a slightly slimmer shell as these will be my 'out 'n' about / holiday IEM's but no biggy


Very nice. I look forward to how they compare to Astra. Also intrigued what burn in does a CNT need? Peaks & troughs like Aten & planar or continually improving until it reaches its zenith like the estats.

DX300Max is in the house and the Astra sounds epic out of it. The expansive depth and width of the Max combined with the Astra & it's bone conduction is crazy. It scales up very well. I have loads of work to do today but find myself sitting there too absorbed in the music to think about it.
Aug 13, 2021 at 2:39 PM Post #3,657 of 19,469
Here we are at roughly 300 hours with the Astras and decided to do some cable rolling. The IMR Copper is a really nice cable but have found there are just some frequencies those electrostats dont like. I swapped over to a Xin Graphene and instantly notices a bit of depth and detail extension to the lower end while retaining the clarity in the treble. But my test track for the Estats has been Queen: Death On Two Legs In the opening minutes theres that screaming lead guitar that comes out ripping through the track like a laser beam. With the copper cable it's excruciating, with graphene it simply hurts like hell. Honestly it feels like razor wire ripping through my ear drums. I stuck my RAHS with a Pure Silver Cable and played the same track and its simply pure joy; all the detail none of the glass shattering upper register. I've had the same experince over the last couple of weeks specifically with some rock, Ska and metal. These Astras LOVE well recorded music. Jazz, Classical, Rock, Pop Rock but when lead guitars start ripping and tearing, that's exactly what transfers to my ears.

I spent the morning listening to Jazz with Astra and they are lovely, open, airy, crystal clear with beautiful mids and deep defined bass, but man, there are just some frequencies that these electrostatics will never get along with. It's been a nice little affair with Astra but I love my RAH and I'm coming home to her, if she'll still have me. I'm saying goodbye to Astra to build my war chest for whatever Bob comes up with next. If you're looking for a special IEM to use with specific genres, they're awesome but they're not for me and my curiosity about electrostats has now been fully satisfied. If Bob cant get it right, no one can.
Aug 13, 2021 at 3:00 PM Post #3,658 of 19,469
@holsen - As I mentioned Im using a filter that Bob made for me a while back for the EDP
Using it with the Astra's and they are perfect with everything - Obviously my set up effects the sound but I would very much recommend at least discussing this with Bob - I actually got a bit annoyed at one point of Burn in with the Astra's as none of the filters seemed 100% capable of suiting the Astra yet with this specific filter it just sounds perfect

Im also 50 hours in with the Elan and they are just sublime - no weirdness as yet during burn in. They have the detail of teh Astra but the low end richness of the Opus Mia - Just stunning

PS: Also, i found a marked increase & improvement in the low end over the 500 hour mark with the Astra's !!
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Aug 13, 2021 at 3:01 PM Post #3,659 of 19,469
„ If Bob cant get it right, no one can.“…….. What?
Ok, you love IMR. I get it, but there is still STAX.
Don‘t have this problems with my SR-003. Others can their jobb too.

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