IMR Acoustics Event Horizon
Oct 9, 2023 at 4:48 AM Post #396 of 440
Has anyone here not gotten a refund? Do you really think that you’re going to receive the final product?
I am 99.999% sure that EH will not be delivered. And there are slim chances of getting Na-Le and Zion as advertised soon. I think Bob is using the current AMT orders( which he silently marked in his website that pre-order can't be cancelled) fund to build Na-Le and Zion somewhere in China. Hopefully, a few of us will be able to see Na-Le and Zion anytime before the end of this year.
In a nutshell, he is in a big soup this time and if he fails to deliver or fails to refund, then I believe his audio journey is over.
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Oct 9, 2023 at 6:31 AM Post #397 of 440
In the absence of the Zion, this is as close as you can get from Bob's push-pull drivers.

Listening them now...
Oct 10, 2023 at 9:47 AM Post #399 of 440
Like many others on here, I ordered the EH in 2021. Received various updates about build issues causing delays, then received an email with a 'Royal Mail Tracking number' in August this year ("wow" I thought, I'm finally gonna get these after waiting 20 months for them), but with an email saying delivery would be in about 4 weeks ("eh?" I thought, "why would it take that long for Royal Mail to deliver somwthing 150 miles?"). Then I checked the 'tracking number' the Royal Mail website which told me they hadn't received the item yet. Another 4 weeks on and still no change in that status, so I emailed Bob again, who told me that unfortunately Royal Mail had 'lost' my headphones and those destined for 'a few other' customers.

Then I read this thread and realised what was going on - this order was never going to be fulfilled, either because no EHs exist because they were too difficult to build, or because they cost more to build than the initial sale price with the loyalty discount, so IMR doesn't want to fulfill those orders at the discounted price. When the penny finally dropped I emailed Bob requesting a refund (and fearing IMR might be going bust) and then he asked me to wait a week while he 'checked with Royal Mail whether they'd lost my order', but I finally received my refund this week.

So to all those still hopefully waiting for their EHs, I don't think you'll ever receive them, and would advise you to request a refund while IMR is still able to cash flow refunds.

It's a real shame, because I've bought 3 IMR iems previously and really liked then, which is why I was keen to see how their full-size headphones would sound. But after they had >£500 of my money for nearly 2 years and (IMHO) spun a yarn about them being 'on their way', I won't ever buy anything from them again, it's just too risky and stressful. It's a good example of how to destroy customer loyalty and sabotage your own business by making bad decisions and then compounding that by not being honest about them.
Oct 10, 2023 at 5:31 PM Post #400 of 440
RM cannot have "lost" your headphones if they never gave them to you lmao. What a joke of a response.
Oct 10, 2023 at 8:30 PM Post #401 of 440
I requested my refund and received a prompt response from Bob to get the process started. I’ll report back when it’s done.

I don’t know how many pre-orders there were but I imagine that the interest came up to a tidy sum. I can’t envision IMR surviving for much longer. Something is definitely wrong there.

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